Dr. Eric Linden's Posts (2)

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Update from Dr. Eric Linden


Laser Periodontal Surgery Practice:

We currently have several documented 5 and 6 year post operative LANAP ( Laser Assisted New Attachment Procedure) cases showing radiographic "regenerative" changes. These cases are in the moderate to advanced periodontal disease categories. Our Laser Periodontal surgery patients are exhibiting excellent tissue responses in addition to improved radiographic bone levels. For obvious reasons, we will not be block sectioning to show further histology. But we would expect the histological findings to be similar to Dr. Ray Yukna's findings in 2007 in the International Journal of Periodontics and Restorative Dentistry. The type of attachment has been shown to be a "cementum mediated attachment in the absence of long junctional epithelium".

Our additional observations include rapid healing following the LANAP procedure compared to our"conventional" flap surgeries. Also, in our practice, the laser periodontal surgical procedure is considerably less traumatic and less painful in terms of the post operative experience than "traditional surgery" with sutures and periodontal packing.

We have been treating patients on blood thinners such as Coumadin and Plavix without any bleeding issues. There is no need to change the medication regimens of these patients which could adversely affect their medical risks.

In addition, we have been treating a large number of patients with the LANAP protocol before prosthetic replacements such as hips, knees, artificial joints and heart valves. We have also documented a number of patients having the Laser surgery before bone marrow transplants and chemotherapy. This laser surgical approach is much more desirable in both our healthy and medically compromised patients across our patient population in our practice.

We welcome any comments or questions and would happy to post cases as requested.


Dr. Eric T Linden
595 Chestnut Ridge Road
Woodcliff Lake, NJ 07677


170 West End Ave !L

New York, New York 10023

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