Your Local Dentist in Queens, NY

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At Gentle Dental, our foremost goal is to help you achieve optimal oral health and the most aesthetically pleasing smile with as much comfort as possible. Services include Laser Dentistry, Bridges, Extractions, Crowns, Pediatric Dentistry, Periodontal Care and Root Canals. We always strive to produce exceptional results with a gentle, caring touch and a chair-side manner that distinguishes our general dentistry practice.

Contact Gentle Dental in Queens today to receive more information or to schedule an appointment by calling our office number (718) 461-0100

Gentle Dental in Queens
35-30 Francis Lewis Blvd,
Bayside, NY 11358
(718) 461-0100
Web Address

Our location on the map

Nearby Locations:
Bayside | Auburndale | Broadway - Flushing | Clearview | Bay Terrace
11360, 11361, 11364 | 11358 | 11354 | 11359

Working Hours :
Monday: 9AM-7PM
Tuesday: 9AM-7PM
Wednesday: 9AM-7PM
Thursday: 9AM-7PM
Friday: 9AM-7PM
Saturday: 9AM-4PM
Sunday: Closed

Payment: cash, check, credit cards.

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