What Is a Root Canal and Why Do I Need One?

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Our dentists here at Gentle Dental can discuss all options suitable for your situation and will explain the possible pros and cons of root canal procedure. As with any treatment we provide, we make sure you have all the information necessary for an informed treatment choice. For more information about the root canal therapy in Queens, contact Gentle Dental at (718) 461-0100.

Gentle Dental in Queens
35-30 Francis Lewis Blvd,
Bayside, NY 11358
(718) 461-0100
(718) 970-7304
Web Address https://www.queenssmile.com/

Our location on the map: https://goo.gl/maps/8gvPR13tEZWAedBw5

https://plus.codes/87G8Q676+FV Bayside

Nearby Locations:
Bayside | Auburndale | Broadway - Flushing | Clearview | Bay Terrace
11360, 11361, 11364 | 11358 | 11354 | 11359

Working Hours :
Monday: 9AM-7PM
Tuesday: 9AM-7PM
Wednesday: 9AM-7PM
Thursday: 9AM-7PM
Friday: 9AM-7PM
Saturday: 9AM-4PM
Sunday: Closed

Payment: cash, check, credit cards.

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