Why Sometimes Dental Implants Fail?

Dental implants are one of the most effective treatments for damaged and loose teeth. However, dental implants fail sometimes. They can get loose, infected, or fail to become fused to the bone.

  • Use of Substandard Fixtures
  • Insufficient Information about the Patient’s Medical History
  • Use of Improper Techniques

Read more… http://bit.ly/OCDIwsdif

Why sometimes dental_implants fail.jpg

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  • A great share Dr. Frandopol.

    Even recently I founded many of the experienced dentists in failing with the perfect implants, this is might be due to a wrong diagnosis. We as a doctor need to diagnose our patients properly especially in any of the procedure of cosmetic dentistry.  

    Many upcoming dentists in Des Moines are practicing with the proper diagnosis as they are very much aware of the failure reasons.

    I will glad to hear from you again. 

    Thank you

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