A lower lingual holding arch refers to the portion of the teeth that are shown when you smile, and if yours are overly obvious or misaligned, they might be making it hard to smile at all. Luckily, there are several things you can do in order to reduce or eliminate this problem and bring your smile back to its former glory! Here are four ways to get rid of a lower lingual holding arch.


1) Teeth Alignment

If you have an underbite, it can be easy to confuse with a lower lingual holding arch. However, that’s where it gets tricky: The alignment is different because they are two different issues. For example, correcting an underbite may require some orthodontic treatment; on the other hand, reducing your lower lingual holding arch may not require anything at all. A lower lingual holding arch occurs when your bottom teeth contact in front of your top teeth or even when there is no space between them. There are many reasons why someone would develop an LHLA—it’s usually caused by pressure from sucking habits and thumb-sucking as a child.





2) Grinding, Clenching and Biting Issues

A lower lingual holding arch (LLHA) is a common issue in infants, affecting about 75% of children by age four. It occurs when your child grinds his or her teeth against their lower front teeth. While grinding can be disconcerting for parents, it’s not uncommon and usually doesn’t indicate anything serious. In some cases, though, LLHA can lead to more serious problems—including tooth decay or injury—if left untreated. If you suspect your child has an LLHA, visit with his or her pediatrician for advice on treatment options and strategies. You might also find relief from issues like biting down during stressful situations by visiting with a dentist who specializes in treating bite-related problems. Here are four ways to get rid of a lower lingual holding arch:
For tips to preventing future LLHAs, here are 10 things you should know about baby teething.

1 Exercise Your Jaw! The key reason why your jaw muscles become so tense that they cause clenching and grinding is lack of use. And if you don't stretch them out regularly, they'll stay permanently tensed! So make sure that every day at least once you do one simple exercise: pinch your jaws together for five minutes without letting go. Do that at night just before going to bed. That will help relax those muscles immensely; I'm sure it will improve your sleep as well as take off any tension headaches/migraines immediately too!


3) Chewing Issues

One reason many people have a lower lingual holding arch is because they tend to be less conscious of chewing while they eat. In order to break that habit, try chewing at least five times before swallowing your food; often times, we get so used to consuming large amounts of food in small intervals that we forget how many times we should actually chew each bite. It might take some time getting used to consciously chewing your food more than once, but over time it’ll become second nature and you won’t even have to think about it anymore. You can also try pausing after every few bites. The key with both exercises is simply to set up patterns that force you to slow down and really focus on what you’re eating—the health benefits could far outweigh any weight loss side effects. Of course, if you notice any physical discomfort when biting down (which may suggest dental issues or irregularities), bring it up with your dentist as soon as possible. There could very well be an underlying cause for why your jaw doesn't close properly when chewing.


4) Orthodontic Braces

One quick and easy way to get rid of a lower lingual holding arch is by using orthodontic braces. Your doctor will have you wear them for several months before, during, and after your procedure. You may need to wear retainers afterwards as well, but your dentist or orthodontist can show you how long it will take. If you’re interested in trying other ways than those listed below, talk with your doctor first and see what’s best for you. In some cases, lower lingual holding arches are hereditary; if that’s the case for you or if it doesn’t resolve itself on its own within a few months, keep reading!

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