Meet Dr. Jason Auerbach | Founder & President of Riverside Oral Surgery

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Riverside Oral Surgery, the premier oral and maxillofacial surgery group in New Jersey was founded 16 years ago with a singular mission “the optimal patient experience…each and every time”. Today, our group remains surgeon-owned and operated with nine locations across the state, providing the full scope of oral surgery, including Dental Implants, Wisdom Teeth Removal, Tooth Extractions, Bone Grafting, Impacted Teeth, Full Arch Implants, Craniofacial Surgery, Cleft Lip and Palate, TMJ/Treatment/Disorders, and Jaw Surgery.

Together with our focus on individualized care and an expanded network across the state, we are fully committed to our founding promise of providing the “optimal patient experience…each and every time.”

Riverside Oral Surgery
130 Kinderkamack Rd #204
River Edge, NJ 07661
(201) 487-6565

River Edge Office:

Directions to Riverside Oral Surgery in Bergen County:

Nearby Locations:
TeaneckParamusHackensackFair LawnBergenfieldNew MilfordOradellEnglewoodTenafly
07605, 07666, 07653, 07601, 07602, 07603, 07606, 07644, 07410, 07621, 07628, 07670, 07646, 07630, 07649, 07631

Working Hours:
Monday-Friday: 9am - 5pm

Payment: cash, check, credit cards.

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