Key ways an orthodontist can help with TMJ

When most people think of what an orthodontist can do for them, their first thought is getting a perfect smile, with perfectly aligned teeth. However, a dental professional can do more for you then just provide you with a solution for crooked teeth.

A lot of people see this type of medical professional for temporomandibular joint (TMJ) pain. Some of the symptoms include jaw pain, which then leads to headaches near the temple and ear discomfort. Sometimes these symptoms can also lead to upper back pain, particularly in the areas where we are prone to the most tension, such as the neck and shoulders.

TMJ disorders happen when the joints connecting your jaw line to your skull are misaligned. Here are key ways an orthodontist can help with TMJ and reduce your discomfort.


Provide you with information about TMJ pain

The most common reason for this is 2-fold; disc misplacement or a muscular reason. When it comes to a muscular cause for TMJ discomfort this is normally triggered by stress. When we are stressed we have the tendency to grind our teeth or clench our jaw, placing stress on the muscle and our teeth. This type of TMJ cause can then lead to headaches and difficulty chewing. Sometimes chewing triggers TMJ pain and makes it worse. Also, an incorrect bite placement can also bring on TMJ pain due to its ability to misalign the jaw.

People with this type of cause can also find that the pain worsens at night. This is because it is more difficult for your muscles to relax. Also, at night, sometimes more focus is placed on the discomfort making it even more difficult to relax your joints.When the cause is more related to a disc displacement, the main cause for this is typically injury or accident related. However, it could also be arthritis related.

Recognise symptoms and give you a professional diagnosis

The first sign of TMJ disorder is the placement of pain and the inability to sleep. Most of the time, patients who come to see a dentist for this type of discomfort are very much fed up with its interference and in their day-to-day lives and are looking for a real solution.

What is great about getting a professional diagnosis is that you can pin point the exact problem and therefore take the right treatment. For some people, they may already know they have TMJ disorder, however, they may think its stress related when really they have a disc misplacement.

Key ways your dental professional will diagnose your disorder is via an x-ray, physical examination, discussing your symptoms and your overall medical history. When they put all the pieces of the puzzle together from your answers, only then will you have a better idea of what is causing your pain and what the next steps are.  

Provide you with the right treatment

Normally the first point of treatment for individuals that are experiencing ongoing pain due to their TMJ is to relieve this pain. Using a mouth guard typically does this. This helps take the pressure off the joint and allow it to rest and minimise the tension.

After this, a more specific treatment will be given depending on the reasons behind your disorder. These treatments can include being prescribed braces, another type of dental device, or for some, surgery may be required.

Having tooth alignment treatment is another way that pain can be relived. Headaches are one of the key issues when it comes to TMJ pain, so having alignment treatment often reduces these symptoms. This type of treatment allows for the jaw to be readjusted so it can function normally and sit on the joint better.

Overall, if you are experiencing TMJ pain symptoms or you suspect that you may have TMJ disorder, it’s best to get in contact with your orthodontist. They can help alleviate your pain sooner rather than later by providing you with key information about the disorder, recognise your symptoms and give you a professional diagnosis, and then offer you a treatment plan that will be specific to your needs. Don’t spend any more time self diagnosing or looking for DIY methods to treat your discomfort. Having professional advice from the beginning will help reduce your pain and find a real solution.


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