Pediatric Dentistry: Dr. Sara B. Babich, DDS

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The first dental visit for your child is designed to create a zone of comfort, safety, and fun. The goal is to have your child visit our pediatric dentistry office in NYC as early as possible in their tooth development to create a warm, inviting, anxiety-free first visit.

Acclimating your child to our NYC kids-friendly office and Dr. Sara’s gentle care is the key to future happy smiles. As a leading pediatric dentistry office, we understand that a young child can feel uncomfortable when introduced to strange surroundings. We turn this around to be a positive reinforcement as long as the parent is on board, by assuring the child that by the end of the first visit, no harm came to the child, he met nice people, played with new toys, and was made comfortable.

Experienced New York City pediatric dentist Dr. Sara encourages parents to bring the child for a visit at about 18 months old. We, of course, see any child at any time when there are particularly pressing issues or questions. However, do encourage non-adversarial, non-emergency visits. Following this protocol makes all other future visits much more pleasant and anxiety-free. Welcoming your child with our smiles is the formula for many future visits of happy and healthy smiles for years to come.

Our Upper East Side children’s dentistry practice has been welcoming young patients for two decades. Dr. Sara Babich, a university and hospital-trained specialist in pediatric dentistry, is committed and dedicated to providing comprehensive dental treatment for infants, children, adolescents, and special needs patients.

Pediatric Dentistry: Dr. Sara B. Babich, DDS
116 E 84th St,
New York, NY 10028
(212) 988-4070
Web Address

Our location on the map: New York

Nearby Locations:
Carnegie Hill | Yorkville | Lenox Hill | Upper East Side | Midtown Manhattan
10029 | 10028 | 10021| 10044, 10065, 10075, 10128 | 10022

Working Hours :
Monday: 9AM-6PM
Tuesday: 9AM-6PM
Wednesday: 9AM-6PM
Thursday: 9AM-6PM
Friday: 9AM-4PM
Saturday: Closed
Sunday: Closed

Payment: cash, check, credit cards.

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