Dr. Krinita Motwani's Posts (126)

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Root Canal Treatment

“Preserve your natural teeth…...Root canals are really not as terrifying as you may have heard…..”


If you were recently informed that you need a root canal, chances are the minute you left your dental office, you immediately began scouring the internet for information on this well known – but highly misunderstood – dental service. The internet can be a great place to gather helpful information, but it is also plagued by unreliable sources and dangerously inaccurate information.

The following are the common myths and misinformation about root canals and tooth pain that are prevalent online. While finding out you are in need of a root canal can be frightening, the more you know about this tooth saving procedure and what it can do for your tooth ache and oral health, the calmer and more confident you will feel when you return to the dentist’s chair.

  • You only need a root canal if you are experiencing tooth pain
  • Root canal treatment is painful
  • Root canals cause illness
  • The benefits of root canal therapy are temporary
  • Tooth extraction (pulling the tooth) is a good alternative to root canals


  1. What is a root canal?

The central chamber of a tooth contains the living vital tissues comprising the pulp including its nerves and blood vessels. The interior of the tooth’s roots containing the pulp make up its root canals.


  1. How do I know if a tooth has a root canal infection?

Symptoms of root canal infection may include sharp, intense pain when you bite down, a dull ache or pressure, or tenderness and swelling in gums near an infected tooth. There may be a lingering pain after eating cold or hot foods. However, sometimes an infected tooth may stop hurting and you no longer feel pain. This doesn’t mean the infection has gone, only that the nerve may have died. Make an appointment if you suspect that you have any or some of these symptoms.


  1. Why would a tooth need root canal treatment?

If the tissues in the root canals become infected or inflamed because of deep cavity or trauma to a tooth, root canal treatment is needed to treat the infection and save the tooth. If left untreated, root canal infection can spread into the bone immediately around the root.


  1. I’m worried about X -rays, should I be?

No. While X -rays will be necessary during your root canal treatment, we use an advanced non- firm computerized system called digital radiography that produces radiation levels up to 90% lower than those of already low dose conventional dental X- ray machinery.


  1. What takes place in a root canal procedure?

After a local anesthetic is administered to numb the tooth and surrounding area, a small opening is made in the biting surface of the tooth. Dead and or dying tissue is removed from the pulp chamber and the root canals are cleaned, disinfected and sealed to prevent future infection.


  1. What can I expect afterwards?

Your tooth may feel tender or sensitive for a few days. You can take over- the- counter non -steroidal anti -inflammatory medication, Aspirin or Ibuprofen, for example, to relieve pain or discomfort. Contact us if you have pain that lasts more than a few days. A crown is usually needed to protect the tooth following root canal treatment. Further, arrangements need to be made for the stage of the procedure. Don’t chew on the affected tooth until symptoms subside and the tooth has been restored as necessary.


  1. Would extraction be a better alternative?

Saving your natural teeth, if possible, is the very best option. Nothing can completely replace your natural tooth. An artificial tooth can sometimes cause you to avoid certain foods, keeping your own teeth is important so that you can continue to enjoy the wide variety of foods necessary to maintain the proper nutrient balance in your diet. If your dentist recommends extraction, ask whether root canal treatment is an option.

  Root canal treatment along with appropriate restoration is a cost effective way to treat teeth with a damaged pulp and is usually less expensive than extraction and placement of a bridge or an implant. Root canal treatment also has a very high success rate. Many root canal treated teeth last a lifetime. Placement of a bridge or an implant will require significantly more time in treatment and may result in further procedures to adjacent teeth and supporting tissues.


Dr. Krinita Motwani

Khar west, Mumbai.

Mbl : 9819002288 / 9820280343

Email : drkrinitamotwani@gmail.com

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Teeth Whitening

 “Add white to your wardrobe with our teeth whitening”

  May be you have always wanted a beautiful smile or your teeth have yellowed over time or you are not happy with the staining that results from drinking coffee, tea or cola. Whatever your reason for wanting whiter teeth, you are not alone. Just like we all have different hair and skin colour, people also have different tooth colour. Some teeth are more yellow than others, while others yellow with aging. Your natural tooth colour can also be affected by many factors. Brushing and flossing are everyday ways to keep your teeth bright, white and healthy.

  1. Why did my teeth change colour?

Over time, your teeth can go from white to not so bright for a number of reasons:-

  • Loss of enamel with age
  • Certain food and drinks like cola, coffee, tea, red wine
  • Dental plaque / calculus / tartar
  • Tobacco / smoking / betel chewing
  • Tooth decay
  • Trauma / injury to tooth


  1. What is tooth whitening?

Tooth whitening is one of the most popular cosmetic dental procedures. A non invasive method of lightening dark or discoloured teeth.


  1. How does teeth whitening work?

Whitening is actually a pretty simple process. Whitening products contain one of the two bleaches (hydrogen peroxide or carbamide peroxide). These bleaches break stains into smaller pieces which makes the colour less concentrated and your teeth brighter.


  1. What are my whitening options?

Talk to your dentist to figure if you are a candidate. There are certain ways to put the shine back in your smile:-

  • Whitening strips
  • Whitening gels
  • Whitening tooth pastes
  • Whitening pens

But the most effective, sure and safe way is the professional Tooth Whitening treatment by your Cosmetic Dentist.

In – office bleaching:-

The procedure usually requires only one office visit. The dentist will apply either a protective gel to your gums or a rubber shield to protect your gums. Bleaching gel is then applied to the teeth. A special light or laser might be used to enhance the action of the whitening agent. Not all offices offer this type of system so speak with your dentist and see if this is an option. The session lasts 10 to 15 minutes. Two or three of these sessions may be required varying from case to case.

  1. Does whitening work on all teeth?

No, this is why it’s important to talk to your dentist before deciding to whiten your teeth, as whitening may not correct all types of stains. For example, yellow teeth will probably bleach well, brown teeth may not respond as well and teeth with gray tones may not bleach at all. Whitening will only work on natural enamel and will not have any effect on caps (crowns), veneers or fillings. It also won’t be effective if your tooth discolouration is internal, this is the result of the staining associated with medications or trauma.


  1. Is tooth whitening safe?

Yes ! It is totally safe and effective. There are some myths regarding tooth whitening which need to be corrected :-

  • It can cause damage to enamel but the fact is enamel is the hardest tissue. It does not cause any damage to it.
  • It can cause tooth sensitivity but the fact is it is a safe procedure and does not cause any tooth sensitivity.
  • You can whiten your teeth with baking soda but the fact is this simply doesn’t work.

“Experience the confidence that comes with a brighter whiter smile”




Dr. Krinita Motwani

Khar west, Mumbai.

Mbl : 9819002288 / 9820280343

Email : drkrinitamotwani@gmail.com


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Years ago, a physician who suspected heart disease would probably not refer the patient to a gum specialist. The same went for diabetes, pregnancy or just about any other medical condition. Times have changed.... The past 5 – 10 years have seen ballooning interest in possible links between healthy mouth and healthy body.

Like many areas of the body, your mouth is filled with bacteria – most of them harm less. Normally the body’s natural defences and good oral health care such as daily brushing and flossing can keep these bacteria under control. However, without proper oral hygiene, bacteria can reach levels that might lead to oral infections such as tooth decay and gum disease.

Conditions linked to oral health :-

  1. Endocarditis :-

It is an infection of the inner lining of your heart. It typically occurs when bacteria or other germs from another part of your body such as your mouth spread through your blood stream and attach to damaged areas in your heart.

  1. Cardiovascular disease :-

 Heart disease, clogged arteries and stroke might be linked to inflammation and infections that oral bacteria can cause. Hardening of the arteries causes plaque to develop on the inner walls of arteries which thicken and causes an increased risk of heart attack or stroke. People with gum infections are at increased risk of heart attack and stroke. The more severe the infection, the greater the risk appears to be.

  1. Pregnancy and birth :-

Periodontitis has been linked to pre mature birth and low birth weight. Babies born too early or at a low birth weight often have significant health problems like asthma, ear infections, heart conditions and learning disorders. Infection and inflammation interferes with foetus

development in the womb.


  1. Diabetes :-

  It reduces the body’s resistance to infection – putting the gums at risk. Gum disease appears to be more frequent and severe among people who have diabetes. People who have gum disease have a harder time controlling their blood sugar levels, and regular periodontal care can improve diabetes control.


  1. Lung infections :-

People with periodontal disease have more bacteria present in their mouth which makes them more likely to inhale germs which can lead to lung infections like pneumonia. For those who have pre-existing lung problems like chronic pulmonary obstructive disease (COPD ) gum disease may make it worse.

  1. Kidney disease :-

Poor oral health seems to link to chronic kidney disease which affect  blood pressure and bone health leading to kidney failure and heart disease. Toothless adults have more chance to have chronic kidney disease.

To protect your oral health

Practice good oral hygiene every day. For example :-

  • Brush your teeth at least twice a day with fluoride tooth paste
  • Floss daily
  • Eat a healthy diet and limit between meal snacks
  • Replace your tooth brush every 3 – 4 months / sooner if bristles are frayed
  • Schedule regular dental checkups and cleanings
  • Avoid tobacco use

“Taking care of your oral health is an investment towards your overall health”


Dr. Krinita Motwani

Khar west, Mumbai.

Mbl : 9819002288 / 9820280343

Email : drkrinitamotwani@gmail.com


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If you have been thinking about visiting your neighbourhood dentist for the first time you might want to have a copy of the following essential questions to ask during your initial visit. This set of questions will help you to decide whether you should book for a second visit or not.......your first dental visit is the appropriate time for you to know the dentist better. Apart from how the dentist handled your questions, it is also best for you to notice the way the staff treated you , the cleanliness of the clinic and its overall atmosphere etc.

1. How often should I get a dental check-up ? Dental health varies from person to person but it is recommended for adult patients to visit a dentist once or twice a year, even if their mouth is in excellent condition. This enables you to get your teeth cleaned professionally on a regular basis and ensure that any potential problems are identified early.

2. What are the best ways to practice good oral hygiene at home ? It’s vital that all adults engage in daily brushing and flossing but to take your oral hygiene to the next level, follow a handful of particular steps to good oral hygiene that include :- - Using fluoride tooth paste - Limiting snacks that are high in sugar - Eating a balanced diet of fruits and vegetables - Avoiding tobacco in any form

3. Why should I have dental x-rays taken? X-rays are a permanent record of the condition of your teeth and allow for a comparison in case of any cavities, bone of gum issues.

4. How can I improve the whiteness of my teeth ? A beautiful smile showing clean, white teeth gives a tremendous boost to your confidence. Most people experience some discoloration of teeth over the years, either from surface stains or internal stains. Stains which are caused by coffee, wine, tobacco, and pigmented foods can be treated by professional in-office whitening. For intrinsic discoloration consider composite bonding or Dental porcelain veneers for the affected teeth.

5. Why should I consider dental implants ? Dental implants are the ideal way to replace your missing or weakened teeth. Implants are permanent and serve as a good alternative to dentures/ bridges for anyone with an otherwise healthy mouth and jaw.

Dr. Krinita Motwani Khar west, Mumbai. Mbl : 9819002288 / 9820280343 Email : drkrinitamotwani@gmail.com

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Fractured Tooth Repair…

 Why have a broken smile??? Repair your teeth today!!!


A cracked, broken or chipped front tooth is the most common dental accident that can occur to anyone, anytime….


Reasons for cracked tooth…

  • Trauma from a bad fall.
  • Contact Sports.
  • Biting ice cubes or hard foods from front teeth.
  • Misuse of tooth, by using it to open bottle caps.
  • Clenching and grinding of teeth from a specific spot can cause chipping too.

But there is nothing to worry about…..  Advancements in Cosmetic dentistry have made it super easy to fix this problem …..

One of the best techniques for repairing chipped or broken tooth is Dental Bonding.



All about dental bonding –


Dental bonding repairs chipped/cracked teeth beautifully by matching up exactly to the natural tooth color and lasts for a long time too !


What will your dentist do???

  • Fractured teeth will be examined by your dentist.
  • Local Anesthesia may or may not be needed for this procedure.
  • Your Dentist will then roughen your tooth and apply a conditioning liquid on it.
  • Then tooth colored material is applied in very thin layers and shaped, molded and smoothened… until the desired shape is achieved.
  • Then a high powered light is used to harden the application.

Followed by polishing to get a smooth and lustrous shiny finish


Advantages of dental bonding…

  • No natural tooth reduction is needed.
  • Excellent aesthetic results, matches the natural tooth perfectly.
  • Long lasting result achieved in a single sitting.
  • Easy to maintain, brushing and flossing like natural teeth.



Dr. Krinita Motwani

Khar west, Mumbai.

Mbl : 9820280343

Email : drkrinitamotwani@gmail.com

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Love ice-creams…but your teeth just won’t let you have it…

Prefer hot beverages…but oh no…your teeth just can’t take it…

So let’s check out what’s the real deal with your teeth??

Does drinking an ice cold beverage or a hot drink causes dental discomfort???

Or do you find yourself wincing over brushing or flossing??

Well then you may have what’s commonly known as dental sensitivity.


Understanding tooth sensitivity…

It is something that affects a lot of people. It is triggered by having something hot, cold, sweet sour, or acidic. A normal tooth has an outer protective Layer called enamel and an underlying sensitive layer called dentin. Overtime the enamel covering can get thinner, due to various reasons, thus providing less protection to the dentin and resulting in sensitivity.


What causes sensitivity???

  • Wear of enamel with age and exposure of dentin.
  • Acidic/aerated beverages that causes enamel erosion.
  • Tooth grinding which causes fastened wear of teeth.
  • Brushing with hard bristled tooth brush, abrasive toothpaste or with an inappropriate technique.
  • Gum recession due to various gum diseases which exposes extra tooth surface.

What can you do about it???

  • Visit a dental professional as soon as possible to find out the exact cause of sensitivity in your case and get a solution.
  • Use toothpaste made for sensitive teeth.
  • Use a soft bristled toothbrush and improve your brushing habits.
  • Avoid acidic food and drinks.
  • In case of teeth grinding habit wear a mouth guard as and when told by dentist.


      “Take good care and be sensitivity free.”

Dr. Krinita Motwani

Khar west, Mumbai.

Mbl : 9819002288 / 9820280343

Email : drkrinitamotwani@gmail.com

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      “To eat is a necessity…to eat healthy is an art…”


     Who doesn’t want to smile bright??? Well everybody       wants to have brighter and whiter teeth…

    But did you know there are certain foods which can help you in getting brighter and whiter teeth???



Just chewing on apples helps scrub your teeth. Apples also have a high concentration of malic acid, which is used in some tooth pastes. Malic acid increases saliva, which cleans your teeth and helps remove stains.



Like apples, strawberries also contain malic acid, and they have the added benefit of antioxidants that can help reduce stain-attracting bacteria and inflammation in your mouth and vitamin C in it can help prevent gum inflammation and periodontal disease.



Broccoli is high in fiber, and eating lots of fiber helps reduce inflammation in your mouth. Eating crisp raw broccoli can help clean and polish your teeth.



Cheese helps keep your teeth strong with minerals such as calcium and phosphorus and protein that protect the tooth enamel.



Drinking water throughout the day promotes saliva production, which in turn helps keep your pearly whites, well—white. Sipping water during and after a meal also helps rinse your mouth of any debris and loose plaque.

    “…Eat right and make your teeth shine bright…”

Dr. Krinita Motwani

Khar west, Mumbai.

Mbl : 9820280343

Email : drkrinitamotwani@gmail.com

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You always want to smile, be healthy and feel good. That is why taking care of your oral cavity is very important. Remember when it comes down to your beautiful smile, being and feeling healthy…dentistry is not expensive, neglect is. You should see the dentist at least every 6 months for regular dental check-ups to maintain optimal dental health.

If you have got unclean teeth it’s recommended to get them cleaned immediately, if delayed, the accumulated bacteria gets hardened and results in tartar formation which needs professional cleaning to be removed. If ignored and delayed at this stage the tartar formed would start infecting the gums leading to bleeding, swollen, red and painful gums which are the symptoms of gingival infections, which if left untreated would progress and lead to periodontal diseases which need surgery for correction. Hence, proved how negligence at the very first stage can lead to increase in the complications of your problems.


Every time you eat, you feel discomfort in your teeth, if ignored at this stage the discomfort soon progresses into throbbing pain. If it’s not taken care of at that exact time then the tooth decay will keep progressing and you’ll get a deep cavity. If the deep cavity isn’t treated soon the infection will reach the roots ,you will require a root canal.Thus increasing the complications of your treatment procedure… If you procrastinate your dental appointment even at this stage your entire tooth would get infected thus leaving the dentist with only one choice of treatment and that is “tooth removal”.You can now see how a minor negligence can lead to many un-invited complications…


As it’s said Prevention is better than cure…the same applies to dentistry…if get oral examination done every 6months regularly, you would be able to maintain good oral health.


Taking preventive measures from the very beginning can help you prevent many dental issues even before it has started progressing.

Dr. Krinita Motwani

Khar west, Mumbai.

Mbl : 9820280343

Email : drkrinitamotwani@gmail.com

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Signs…you need to see a dentist…

So think of the last time when you went to your dentist…if it’s been a while then it’s time to schedule that appointment. Whether you are 80 or 8, oral health is important.

Don’t procrastinate dental issues…if you have even a minor problem get it checked and treated at the very early stage itself.

Here are few signs that will help you know when it’s time to visit a dentist…


  • Bad breath…

If you have bad odor coming from your mouth all the time then it’s for sure there is a lot of bacteria built-up in your mouth which needs to be cleaned. Even after the removal of tartar and plaque if you experience a bad taste lingering around it’s likely that you have an infection prevailing and should visit a dentist immediately.

  • Sensitivity…

If you feel discomfort in your teeth every time you have anything hot, cold, sour or sweet then you should visit your dentist as soon as possible to know the cause of it and to get the accurate treatment.

  • Swollen/painful/bleeding gums…

Swollen, painful and bleeding gums are signs of gum diseases and if you are facing such issues it’s time for you get yourself checked as soon as possible. Inflamed gums are caused due to bacteria and plaque getting trapped and hard inside the gum line leading to gingivitis and periodontal problems.

  • Missing tooth…

The sudden loss of an adult tooth can be very stressful. This should always be treated as a dental emergency. Having missing teeth is not only detrimental to your appearance it can get in the way of activities such as eating and speaking. It can also cause healthy teeth to decay and most important drifting of adjacent teeth into the empty space. So in such case one should rush to a dentist immediately.

  • Are you conscious when you smile???

Are you conscious when you smile??? Are you not confident enough while smiling?? Do you cover your face while smiling?? Do you wish to have a perfect celebrity smile??? Well then smile makeovers are just the thing for you…visit your dentist now and get a whole customized treatment plan that can transform you whole smile from top to bottom.

  • Tooth pain…

Similarly, even a minor tooth ache should not be ignored and should be examined immediately, if left untreated the decay can further progress into your roots and increase your complications.


Dr. Krinita Motwani

Khar west, Mumbai.

Mbl : 9820280343

Email : drkrinitamotwani@gmail.com

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So you went to your dentist and you were told to get scaling(oral prophylaxis) done and all of sudden all those myths and misconceptions you have heard about teeth cleaning started rushing into your mind…but not to worry, by the end of this article all your doubts about oral prophylaxis will be explained.

So to know about scaling first we should understand what is scaling,why is it important, and who needs it.


What is oral prophylaxis??

It is a common dental procedure for patients with gum disease. It is a type of dental cleaning that reaches below the gum line to remove the plaque build-up.

Why is it important??

Everyone experiences some form of plaque buildup. There is a thin layer that covers your teeth almost all times formed by the presence of saliva, bacteria and proteins in your mouth. The bacteria that lives in the plaque causes gum diseases and tooth decay if not taken care of. Gum disease is a disease that will not get better on its own, it will continue to worsen until it is treated. Oral prophylaxis is the best way to defend against the complications that can be caused further.

Who needs it??

If you notice inflammation of your gum tissues, redness, puffiness and bleeding when brushing and flossing, these are the signs of gingivitis (the earliest form of gum disease). The bacteriathat has been built up beneath your gum line is what causes the inflammation and possible infection. If treated by scaling at this earliest stage it may reverse the gum disease.


How often do you need it??

Oral prophylaxis should be done twice a year (once every six months).


Myths about oral prophylaxis…

Scaling is a process that has been misunderstood by many and also there are a lot of myths about it, out of which few of the most widely believed myths are

  • Scaling causes weakening and mobility of teeth.
  • Gaps between the teeth are increased than before.
  • Teeth become sensitive.
  • Procedure damages the enamel.

 Myths explained and reasoned…

  • At the very late stage when the teeth are cemented together with hard calculus and most of the bone is lost, scaling and removal of deposits at this stage would obviously make the tooth move. Hence its not scaling that loosens the tooth, they have already become loose due to calculus. Removal of calculus has set the tooth in mobility. This happens at very late stage.
  • In some cases there is tooth colored tartar present between the gaps of the teeth hence on removal of this tartar the patient feels the gap has occurred due to cleaning which is wrong.
  • And as tartar is removed the covered and concealed part of the teeth has been exposed to the oral environment thereby causing mild to moderate sensitivity which vanishes in a day or two, and most of the patients do not even experience sensitivity.
  • By the correct use of instrument the plaque and tartar is removed only from the surface of the tooth thereby does not damage any enamel.

“Hence assured that scaling and root planning does not weaken your teeth, it will rather make them strong”

Dr. Krinita Motwani

Khar west, Mumbai.

Mbl : 9820280343                  

Email : drkrinitamotwani@gmail.com

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Teeth Grinding

Do you wake up with pain and discomfort in your teeth, jaws and face and some tenderness in your neck as well as head region???

So this habit which you have unknowingly developed is known as bruxism or teeth grinding.

Teeth grinding is a common habit, but that doesn’t mean it’s harmless. Forces generated by grinding of teeth are capable enough to wear down a tooth or even loosen them.


Effects of teeth grinding…


  • Teeth which have enamel worn away become sensitive to hot or cold food.
  • Crowns and fillings may get damaged.
  • Jaw pain and headaches.
  • Abfraction or loss of tooth structure along the gum line caused by tooth grinding and not decay.
  • Loosening of teeth.


Why do people grind their teeth???

  • The most common reason for grinding is stress and anxiety and it often occurs during sleep.
  • Sometimes people grind their teeth because of misalignment of teeth or other bite problems.
  • Usage of caffeine, alcohol, tobacco and drugs may also lead to bruxism.


How to know you grind your teeth???

Grinding often occurs at night during sleep so most of the patients are unaware of the habit, yet if you wake up with headache and jaw pain and discomfort in the teeth these are the signs telling you that you may have developed teeth grinding (bruxism) habit and it should be taken care of.

People also get to know about this habit by their loved ones.

At regular dental checkups your dentist may look at the condition of your oral cavity and can conclude whether or not you grind your teeth.



What can be done??


  • Stress management.
  • Wear a custom made mouth guard as suggested by the dentist to protect the teeth from further damage.
  • Avoid alcohol
  • Do not chew on pens and pencils
  • Train yourself to not grind your teeth.
  • Relax your jaw muscles at night by holding a warm wash cloth.


Do children grind their teeth and what can be done to reduce it??

Yes teeth grinding is not just limited to adults even children grind their teeth. Children tend to do so at the peak ages of teeth eruption and when their permanent teeth come in mostly the habitgoes on its own.

Tips to stop your child from grinding:

  • Decrease your child’s physical activity and stimulation just before bed.
  • Try massage and stretching exercises to relax the muscles.
  • Make sure your child gets enough amount of water.
  • Take your child for dental examination regularly.


Dr. Krinita Motwani

Khar west, Mumbai.

Mbl : 9820280343

Email : drkrinitamotwani@gmail.com

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Regular Dental Check-up

Ever wondered why your dentist asks you to get your oral check-up done regularly??

Or ever thought of how getting dental check-ups done on a regular basis can be so beneficial??

So here’s an article showing you the importance of regular dental check-ups.


 Dentists are not just concerned about fixing your teeth but they are also concerned about protecting and conserving them as much as can be done but for that early detection of signs and symptoms is very important.


Here are some very important reasons why you should visit a dentist regularly…


Cavities , plaque and tartar…

No matter how well you brush and floss there’s still a few areas missed by brushing and flossing. Thus plaque accumulation and solidification at those areas can lead to tartars or cavities which there by becomes difficult to get rid of, thus regular cleaning will be helpful in preventing cavities at an early stage.


Gum diseases…

Poor oral hygiene can lead to a number of diseases most of them including the gums. Plaque and debris accumulation can start getting collected below the gums thus resulting in swollen, puffed, red, loose and bleeding gums which there by results in gingivitis or can worsen and lead to periodontal problems which can be treated by surgeries. Thus to avoid these one should get their teeth cleaned on a regular basis. Cleaning on time can help prevent a lot of diseases.


Bad/Deleterious Habits…

One may not get to know but your day to day habits and lifestyle affects your oral health a lot. Stress, smoking, alcohol etc all have a negative impact on your oral tissues and the results of which can go unnoticed if not checked by a dental professional. For example, stress leads to a tooth grinding habit at night which damages your teeth. Thus visiting a dentist can help in managing the damage already done and preventing any further damage to take place by altering your lifestyle.


“Thus visiting dental clinics are worth the effort. Skipping dental appointments may not appear to be big a deal for now but oral issues develops and progresses quickly before you even notice it”

Dr. Krinita Motwani

Khar west, Mumbai.

Mbl : 9820280343

Email : drkrinitamotwani@gmail.com

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“A true smile is when the mouth and the heart coordinate with each other”

It’s increasingly common to hear that oral health is vital for overall health. More than 80% of people are living with periodontal or gum disease which often goes undiagnosed. This may be because the persons teeth feel fine so he / she avoids going to the dentist and visits to the physician rarely focus on oral health.

There is now evidence of 2 specific links between oral health and heart disease. First, if you have gum disease in a moderate/ advanced stage you are at greater risk for heart disease than someone with healthy gums and second, your oral health can provide doctors with warning signs for a range of diseases and conditions including those in the heart.

  1. Why are oral health and heart disease related?

Oral health and heart disease are connected by the spread of bacteria and other germs from your mouth to other parts of your body through the blood stream. When these bacteria reach the heart they can attach themselves to any damaged area and cause inflammation. This can result in illness such as endocarditis (infection of the inner lining of the heart). Other cardiovascular conditions such as atherosclerosis (clogged arteries) and stroke have also been linked to inflammation caused by oral bacteria.

  1. What persons are at risk?

Patients with chronic gum conditions such as gingivitis (inflamamtion of gums) or advanced periodontal disease have the higher risk for heart disease caused by poor oral health particularly if it remains udiagnosed and unmanaged. The bacteria that are associated with gum infection are in the mouth and can enter the blood stream where they attach to the blood vessels and increase your risk to cardiovascular disease. Even if you don’t have noticeable gum inflamamtion, however,inadequate oral hygiene and accumulated plaque puts you at risk for gum disease. The bacteria can also migrate into your blood stream causing elevated C – reactive protein, which is a marker for inflammation in the blood vessels. This can increase your risk of heart diseaseand stroke.

Age, cigarette smoking and type 2 diabetes increase your risk of developing both periodontal disease and cardiovascualar disease.

  1. If you have cardiovascular disease, what should you tell your dentist?
  2. Make sure you give your dentist a complete medical history and list of the names and dosages of all the drugs you are taking for your cardiovascular conditions as well as any other prescription or non prescription drugs you might be taking. This will help your dentist determine the best treatment for you including medication selection for dental procedures.
  3. Make sure to give your dentist the name and phone number of your doctor in case your dentist needs to speak to him / her about your care.
  4. If you are particularly nervous about undergoing a dental procedure because you believe your stress, worry and fears could make your cardiovascular condition worse, talk with your dentist. He / she can provide yoou with information and work with you on strategies to control dental pain and ease your fears.


  1. What are the symptoms and warning signs of a gum disease?

You may have gum disease even if it’s in its early stage. If:-

  • Your gums are red, swollen and sore to touch.
  • Your gums bleed when you eat, brush or floss.
  • You see pus or other signs of infection around the gums and teeth.
  • Your gums look as if they are “pulling away” from the teeth.
  • You frequently have bad breath or notice a bad taste in your mouth.
  • Some of your teeth are loose or feel if they are moving away from the other teeth.


  1. How to prevent gum disease?

To prevent gum disease:-

  1. Good oral hygiene and regular dental examination are the best way to protect yourself against the development of gum disease.
  2. Brushing your teeth twice a day with a soft- bristled brush that fits your mouth comfortably, so it reaches every tooth surface adequately.
  3. You should also floss daily and visit your dentist for regular professional cleanings.

By being proactive about your oral health, you can protect yourself from developing a connection between oral health and heart disease and keeps your smile healthy, clean and beautiful throughout your life.


Dr. Krinita Motwani

Khar west, Mumbai.

Mbl : 9820280343

Email : drkrinitamotwani@gmail.com

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Dental crowns

“All you need to know about the dental crown……….”

Have you heard about dental crowns? If your dentist is concerned about tooth decay or other issues affecting your tooth structure, dental crowns may be an option .This guide can help you learn about dental crowns and what to expect after the dental crown process. Before differentiating between the different types of the dental crowns, consider the functions they serve.

  1. What exactly is a Dental Crown?

A dental crown, commonly called a “cap” is a tooth – shaped restoration that is placed over a tooth to restore its shape and size, strength and improve its appearance. The crowns when cemented into place, fully encase the entire visible portion of a tooth that lies at and above the gum line. It is made by a machine usually in a dental laboratory.


  1. Why is a Dental Crown needed?

There are different reasons why your dentist may recommend a crown for one of your teeth:-

  • To protect a root canal treated tooth.
  • To hold a dental bridge in place.
  • To cover a severely discoloured teeth.
  • To cover a dental implant.
  • To make a cosmetic modification.


  1. What are the benefits of a Dental Crown?

Having Dental crown gives the following benefits like:-

  • Strengthens the damaged tooth
  • Improves the aesthetics of your smile.
  • Returns broken teeth their natural chewing function capabilities.
  • Conceals previous procedures including fillings, implants and root canals.


  1. Will the Crown be noticeable?

No. the crown will be made to match your other teeth exactly. The shade of the neighbouring teeth will be recorded to make sure that the colour looks natural and matches the surrounding teeth. A temporary crown usually made in plastic will be fitted at the end of the 1st appointment to last until the permanent one is ready. These temporary crowns may be more noticeable but they are only in place for about a week.


  1. What’s the difference between a Temporary and Permanent Crown?

The name says it all here! Temporary dental crowns can be made in your dentist’s office whereas permanent dental crowns are made in a dental laboratory. Typically, temporary dental crowns are made of an acrylic based material or stainless steel and can be used as a temporary restoration until a permanent crown is constructed by a laboratory.


  1. Does a Crown protect the underlying tooth from decay and or gum disease?

No! It does not, and this is a common misconception that people have. Hence it’s important to brush and floss the crowned tooth just as you would any normal tooth especially around the gum line.


  1. Will I need to get a root canal for getting a Crown?

 No! Root canals are not required to place a crown but all teeth that have undergone root canal treatment should be crowned.


  1. Is there an alternative to a Crown?

Yes, but only for a front tooth - A dental veneer may be an alternative to having a front tooth crown.


  1. What types of Crowns are available?

Crowns are made of a variety of materials and new materials are being introduced all the time. Here are some of the options available at present:-

  • Metals used in crowns include alloys that have a higher content of gold or platinum, or base – metal alloys (for example, cobalt –chromium and nickel – chromium alloys). Metal crowns withstand biting and chewing forces well and probably last the longest in terms of wear down. Also, metal crowns rarely chip or break. The metallic colour is the main drawback. Metal crowns are a good choice for out of sight molars. Stainless steel crowns are prefabricated crowns that are used on permanent teeth. The crown covers the entire tooth and protects it from further decay. Stainless steel crowns are more cost-effective than custom made crowns and prophylactic dental care needed to protect a tooth without a crown.


  • Porcelain – fused – to – metal (PFM) dental crowns can be colour matched to your adjacent teeth (unlike the metallic crowns). However, more wearing to the opposing teeth occurs with this crown types compared with metal or resin crown. The crown’s porcelain portion can also chip or break off. PFM crowns look most like normal teeth. However, sometimes the metal underlying the crowns porcelain can show through as a dark line, especially at the gum line and even more so if your gums recede. These crowns can be a good choice for front or back teeth as well as long bridges where the metal is needed for strength.


  • All – ceramic or all – porcelain dental crowns provide better natural colour match than any other crown type and may be more suitable for people with metal allergies. All ceramic crowns can be used for front and back teeth.


  1. What steps are involved in preparing a tooth for a Crown?

Placing a permanent dental crown typically takes 2 dental office visits:-

  • During the first visit:-
  1. Your dentist will anesthesize (numb) the tooth and surrounding gum tissue and then shape the biting surface and sides of the tooth.
  2. Impression of the prepared tooth and jaw as well as the opposite jaw is taken.
  3. If the tooth is very decayed or otherwise too small to hold the crown, the dentist may “build up” the tooth to hold the crown.
  4. If the dentist is placing a porcelain or PFM crown, he or she will also determine the shade of porcelain to match the surrounding teeth.
  5. During this 1st office visit the dentist will make a temporary crown to cover the prepared tooth until the permanent one is ready. The temporary crown is held in place using temporary cement.


  • At the second visit:-
  1. Your dentist will remove the temporary crown and check the fit and colour of the permanent crown.
  2. If everything is correct, then the dentist will place the permanent crown.



  1. What problems could develop with a Dental Crown?

Some of the common issues are:-

  • Discomfort or Sensitivity
  • Chipped Crown
  • Loose Crown
  • Crown falls off


  • Dark line on crowned tooth next to the gum line


  1. How long do Dental Crowns last?

Dental crowns don’t last forever. But with good care they can last a long time! More than 90% of crowns will not require major treatment within 5 years and 50 – 80% of crowns will last between 15 – 20 years. The lifespan of a crown depends on the amount of “wear and tear” the crown is exposed to. The crown itself cannot decay, but decay can start where the edge of the crown joins the tooth. It is very important to keep this area as clean as your other teeth or decay could endanger your crown. Properly cared for crowns will last for many years .


  1. Does a Crowned tooth require special care?

While a crowned tooth does not require any special care, remember that simply because a tooth is crowned does not mean the tooth is protected from decay or gum disease. Therefore, continue to follow good dental hygiene practices including brushing twice a day, flossing daily especially around the crown area where the gum meets the tooth and rinsing with an antibacterial mouthwash at least once a day, seeing your dentist on a regular basis. If you tend to clench or grind your teeth, ask your dentist how this could affect your crown. In general, you should try to avoid chewing hard or sticky foods, chewing ice, biting fingernails and using your teeth to open packaging which may cause your own crown to break or become loose.


Dr. Krinita Motwani

Khar west, Mumbai.

Mbl : 9819002288 / 9820280343

Email : drkrinitamotwani@gmail.com

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Clear Aligners

Accessorize your look with the perfect smile today and everyday!                      

Both of them are straightening their teeth?

Which one would you like to be?

 Everybody wants a great smile, but a lot of us need help getting there. When people think of braces, they most often think of traditional orthodontics with metal brackets and wires. However, invisalign is another alternative that can address the same orthodontic concerns, but without the obvious mouthful of metal. Therefore, invisalign appeals to many people, but they still have questions. Here we have answered for you.

  1. What are Aligners?

Aligners are plastic trays made of a thermoplastic material that surround your teeth in a similar fashion to certain dental retainers. Aligners are durable and designed to move the teeth gradually into the correct position.


  1. Will Aligners work as well as metal braces to straighten my teeth?

Yes, the aligners can close gaps between your teeth, move crooked and rotated teeth into the correct position and address bite issues. The only thing aligners cannot do is address bite problems that the jaw bone causes.


  1. Are the Aligners painful?

Generally, invisalign does not hurt. Some people experience temporary discomfort for a few days at the beginnig of each new stage of treatment. This is normal and is typically described as a feeing of pressure. It’s also a sign that invisalign is working as it moves your teeth to their final destination. This discomfort typically goes away in a couple of days.


  1. How do Aligners straighten teeth?

Over the course of treatment, you will be supplied with a series of aligners. Each aligner will make a slight adjustments to tooth position.When the aligners are placed on the teeth, they cause the teeth to gradually shift from their current position. After approximately 1 week, you will begin using the next set of aligners which will continue the teeth straightening process.


  1. What makes the teeth move with Invisalign Aligners?

Invisalign aligners move your teeth through the appropriate placement of controlled force and also the timing of the force application. During each stage only certain teeth are allowed to move. These movements are determined in the sequence we set for your unique invisalign treatment plan.


  1. What is the procedure for Aligners?

Once you and your doctor establish that clear aligners is the right treatment option for you, your doctor will take impressions, photos and x – rays of your teeth. After that your doctor sends your records – your impressions , photos and x –rays to lab with a prescription for your custom aligners. Lab uses your records to create exact 3D models of your teeth and when it is ready it will be sended to the doctor by the lab.  Aligners have to be worn for 20 – 22 hours per day wearing the aligners less frequently will prolong your overall treatment time and only removed for eating, brushing and flossing. We will schedule regular appointments usually about once every 10 – 12 weeks.The goal of these visits is to ensure that your treatment is progressing as planned.


  1. What are the advantages of Invisalign?

The obvious advantage of invisalign is that the aligners are not obvious – infact, they are hardly noticeable in normal social and professional circumstances. In addition, invisalign aligners are removable so you can take them whenever you want to eat and drink or when it’s time to brush and floss your teeth.


  1. Are there restrictions as to what I can eat while in Aligners?

No, thanks to the removable nature of aligners. You can eat and drink whatever you want while in treatment. In fact, you are required to remove your aligners to eat and drink. So unlike when undergoing traditional treatment using wires and brackets, there is no need to restrict your consumption of any of your favourite foods and snacks unless you are instructed otherwise by your doctor. Also, it is important that you brush your teeth after each meal and prior to reinserting your aligners to maintain fresh breath and proper hygiene.


  1. How should I clean my Aligners?

The invisalign cleaning system is the best way to keep your aligners clean and fresh. Alternatively, you can brush and rinse them with lukewarm water. Never use boiling water as it’s heat can damage the aligners plastic resin


  1. Will I need to wear a retainer after treatment to prevent my teeth from moving again?

We recommend that anyone who has completed orthodontic treatment, whether braces or invisalign treatment, use a retainer to prevent teeth from gradually shifting back towards their initial position. Certain reasons to wear a retainer are :-

  • Maintains the space for wisdom teeth and new teeth
  • Prevents the treatment reversal by aligning the bone with gums and helps the teeth to hold their position
  • Stabilize the bite


Dr. Krinita Motwani

Khar west, Mumbai.

Mbl : 9819002288 / 9820280343

Email : drkrinitamotwani@gmail.com

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Dental Implants

    “Yes! Dental Implants……………..Don’t miss life because of missing teeth”

Dental implants as we know them today were invented in 1952 by a Swedish orthopaedic surgeon named Per-Ingvar Branemark. Today, they are considered the gold standard for tooth replacement. The success rate for dental implants is close to 98%.

 Your doctor suggested a dental implant to replace a tooth, you immediately have many questions about implants including the process, total cost, and what to expect from the surgery. You can always ask your dentist these questions, but you may not think of important questions until you have already left the office. To ensure all your questions are answered before you get a dental implant, read our comprehensive list of the common questions (and the complete answers) prior to scheduling your surgery. Replacing a lost tooth is important to restore maximum function, maintaining the alignment of surrounding teeth and preserving the facial contours.

Your pearly whites don’t just look pretty, they are important place holders for each other. Over time, those teeth adjacent to a toothless gap can drift to fill the space and move out of alignment. An Implant is actually a tooth root replacement to which a separately fabricated crown is attached. For successful implantation, there must be a sufficient amount of healthy jaw bone to anchor the implant and the adjacent gums and teeth must be healthy.

  Some common facts regarding dental implants are:-

-          Dental implants are the next big thing to your healthy natural teeth.

-          Dental implants are built to last that makes them your best long-term, cost effective solution.

-          Dental implants allow you to enjoy life without worrying about your teeth.

-          Dental implants retain your natural face shape and smile.

-          Dental implants protect your healthy bone.

-          Dental implants keep your teeth in your mouth – not in a cup like dentures.

-          Dental implants allow you to speak easy so you are not embarrassed.

-          Dental implants allow you to eat your favourite foods.

-          No cavities with dental implants.

-          Dental implants are more predictable than other repair and restoration methods.


-          What exactly is a Dental Implant?

A dental implant is a threaded titanium screw which is surgically placed in the jaw bone. Many people incorrectly believe that a dental implant makes up the entire replacement tooth; in fact, the implant replaces the root only. The dentist places the crown or cap on top of the replacement root.


-          Why do people get Dental Implants?

If a person is missing a tooth or a series of teeth, a dental implant may be suggested. Missing teeth can cause a number of problems including difficulties in chewing or eating. Advantages of having dental implants are:-

- Dental implant offers an independent support and retention to crowns and bridge work.

- Dental implant preserves the natural tooth tissue by avoiding the need to cut down the adjacent teeth like in  conventional bridgework.

- Dental implants will preserve bone and significantly reduces bone deterioration that results in loss of jaw bone height.

Once one gets dental implants, they no longer have to struggle with gaps caused by missing teeth. These people feel more confident in their smile and can attend social functions without fear of uncomfortable situations. Dental implants give one a beautiful smile, more confidence and the ability to resume eating solid foods without worry. 


-          Does the body ever reject an Implant?

Very rarely does a person’s body reject a dental implant. The jawbone readily accepts the implant and the few rejections that do occur are caused by rare allergies to the titanium alloy that makes up the implant. Another reason for implant failure comes from the person’s care after surgery. Without great oral hygiene, regular teeth fail and eventually fall out. A dental implant is no different. Taking care of your teeth, even the implants, prevents gum decay and structure failure in the long run.

- People suffering from uncontrolled chronic disorders such as diabetes or heart disease

- Patients who have had radiation therapy to head or neck area need to be evaluated on an individual basis.

 It is contraindicated in cancer, immune disorders, pregnant and person below 16 years of age.


-          Are Dental Implants noticeable?

Not even you will be able to tell you have a dental implant. Implants are made to feel completely natural in the mouth. The dentist matches the colour and the shape of your other teeth to the crown on the implant. The only way to discover a dental implant involves a radiograph (x –ray) to show the metal that replaced the root of the tooth.


-          Are dental implants safe?

Dental implants have been proven safe for patients whose health allows for surgery. They provide a longer-lasting alternative to a bridge or dentures and restore comparatively more functionality to teeth. Persons who smoke or suffer from bone loss issues may not be a good candidate for dental implants. Speak to your dentist to see if you qualify for surgery.


-          What is the procedure of placing a Dental Implant?

 The entire process takes around 4-6 months and is done in two stages, unless more complex surgery is required.

 During the 1st appointment, your surgeon inserts the implant into the jaw bone. Then the surgeon covers the implant with gum tissue to allow the implant to heal properly. Placing a single implant may take as little as 30 minutes, while a complex surgery requiring multiple replacements can take more than 1-2 hours. After the implant is placed, the surgeon sends you home with a temporary bridge or denture  so that your teeth appear cosmetically intact.

2-3 months later, you return to the dentist for fabrication of the crown on the dental implant .Measurements are taken for the same and 2 weeks later, you come in for the final fittings. This may take just 1 appointment or you may need to come in multiple times to ensure the correct size, colour and proportion of the new tooth.


-          How long will Dental Implants last?

Dental implants last up to 40 years if taken care of properly. They often last a life time for patients that regularly brush, floss and follow the dental recommendations made at their checkups. While a dentist cannot guarantee the long term success of a dental implant, the dentist can provide guidelines and suggestions to better care for your teeth. These suggestions are based on proper hygiene procedures, your own genetic history including diseases that run in your family and your nutritional habits.

Dr. Krinita Motwani

Khar west, Mumbai.

Tel : 9820280343 / 9819002288

Email : drkrinitamotwani@gmail.com




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"How to choose your Cosmetic Dentist"

"Everything you have to know about a specialized cosmetic doctor.............read on"

Things are going well at work, and you are about to be added to the next big account. You have got your numbers and your presentation prepared, but what's really making you nervous is your smile. Your teeth are a bit discolored, not to mention they overlap, and you always feel nervous about meeting new clients because of your smile. May be it's time to update your look and achieve the smile you have always dreamed of, but how do you choose the right cosmetic dentist?

When you are ready to enhance your teeth it's a big decision, and who you work with is important. You might start by scheduling consultation appointments to meet with prospective providers and discuss their treatment philosophies and ideas for improving your teeth. The consultation is a great time for you to ask questions, and you shouldn't be afraid to ask about their continuing education and experience with cosmetic dentistry, which will give you insight into their skill level. You can also ask to see before and after pictures of their work so that you can see the level of artistry they offer. Reading online reviews to see what their patients are saying about their own experiences is a good way to determine if the practice is the right fit for your needs or not.

When researching cosmetic dentists, you can follow these guidelines to help you find someone qualified to perform the work you want done.

1. Referrals - Do you have friends or family who had cosmetic dental work done? Ask them about their experience with the doctor and how they feel about the results. If they feel happy about the work, get the name of the doctor.

2. Credentials - Every dentist has a biography page on the office's website. Read through the doctor's biography and find out where he / she earned his / her degree. What areas he / she specialized in and what type of continuing education courses he / she had taken. The most qualified cosmetic dentists will have membership in the American academy of Cosmetic Dentistry. These doctors stay ahead of their competitors by staying informed of the latest techniques and technology available for cosmetic dentistry. Doctors who are accredited members of the AACD have received even more training and have a greater level of expertise in cosmetic dentistry.

3. Specialization - If you seek one particular cosmetic procedure, you can search for dentists who specialize in that area of dentistry. For instance, if you worry about chip off tooth and a gap in front teeth, a quick look at Dr.Krinita Motwani's biography on our website would show you that she does specialize in cosmetic dentistry. This would make her a very good choice for the work you want to have completed.

4. Visuals - Most dentists who specialize in cosmetic dentistry will feature before and after pictures of their work on the practice's website. If a dentist does not have photos on his website be sure to ask for some so you can assess the quality of work he / she does.

5. Testimonials - Reading other patient's testimonials and looking at before and after photos are good ways to gauge the quality of a cosmetic dentist's work. Spend some time exploring their website to check out success stories.

Dr.Krinita Motwani

Khar West, Mumbai - India

Call - +91 9820280343 / +91 9819002288

Email - drkrinitamotwani@gmail.com





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"Kids First Visit to the Dental Clinic

                                "Where rising stars grow shining smiles"

Congratulations on the arrival of your little one! Having a baby is an exciting time as there are so many things to know and do, especially if you are a first time parent. We know keeping them happy while you try to get some sleep is at the top of the list! It is not surprising that you probably haven't even thought of what to do when your baby gets his / her first tooth. At the first dental visit, we will look at your child's early oral health and make recommendations about the best way to care for his / her teeth. The earlier that the issues are caught, the easier to resolve and to ensure everything is progressing appropriately. We have seen the problems that can arise from delaying treatment, and we take pride in helping families prevent unnecessary ailments.

1. When should I take my child to the dentist for the first check-up?

"First visit by first birthday" is the general rule. To prevent dental problems, your child should see a pediatric dentist ( specialists in dentistry for children and teens ) when the first tooth appears, usually between 6 and 12 months of age, certainly no later than his / her first birthday.

2. How can I help my child through the teething stage?

Sore gums when teeth erupt are part of the normal eruption process. The discomfort is eased for some children by use of a teething biscuit, a piece of a toast or a frozen teething ring. Your pharmacy should also have medications that can be rubbed on the gums to reduce the discomfort.

3. How should I clean my baby's teeth?

A toothbrush with soft bristles and a small head, especially one designed for infants, is the best choice for infants. Brushing at least once a day, at bed time, will remove plaque bacteria that can lead to decay.

4. When should my child start using toothpaste?

Do not use fluoridated toothpaste until 3 years of age. Earlier than that, clean your child's teeth with water and a soft - bristled toothbrush. After age 3, parents should supervise brushing .Use no more than a pea - sized amount of toothpaste and make sure children do not swallow excess toothpaste.

5. Can thumb sucking be harmful for my child's teeth?

Thumb and Pacifier sucking habits that go on for a long period of time can create crowded, crooked teeth or bite problems. If they are still sucking their thumbs or fingers when the permanent teeth arrive, a mouth appliance may be recommended by your pediatric dentist. Most children stop these habits on their own.

6. If my child gets a cavity in a baby tooth, should it still be filled?

Primary or "Baby'' teeth are important for many reasons. Not only do they help to children speak clearly and chew naturally, they also aid in forming a path that permanent teeth can follow when they are ready to erupt. Some of them are necessary until a child is 12 years old or longer. Pain, infection of the gums and jaws, impairment of general health and premature loss of teeth are just a few of the problems that can happen when baby teeth are neglected. Also, because tooth decay is really an infection and will spread, decay on baby teeth can cause decay on permanent teeth. Proper care of baby teeth is instrumental in enhancing the health of your child.

7. How do dental sealants work and why are they so important?

Dental Sealants are an effective way to prevent cavities especially for those children with a history of tooth decay. Sealants work by filling in the crevasses on the chewing surfaces of the teeth. This prevents food particles from getting caught in the teeth causing cavities. The pediatric dentist applies the invisible protector by drying and conditioning the teeth painting on the sealant and then light curing it to harden. The application is fast and comfortable and can effectively protect teeth for many years.

8. What is the role of dental fluoride in pediatric dentistry?

  Along with dental sealants, dental fluoride treatment is one of the most effective ways to prevent tooth decay and maintain excellent dental health in children. Fluoride treatments are both safe and effective in decreasing the cavity prevalence in children by 95% specifically, when combined with dental sealants. Making the tooth more impervious to acid attacks caused by sugars and plaque bacteria in the mouth, fluoride acts as a shield for the outer enamel layer of the teeth and actually has the ability to reverse the early signs of a dental decay. Ask your pediatric dentist about professional fluoride treatment for your child.

9. How safe are dental x - rays? Why are they so important?

There is very little risk in dental x - rays. You actually get more radiation by getting out in the sun for 10 minutes than you get with a digital radio graph. Pediatric dentists are especially careful to limit the amount of radiation to which children are exposed. Lead aprons and digital radiography are used to ensure safety and minimize the amount of radiation. Without x - rays the dentists may not be able to see cavities that are forming between a child's teeth. With an x - ray the dentists can detect a cavity early on and treat it with a small filling. Without an x - ray the dentists will not be able to detect the cavity until it is so large that it may require a crown to be placed.

10. What should I do if my child knocks out a permanent tooth?

The most important thing to do is to remain calm. Then find the tooth, gently place it in a glass of saline solution or milk to keep it moist until you get to the dentist’s office. To avoid damaging the root, hold the tooth only by the crown. Thoroughly examine your child’s mouth for fragments of the tooth if it’s broken, and immediately take your child and the glass to the pediatric dentist.

Dr. Krinita Motwani

Call - +91 9820280343 / +91 9819002288

Khar West, Mumbai - India

Email - drkrinitamotwani@gmail.com




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"Porcelain Veneers"

“A picture may worth a thousand words. A beautiful smile is priceless………..”

Whether we admit or not, most people can’t resist checking out photos of celebrities in their natural state (I know I can’t). Cheesy as it sounds, it’s comforting to know that without an armada of stylists and makeup artists, all those glamour girls and guys look just as ordinary as the rest of us. But typically one of the biggest transformations the glossy magazine crowd has gone through is to turn their ho-hum smiles into the megawatt grins known to the whole world.

“Are you looking to get that perfect Hollywood smile “? 60 – 70% people have probably experienced decay, excessive wear, discoloration and shifting of the teeth.  So what makes porcelain veneers so popular and are they right for you? We are here to break down the facts and uncover the common misconceptions.

 Some of the common misconceptions are:-

-          The application of veneers is painful

-          The entire tooth must be filed down before veneers can be placed

-          Veneers are unnaturally white and noticeable


      What exactly are Porcelain Veneers?

The term “veneer” usually means a very thin covering that’s designed to improve the way a surface looks. The porcelain veneers we use in cosmetic dentistry are just like that. They cover up flaws in the natural teeth, while preserving their strength and vitality. Porcelain veneers are wafer-thin layers of super-strong material, which are bonded to the front surfaces of the teeth. Once placed on your teeth, they offer a permanent way to improve a smile.


     What kinds of smile defects can porcelain veneers fix?

   Veneers can help with a whole range of issues, including:-

    -          Colour:-Teeth that are deeply stained or yellowed – even those which can’t be lightened with professional bleaching - can be restored to a brilliant white (or a natural lustre) with porcelain veneers.

    -          Shape and size:-If your teeth have become worn down with age, or have clips or roughened edges, veneers can restore them to a more pleasing shape. They can also lengthen teeth that appear too short, for a dramatic enhancement of your smile.

   -          Alignment and spacing:- For closing a small gap between teeth or making other minor adjustments in tooth spacing or position, veneers maybe just what you need; more serious issues can be handled with orthodontics.


     What happens during the porcelain veneers procedure?

Once you have decided that you want porcelain veneers your dentist will make study models of your teeth. The reason for this is that your dentist will be able to give you a mock up of what your teeth can look like when the porcelain veneers are in place. At this time you and your dentist can discuss the size, shape and colour of your new porcelain veneers. Once these models are approved, an appointment can be set up for the actual procedure. Local anaesthesia is generally recommended if there will be tooth preparation to avoid any discomfort. Once the preparation of your teeth is completed your dentist will take an impression of your teeth. This impression will be used by the dental laboratory to create your custom porcelain veneers. Once fabricated, you will return to have the porcelain veneers placed onto your teeth. Initially your dentist will place the veneers to check that the colour, shape and size is as desired. If they meet all your expectations, the dentist will bond them to your teeth creating your new smile.


     How do I care for my porcelain veneers?

Dental visits should continue as usual. Brushing and flossing will help prevent decay around your veneers. Porcelain veneers are quite strong but it is possible to break / fracture them. The following activities should be avoided like breaking nuts with teeth, tearing open packages, biting and tearing hard items and ice chewing.


     How long porcelain veneers last?

The longevity of porcelain veneers will vary from individual to individual. The general rule is they last about 10 – 15 years although some can expect a longer lifespan for them. If porcelain veneers chip, crack or show any wear they can be replaced refreshing your smile.

 Dr.Krinita Motwani

 Call - +91 9820280343 / + 91 9819002288

 Khar West - Mumbai,India

 Email - drkrinitamotwani@gmail.com

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           “With age comes wisdom. Specifically, wisdom tooth”

Your mouth goes through many changes in your lifetime. By the age of 18, the average adult has 32 teeth, 16 teeth on the top and 16 teeth on the bottom. Each tooth in the mouth has a specific name and function. The teeth in the front of the mouth (incisors, canine and bicuspid teeth) are ideal for grasping and biting food into smaller pieces. The back teeth (molar teeth) are used to grind food up into a consistency suitable for swallowing.

The average mouth is made to hold only 28 teeth. It can be painful when 32 teeth try to fit in a mouth that holds only 28 teeth.

 These 4 other teeth are your third molars also known as “wisdom teeth”

      1. Why are they called wisdom teeth?

     Late in the 1600’s, the idea of a common dentistry was advancing and dentists started calling them teeth of wisdom       to the public, mainly because this set of molars didn’t grow in until we are about 17 – 24 years old. The rest of our      teeth both primary and permanent form prenatally as buds. Wisdom teeth are actually the only teeth that don’t         develop until after birth.

      2. What does impacted mean?

   When a wisdom tooth is said to be impacted, that means it is blocked from fully erupting through the gums. It’s very       common- 85% of wisdom teeth being impacted. The wisdom teeth are not the only type of teeth that may become       impacted but it occurs less frequently with other types of teeth.

The level of impaction varies from patient to patient. Some patients have soft tissue impaction in which the tooth has made it through the bone but is still under the gum. Another type of impaction is when part of the tooth has erupted but part of it still stuck in the jawbone. This is known as partial bony impaction. Finally if the tooth has not erupted out of the jaw at all it is known as a complete or total bony impaction.

     3.Why are impacted wisdom teeth a problem?

Impacted wisdom teeth become a problem when they can pain or affect other teeth. When the tooth cannot erupt upwards as they are supposed to, they can push on nearby teeth. This puts pressure on those teeth and causes pain. This pressure can make the other teeth to shift to make room for the wisdom teeth that are trying to break through. This can impact your smile’s symmetry and make your teeth crooked.

Impacted wisdom teeth are also harder to clean than teeth that are fully erupted, which like in the rest of your teeth, leads to decay. The wisdom teeth are so hard to keep clean because they are in a far back and often hard to reach position in the mouth. Decay is extremely difficult to treat in the wisdom teeth, and most dentists don’t recommend it. If decay is not treated the patient runs the risk of developing infections. Infections of the wisdom teeth are serious and can be hard to treat.  

    4. How are wisdom teeth removed?

Wisdom teeth have to be surgically extracted and may involve trimming of the bone. When carefully executed by skilled and experienced doctors it is a very safe and predictable procedure. Once the patient is comfortable, regular local anesthesia is used and the teeth are carefully and delicately removed. The opening left after the extraction is sealed with stitches to avoid any bleeding and ensure healing.


    5. What I should expect after the procedure?

Since the local anesthetic lasts for a few hours after the procedure, very little discomfort is present. By taking the prescribed analgesics at the right time, most patients are able to control the discomfort associated with the procedure very well. Most bleeding is controlled during the intervention and at the end of the procedure cotton gauze's are applied to put pressure on the extraction sites. A minimal oozing is usually present for the first few hours after the surgery and the use of carefully placed cotton gauze's should be sufficient to make it stop. Recovery time as being the end of the symptom of the procedure is approximately 7-10 days. The discomfort tends to wear off after the third day and the swelling usually ends by around the 7th day. Of course the more you ice the wound in the first 48 hours the faster the swelling disappears! For most patients, 3-7 days of analgesic and 5-7 days of antibiotics are sufficient. It is important to remember that even if you are not experiencing any symptoms you must take your medications.



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