Did you know that a smile is more than just a reaction to a positive or funny situation.

Smiling can have several physical, social and physiological benefits, too.

Here is an infographic that I like to refer to when explaining the importance of a healthy smile.

Did you know that:

  • Smiling relieves stress, as it releases mood-changing endorphins in your body
  • Smiling can reduce conflict, as it can put people at ease and diffuse stressful situations
  • When you smile you use 5-53 different muscles in your face
  • Babies are born able to smile, they're  not just copying their surroundings
  • Smiling makes you memorable as people tend to remember a smiling face more easily

Your teeth are an important part of your smile. Go and get the smile you have always wanted by making an appointment with your local dentist in Melbourne.

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