For someone interested in nursing, the idea of taking a blood sample and dressing a wound may seem daunting. What happens if you make a mistake and cause injury to the patient? The provider has a lot of responsibility because patients trust their healthcare providers to deliver high-quality, compassionate care. Colleges and nursing institutes have a responsibility to train nurses capable of providing safe and accurate care to patients.

Nursing classrooms have made great strides in the use of simulation technology. This is an essential part of modern nursing training. Simulating technology allows nurses to test new skills on a manikin, before they apply the same technique on a patient. According to The Online Journal of Issues in Nursing, simulation training is intended to improve clinical reasoning, teach medical skills and promote communication with patients. It also encourages teamwork. Simulated situations are simulated using guided experiences.

Different types of simulations

The clinical simulation lab allows learners to practice in various medical scenarios to help them learn how to deal with situations such as a heart attack or blood pressure drop. A "manikin", or patient simulator, is used in healthcare to distinguish it from fashion mannequins. Manikins or patient simulators provide a range of levels of realism, with some manikins being able to deliver a precise medical emergency. The simulators are available in three levels of realism: low-fidelity (mid-fidelity), high-fidelity (high-fidelity). To mimic various life stages and health issues, the patient manikins can be used by infants to seniors (Dental Manikin Simulator).

Some simulators are designed to simulate a particular part of the patient's body. For example, a arm for IV training or CPR training. It is intended to train specific procedures or tasks on one body part. Other patient simulators can also be used to simulate real-life situations such as a heart attack or post-partum hemorhage.

These are some patient simulators that you might use as a nurse student:

Simulator for pediatrics. A pediatric simulator is a simulation of an infant's or child's body. Their needs are different to those of an adult patient. A pediatric patient can express childlike responses such as facial expressions and speech.

Simulator for birth. These simulators for female patients simulate labor, delivery, newborn emergencies, and postpartum problems for the mother.

Patient simulator. These simulators can be used to simulate adult patients and nursing students could practice administering medications or assessing vital signs. SimMan, a highly complex simulator that can imitate complex body systems and can even be programmed to talk, is at the top of its class.

Volunteer simulators. Live volunteers are also used to teach students procedures, such as in a mass casualty exercise that involves both simulation manikins and live volunteers. Students learned how to treat head trauma, respiratory failure and other serious injuries at All-State Career Schools Essington. Students learned not only technical skills but also teamwork and effective communication (Dental Simulator).

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