Orthodontist Tips: Different Options For Braces

Working to get a set of perfectly straight teeth? Improving dental health is like committing to a strict beauty regimen. Aside from maintaining dental hygiene, your dentist may offer you some dental solutions that can help you achieve straight teeth and a beautiful smile.

When it comes to addressing crooked or overcrowded teeth, most dentists recommend braces. Dental technology has quite improved in providing better solutions. People can now choose from metal to modern invisible options.

Your Options For Braces

Depending on your lifestyle choices, here are a couple of different options for braces:

Traditional Metal Braces

These are the old style metal type that most people are probably aware of. These days however are much smaller and flatter. Here, teeth and jaw are straightened with metal brackets that are made from quality stainless steel. Length of wear could be up to 2 years and would require regular check-ups during wear. Among the choices, metal type is still the most reliable and the cheapest.

Ceramic Braces

These white braces have similar style to the traditional option. Except that they are made of ceramic materials which are white, making these braces less visible. People can now hide their braces with this less obvious option. Because of the color however, this type needs more attention when it comes to oral hygiene and maintenance.

Lingual Braces

If you do not want people to know that you are wearing braces, orthodontists recommend lingual braces. Made of either ceramic or metal, this teeth correction device is custom-made and is fitted on the tongue side of the teeth. Because this type is harder to install, it requires higher cost. Expect additional discomfort inside your mouth or speech difficulty when wearing lingual braces. But the final outcome would be completely worth it.

Invisalign or Clear Braces

This type is an emerging choice for most people aiming to have straighter teeth. Invisalign offers flexibility and it is virtually invisible. The treatment involves clear plastic aligners which are replaced with a new set every 2 weeks. The pressure from the shape would move your teeth little by little. Over a specific period of time, you will notice improved alignment of your teeth. For minor correction, treatment can last as short as 6 months.

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