Are you experiencing bad breath, bleeding of the gums, loose teeth or soreness? Well if you are, do not ignore these signs. You could be suffering from periodontitis. The signs of periodontitis don’t show up till the person is 30 to 40 years old. It affects men more than women. Gum diseases develop over a period of time, and once it is at its peak, you could even end up losing your tooth, which is why having it treated during the early stages can significantly benefit you.


Periodontal diseases are caused due to the formation of plaque that’s resistant to brushing and flossing. It then causes inflammation to the gums, which is called gingivitis; this is mostly found in teenagers. Gingivitis, if left unattended, can turn into periodontitis, which in turn can cause severe damage to your teeth.


If you are located in Dubai and are experiencing symptoms that may require the assistance of a periodontist, there is no need to panic.Periodontists in Dubai offer best-in-periodontal treatments for all your gum-related ailments.


Most gum diseases can be easily prevented by keeping the following tips in mind:


  1. Eat more vitamin C rich foods    
    Gum diseases are caused due to various reasons, among which vitamin C deficiency plays a major role. It is said to have healing properties that can help prevent your gums from bleeding, swelling, receding, etc. Consuming foods that are enriched with Vitamin C also help treat existing gum diseases.


  1. Brush and floss regularly
    Brushing is the first step to taking care of your gums and teeth, although that’s not enough. Flossing on a regular basis can assist in reducing the risk of formation of plaque. Using mouthwash can also help fight gum diseases.


  1. Visit the dentist regularly
    Visiting your dentist on a regular basis will help you identify any warning signs of gum diseases early. Having your teeth cleaned regularly by a professional can further help prevent dental issues.


  1. Maintain a healthy diet
    Healthy eating is the best way to beat gum diseases. A balanced diet that is rich in vitamins and minerals helps ward off gum related diseases by increasing your immunity. The main reason behind tooth decay and gum damage are the consumption of sugary foods and drinks. So be sure to avoid those.

  1. Avoid smoking
    By smoking cigarettes and using tobacco products, your chances of inviting gum diseases increases dramatically. These products are also very harmful to your long term health and should be avoided if you want to live a full and healthy life.

In some cases, the affected area isn’t just the mouth. It may also affect other parts of the body. Severe gum disease can cause complications in pregnancy, cardiovascular diseases, and other major health issues.

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