How Your Dentist Can Save Your Life

Although everyone is not always happy about going to the dentist, it cannot be denied that it provides great health benefits. Everyone loves that fresh feeling after a routine cleaning, and having cavities filled or cosmetic work done always brings a sense of relief. Your dentist can certainly provide all of these services, but he or she may be able to provide you with an even more valuable service - saving your life.

Not many people know that a routine oral exam could make the difference in detecting early warning signs of cancer. That definitely makes you think twice about skipping an appointment, doesn't it? Approximately 30,000 new cases of oral cancer are diagnosed every year in the United States. The American Cancer Society states that oral cancer occurs almost as frequently as leukemia and takes as many lives as melanoma cancer. Yet many people don't know that these simple, painless, oral exams can be a safeguard against this disease.

You may be wondering how this works. Skilled dental professionals are able to spot the signs of oral cancer, and they can detect suspicious lesions before they become cancerous. They also have several diagnostic tests at their disposal to help with more advanced diagnoses. The key to having these oral exams benefit you is to actually go to them. You need to make sure to see your dentist regularly as symptoms can develop suddenly and advance quickly. The stage at which oral cancer is developed is critical to how the disease is treated. When detected early, the survival rate is much higher.

Make sure to be open and honest with your dental professional about any sort of pain you may be experiencing. There are several symptoms that can indicate a pre-cancerous or cancerous oral lesion. It can be as simple as a consistently sore throat or mouth, or the feeling that something is caught in your throat. You may also notice a red or white spot in your mouth. The areas where these lesions are most commonly found are on the tongue and floor of the mouth. Speak up if you notice something strange. Your dentist will be able to take a closer look and see if it is something to be concerned about.

Still not convinced that you need to keep your oral exam appointments? Keep in mind that these exams are simply not being done in other areas of the medical field. Your general physician does general screenings, but unless you say something is wrong, he or she will not go into further examinations of your mouth. If an infection is not visible to the naked eye, they probably won't check it out because they assume that you are already visiting an oral health professional. A dental professional will be able to feel for and see the physical abnormalities that would otherwise be overlooked.

The bottom line is to always keep your dental appointments, even if they are not something that you look forward to attending. They are necessary for good hygiene, but more importantly, they just might save your life!

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