2 Most Important Tips To Motivate Yourself

This is how you learn the art of self-motivation. For sports, your studies, school, for slimming or simply wherever you want to motivate yourself.

Is it sometimes hard for you to get up and motivate yourself? Impending tasks push many of us forever. And whenever we're about to do what we've done, it seems suddenly more important to clean the windows, clean the garbage, or see the news. If you know that from you, we have some good tips for you: I used this as medical representative. I hope this works for you as well.

Tip 1: To begin with, clarify what needs to be done

Before you go to a task, you should be clear about the following: Do you really have to do what you have to do? This may sound odd, but sometimes we lock ourselves against a task, because we unconsciously feel that this task is not so important, that this task is unnecessary, or that it should please someone else.


Form: Formulate and achieve resolutions

Therefore, at the outset, make a clear decision for or against this task. Maybe you can delegate them? Maybe she really is not so important? Then let it be.

But if you have to do something, then make a conscious and clear decision for this task and do it.

Tip 2: Find out what personally motivates you and use this knowledge

What motivates you especially? Money? Recognition? If a task is difficult? If you can work with others? What exactly is it that you feel drawn to?

Each of us has certain things that motivate him, and everyone has things that demotivate him.

The trick is now to figure out what motivates and demotifies us. Because when we have found out, this is often the key to success. This is, by the way, the very central goal of our audio-coach self-motivation.

If you know what motivates you, you can design your tasks. Suppose you have to write a diploma thesis and you know that you prefer to work in a team. Then you can create motivation by either setting up a "diploma team" or trying to write a diploma thesis with somebody (in many disciplines). It is that you can design your own tasks. Do it according to your needs. If you know what motivates you, you can use this knowledge for self-control.

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