Comprehensive Dental Care in Brooklyn, NY

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If you need an all-inclusive dental practice that provides the highest standard of care, you can trust Envy Smile Dental Spa in Brooklyn, NY. We are proud to provide exceptional convenience and comfort to patients of all ages who need quality dental care. Our unique practice goes beyond the realm of general and preventative dentistry by offering on-staff specialists in endodontics, periodontics, dental implants, orthodontics, pediatric dentistry. In addition, Envy Smile Dental Spa offers a full-line of cosmetic services as well.

Envy Smile Dental Spa
1738 E 13th St,
Brooklyn, NY 11229
(718) 891-0606
Web Address


Our location on the map: Brooklyn

Nearby Locations:
Midwood | Madison | Homecrest | Gravesend | Mapleton
11230 | 11229 | 11223 | 11204

Working Hours
Monday: 10AM - 7PM
Tuesday: 10AM - 8PM
Wednesday: Closed
Thursday: 10AM - 8PM
Friday: 10AM - 7PM
Saturday: Closed
Sunday: Closed

Payment: cash, check, credit cards.

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