Invisalign: The Invisible Orthodontic Treatment

Orthodontists around the world use specially designed devices for corrective therapy of misaligned teeth of their patients. These customized appliances come in various shapes, sizes and names. Headgear, braces and invisalign are to name a few. These devices straighten the teeth giving them proper position, improve their look, and ensure proper functioning.

Traditional braces generally use metal wires with the aim of getting the perfect positioning of misaligned teeth. But certain people are skeptical about the touch of metal to their teeth as it causes irritation to them. In addition to that, they do not want anyone they know to know that they are wearing braces. Hence Invisalign in Cypress, CA | Pure Cypress Dentist makes it a better option to them in social scenarios. The invisalign therapy is ideal for them. These are 3D printed customized devices that are to be worn by patients around the clock making sure a change out takes place every two to three weeks.

Some of these trays or devices have high endurance and can last up to six months to a year. However, these require some retention therapy so that the teeth do not make it back to their pre-treatment positions. Hence the patient wearing them are advised to get them monitored at least once in a week or two. This is generally advised for esthetic purposes more than for corrective therapy. That is why people with complex dental problems still prefer braces over invisalign. Dental braces have brackets that run along a wire. An orthodontist or a trained dental professional fixes the braces on to the teeth whereas invisalign can be worn by the patient himself or herself.

The invisalign is extremely effective for aesthetic purposes and simple dental issues whereas braces are more effective against more complex misalignment problems. Whereas invisalign takes a longer time to correct a misaligned jaw, braces work relatively faster and this has a positive impact on the patient’s self confidence. If the patient’s bite is of abnormal proportions, then braces can bring out the best smile relatively quicker. This is beneficial for the oral health of the patient as the reaction time is lesser and the abnormality responds quicker. Invisalign has undergone changes across time and have made accuracy related to the assessment of their effectiveness moderately difficult to monitor. Opinions on their effectiveness vary among experts in this field. But the generally unanimous opinion regarding invisalign is that it is not that effective for moderately front teeth crowding. If the teeth are rotated on the socket or tend to be too forward or backward, using of invisalign relapses the problem whereas the braces happen to correct them more effectively. The patient’s condition will determine which one should one use.

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