5 Signs That You Need Orthodontic Help

Have you been breathing through your mouth? Do you try to cover your mouth every time you smile? Does your child still suck his fingers after the age of 6? Well, there are several warning signs giving you a heads-up that you require orthodontic treatment. It is rightly said that “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.” There are different types of malocclusion or unusual jaw structure which can make your daily activities difficult. Here are 5 signs that you need orthodontic treatment:

  • Crooked or Crowded Teeth -  Crowding has several cons. It causes the teeth to look slanted and uneven. The teeth grow in an overlapping fashion making it difficult to brush, floss or even eat. Such arrangement builds plaque and induces bad breath. It brings about other complications like tooth decay, gum disease and loss of bone around teeth. So, if you are complaining of discomfort or bothered the way you look when you smile contact your family orthodontist to prevent this problem from becoming worse.

  • Thumb Sucking - This is a common problem with children. Kids suck their thumbs between ages of 2 and 4 but if this habit continues even after the age of 6, the upper teeth begin to stick out, and the lower teeth will start getting crowded. It disrupts the orthodontic arrangement of their teeth and results in speech issues such as lisping.

  • Unusual Bite or Jaw Structure - A bite is a common dental problem. It is when the upper and lower teeth have glitches in coming together. If you ignore the dental misalignment, it can lead to lifelong implications. There are five kinds of bites: Overbite, Underbite, Openbite, Deepbite and Crossbite.

  • Mouth breathing - If you suffer from day-time fatigue, chapped lips, dry mouth, bad breath or snoring, then you have been breathing through your mouth. Mouth breathing leads to the development of gingivitis, a gummy smile, narrow upper jaw and an open bite. The patient cannot close his or her lips because the front teeth are flared. The only solution is to meet an orthodontist at the earliest.

  • Abnormal Growth of Jaw - If you or your young one have issues with biting food, or if you feel your jaw is shifting or end up biting the insides of your cheek then go to an orthodontist immediately. If the jaws and teeth do not meet properly, there will be issues with chewing. This, in turn, affects your digestive system, overall health and appearance.

We have all been familiar with dictums stressing the importance of acting ahead of time. Orthodontics cannot be left behind. Here’s a list of how favorable it is to get an early orthodontic treatment.

  • Corrects speech problems
  • Improves the appearance of your teeth which boosts your self- esteem
  • It influences correct jaw growth for a balanced bite
  • Eradicates harmful oral habits such as sucking of thumb  

It’s sensible to take care of the little things while they are still little. Do not delay your dental evaluation since it will save you time and money in the long run. If you wait until your child’s facial development is complete or his set of permanent teeth to come in, it can make orthodontic corrections even more difficult. Though orthodontic issues can be dealt with, at any age, addressing them at the earliest is your best choice.

Author Bio:

Sharon William's day job is to handle digital marketing for Koch Orthodontics in Loganville, GA. With a flair for creating compelling content that clears the clutter and connects with the audience in an instant, she writes about dental topics to educate and help her readers. She truly believes that a genuine smile can win a million hearts and talks to her readers about improving their smiles and overall dental health, as well as enhancing their overall lifestyle. In her free time, she likes to organize small meets in her neighborhood where she brings people together to discuss various topics that she writes about.

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