Online Dental Marketing Essentials

If you’re just getting started with your online dental marketing campaign then there are four things that you simply cannot forego. The things listed in this article are arranged according to their importance. While you can do all of these things in one go it’s more preferable that you gain a solid footing on the first one before making your way through the list.


1. Dental


Your dental website must be two things – first, up-to-date and second, search engine optimized. Your website content must always be fresh and updated if you want to attract website visitors and search engine spiders. Your visitors will feel very unsure of your dental website if the last post was five years ago. At the same time, constantly updating your dental website will help ensure that it is search engine optimized. SEO is integral to your dental site’s online visibility and incoming traffic will depend on how well your website does in the rankings.


2. Dental Blog


Once you have your dental website up and running, you need to get started with your blog. Blogs are a huge help to your practice’s online visibility and because blog posts are considered news by Google, it’s also easier for your blog to rank higher in search engine results pages than traditional websites. The casual nature of this social media platform also allows you to communicate with your prospects in a more relaxed manner.


3. Google Places


Some people are against traditional organic searches contending that they do not need to make their dental website rank no. 1 in searches done all over the world when the only people they need to market their services to are those living in the same state as them. That is exactly what Google Places addresses. If you have a Google Places listing, whenever someone makes a local search for dentists, your listing may easily land on the first page of the SERPs.


4. Facebook Page


This social media giant has a billion users as of October 2012 and it’s no wonder why dentists are scrambling to have a personal and business account on Facebook. If you want to have paying patients, then you need to be where all the prospects are and start converting them there. Chances are that most of your prospects, and existing patients, have their own Facebook profiles. Use your status to drain traffic from your profile to your dental website.


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