How to Stop Bleeding Gums

Bleeding gums are often an indication of poor dental hygiene or gum diseases. In some cases they may be a symptom of some underlying health issue. In rare cases, they may be a sign of a serious problem such as heart disease or cancer. If you have been suffering from bleeding gums for a prolonged period, then it definitely warrants a need for medical intervention. Your dentist will be able to ascertain a cause behind bleeding gums and suggest an appropriate remedy.

Bleeding Gums Causes     

As mentioned above, there could be myriad causes for bleeding gums. Oftentimes, you may also have red, swollen, painful gums. Here are a few of the causes.

  • Poor hygiene.
  • Wrong brushing technique.
  • Using a hard bristled brush.
  • Poor diet and lifestyle.
  • Underlying medical conditions.
  • Gum diseases such as scurvy, gingivitis, periodontitis.
  • Hormonal problems.

Bleeding Gum Treatment     

Only a dentist will be able to ascertain the correct cause behind gum problems. He will suggest an appropriate course of treatment depending upon the underlying cause.

  • Poor hygiene can be countered by brushing your teeth for prescribed number of time. Regularly floss your teeth and get them cleaned from a dentist at least once in six months.
  • If there is a plaque accumulation underneath your gums, causing pockets, then the plaque needs to be cleaned by a dentist. At times, surgery may be required to reduce the pockets.
  • You can get educated about the correct brushing technique from your dentist. Invest in a good quality brush with gentle bristles. It is a good idea to go for electric brush rather than a manual one. Clean your teeth by applying gentle, circular strokes.
  • Make necessary changes in your diet plan. Junk food, desserts, sugary drinks can be detrimental to your gums and teeth. Instead, include a lot of nutrient rich fruits and vegetables in your diet.
  • Quit smoking. Smokers are six times more likely to develop some kind of dental problem than non smokers.
  • Pay a visit to a dental clinic on a regular basis, even if you have perfectly healthy teeth and gums. This way you can address any underlying issue before any painful symptoms surface.

You may want to see your physician on an urgent basis, if the problem is not with gums but your health. In any case, do not delay seeking an expert's opinion when you have bleeding gums.

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