Having healthy teeth has many advantages. For this reason, and to ensure that the mouth always remains in the best possible condition, it is important to follow a series of simple routines.
Brush your teeth (and tongue) after every meal. With this practice we will avoid that food remains in the teeth and we will keep our mouth clean in a continuous way.
Use dental floss
This will help us to remove food residues that we have not been able to remove with the brush. This will also reduce the risk of inter dental caries. However, this product should not be abused, as it could irritate the gums. Avoid sudden temperature changes in food. This will help reduce the likelihood of tooth sensitivity. In the case of soft drinks, a straw can be used to consume them. This will also help reduce the likelihood of tooth decay. Drink plenty of water. Water is also an essential element for oral health since its ingestion favours good hydration of the gums and mucous membranes.
Eat healthy!
On the other hand, consuming certain foods also promotes our oral health and helps us to prevent diseases typical for this area. In this sense, we can eat fruits such as melon or watermelon, sardines, salads or dairy products. Melon and watermelon contain more than 90% of water. They are fruits rich in vitamins A and C, as well as minerals such as potassium. In addition, melon stands out for being rich in vitamins of the B group and one of them, folic acid, which prevents the formation of ulcers in the mouth.
On the other hand, fish such as sardines contain fluoride that helps prevent the appearance of cavities and those that have Omega 3 fatty acids, can control gingival inflammation. Similarly, tomatoes help prevent different types of cancer, including mouth cancer, and dairy provide calcium, as well as vitamins A and B. It should be noted that this type of food also contributes to a whiter smile during the summer.
Oral problems
If we do not follow healthy habits for our mouths, we can put at risk the health of our teeth and even our general health. In this sense, we can develop from a cavity that ends with the loss of a tooth, to an infection that spreads to other parts of our mouth or body.
It is important that we brush our teeth and tongue after each meal to prevent food from remaining in the mouth. Eating certain types of food will promote oral health and help you to have a whiter smile. See a specialist regularly to check the health of your mouth. If you’re not looking for a white, but for a straight smile, you should check out this webpage: www.smilemeup.com.