How Mouth Breathing Contributes to Sleep Apnea


Sleep is essential for good health. However, many people suffer from sleep-related issues that affect their daily lives. One such condition is sleep apnea, a serious sleep disorder in which breathing repeatedly stops and starts. Many factors contribute to sleep apnea, and one of them is mouth breathing.

What is Mouth Breathing?

Mouth breathing happens when a person breathes through their mouth instead of their nose. It can occur due to nasal congestion, allergies, or structural issues in the nasal passage. While occasional mouth breathing is normal, long-term mouth breathing can cause several health problems.

An orthodontist in Sammamish WA can help diagnose and treat issues related to mouth breathing and sleep apnea. They may suggest solutions like orthodontic devices to improve nasal breathing and airway function.

The Link Between Mouth Breathing and Sleep Apnea

Mouth breathing and sleep apnea are closely related. Breathing through the mouth can lead to a narrow airway, increasing the risk of airway blockage during sleep. Here’s how mouth breathing contributes to sleep apnea:

Airway Collapse – When you breathe through your mouth, your tongue and jaw position change. This can cause the airway to collapse, leading to breathing interruptions.

Reduced Oxygen Levels – Mouth breathing does not filter and humidify the air like nasal breathing. This can reduce oxygen intake and affect sleep quality.

Dry Mouth and Throat Irritation – Breathing through the mouth dries out the throat. This can cause inflammation and make the airway more likely to collapse.

Snoring and Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA) – Mouth breathing often leads to snoring, a common symptom of sleep apnea. It increases the chances of developing OSA, a severe form of sleep apnea.

Signs of Mouth Breathing

Many people do not realize they breathe through their mouth, especially at night. Some common signs include:

  • Dry mouth or bad breath in the morning
  • Snoring or noisy breathing during sleep
  • Waking up feeling tired
  • Frequent sore throat
  • Difficulty breathing through the nose

How Mouth Breathing Affects Your Health

Long-term mouth breathing can cause several health problems beyond sleep apnea. These include:

  • Dental Issues – It can lead to misaligned teeth, gum disease, and cavities.
  • Facial Development Problems – In children, chronic mouth breathing can affect jaw and facial growth.
  • Speech Issues – It can impact speech patterns and pronunciation.
  • Poor Sleep Quality – Interrupted breathing reduces deep sleep, leading to fatigue and daytime drowsiness.

How to Stop Mouth Breathing

If you suspect you are a mouth breather, here are some steps to help:

Nasal Breathing Exercises – Practice breathing through your nose to strengthen nasal airflow.

Use a Humidifier – A humidifier can keep your throat and nasal passages moist.

Clear Nasal Congestion – Treat allergies or sinus infections to improve nasal breathing.

Try Mouth Taping – Some people use medical tape to keep their mouth closed while sleeping.

Consult an Orthodontist – Braces or aligners like Invisalign in Sammamish can help correct jaw alignment and improve breathing.

Orthodontic Treatment for Mouth Breathing and Sleep Apnea

Orthodontic treatment can help address structural issues that lead to mouth breathing and sleep apnea. Some common solutions include:

  • Palate Expanders – These widen the upper jaw to improve nasal airflow.
  • Braces or Invisalign – They align the teeth and jaw, reducing airway obstruction.
  • Myofunctional Therapy – This involves exercises to strengthen the tongue and improve nasal breathing.
  • Oral Appliances – Devices like mandibular advancement splints keep the airway open during sleep.


Mouth breathing is more than just a habit. It can contribute to serious health issues like sleep apnea. Recognizing the signs and seeking treatment can improve sleep quality and overall health. If you struggle with mouth breathing or sleep apnea, consult an orthodontist to explore possible solutions. Correcting mouth breathing can lead to better sleep and a healthier life.

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