Five Tips for Whiter Teeth

Dentistry is one of the oldest medical professions, dating all the way back to 7000B.C.  We’ve come an incredibly long way since then, but one question still plagues many of us:

“How can I keep my teeth white without spending hundreds of dollars on specialized whitening procedures?”

We can all relate to that embarrassing feeling that you have when you know that you’re sporting a “coffee smile”.  That yellow tint that clings to your teeth long after the effects of the caffeine have worn off.  Many people try to take care of this at home, but is this really a good idea?

Everyone seems to have their own ideas about keeping their teeth white. Many of these can actually damage your smile, and worsen yellowing over time.  Baking soda is one of these damaging myths.  Not the baking soda that has been properly integrated into your toothpaste or dental products, but the raw boxed product that is primarily used for (what else?) baking.  Baking soda is actually an abrasive product that can strip away enamel, and make teeth more vulnerable to stains.

The use of acidic products to whiten teeth can also have a terrible effect on your smile.  Lemon juice and citric acids are another harmful old wives’ tale.  Regardless of how much you respect your grandmother, her methods of teeth whitening might just do more harm than good!

There are several ways to safely and naturally whiten teeth from home.  Try these before you attempt to find a cosmetic dentist in Chino Hills.

1.   Brush After Eating and Drinking

This is an incredibly common sense solution.  Brush your teeth after eating and         drinking anything that has the potential to stain your teeth.  It is especially important to do this quickly after drinking your morning coffee or tea.  The faster you remove the substance; the less time it has to stain.

2.  Oil Pulling

This is a particularly controversial method.  It involves swishing coconut or   sesame oil in your mouth for nearly twenty minutes a day.  The oil is supposed to bind to certain bacteria that cause tooth decay. This is a method that has limited proven benefits, but it doesn’t cause any harm- so why not try it?

3.  Activated Charcoal

This method involves the brushing of activated charcoal over your teeth.  You   leave it on for a prescribed amount of time, and then rinse completely.  This is another method that has been met with a great deal of skepticism.  The claim is that charcoal is a natural binding agent, and will absorb the material staining your teeth.  It is not recommended for your everyday routine; but it can’t hurt to try it at least once.

4.  Turmeric

This may sound counterproductive, but many organic experts swear by it.   Turmeric is primarily known for its’ role in creating curry.  It is also known for its’ ability to stain anything that it comes into contact with.  As long as you can contain the mess, brushing your teeth with a combination of turmeric and coconut oil is reportedly fairly effective.

5.  Whitening Toothpaste and Strips

This is a relatively safe and proven method of whitening teeth.  Many of these products are endorsed or recommended by medical professionals, and can be purchased at most major drug stores.  The whitening toothpaste can be used on a daily basis, and will have more than just whitening benefits.  The strips require a more spaced out approach, but they have been proven effective just the same.

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