Chipped Tooth: Know the Treatment Options

Where dental problems are concerned, a chipped tooth may seem like a minor event, especially if there is no pain. It is something, however, that needs to be fixed. Once the enamel coating is cracked, the nerves beneath can become exposed to all types of bacteria. Your tooth can easily become infected or a cavity can develop. What is painless now may cause a great deal of pain not too far down the road.

There are a few different paths a dentist can take to repair a chipped tooth. The method or combination of methods that is chosen will depend upon how badly the tooth is chipped, where the chip occurs and patient preference.

  • Bonding – This method requires the dentist to use a type of tooth-colored putty. He will paint the putty onto your tooth and mold it, so it fills in the chip.

  • Veneers – This is a tiny covering for the front of your tooth. Think of it as a mask. The veneer is shaped and then attached to the front of your natural tooth with special dental glue.

  • Crowns – This procedure is used if the chip is larger or if it is in a place that is difficult to repair in a simpler manner. An impression of your tooth is made to form a mold. A porcelain-type liquid is molded to the shape and size that fits your mouth. This tooth is placed over the existing one to help protect it from further damage.

  • Root Canal – The natural root is removed and replaced with a metal peg that is attached to the underlying bone. This forms a solid base to keep the tooth from deteriorating.

  • Implant – An artificial tooth is attached to an artificial root that anchors it to the jawbone.

At Vegas Dental Experts, we provide a range of restorative and cosmetic dentistry procedures to help you achieve a beautiful smile.

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