Ozone Dentistry: What Is Dental Ozone Therapy

When you hear the word ozone, the first thing that many people think of is air pollution. Yet ozone protects us from harmful sunlight that causes skin cancers. In fact, many critically important uses of this powerful, naturally-occurring gas are not so well known, but they serve us every day.Major cities throughout the U.S. and the rest of the world use ozone to sterilize their public water systems, and ozone is commonly used to sterilize the fruits and vegetables we eat and the bottled water and sodas we drink. It's used in air purification systems, commercial laundries, and swimming pools and spa baths.

The medical community — especially in Europe — has been using ozone for decades to speed up wound-healing and to treat a variety of diseases. Most of the original research was carried out in the U.S. and Europe in the early 1900s.

Controlled ozone application has been found to be extremely safe and free from side effects — far freer than most medications, including antibiotics. What could be more natural since our own bodies produce ozone at the white-cell level to kill offending microorganisms? The ozone molecule is the most powerful agent that we can use on microorganisms. It is deadly to bacteria, viruses, and fungi, yet the more highly evolved human cells are not damaged by ozone in lower concentrations. Ozone's pioneering use in dentistry naturally followed.

Reversing cavities

Another way of looking at ozone is to see it as an activated, excited form of oxygen. The highly unstable ozone molecule (O3) wants desperately to kick off one oxygen so it can return to the more stable O2 molecule. So, does that powerful reaction drive oxygen beneath the surface of a tooth through the tubules and kill bacteria in early decay? Does that essentially start a process that removes bacterial waste products, halts dental cavities, and begins a process of repair via accelerated remineralization? Dr. Ed Lynch and Dr. Julian Holmes, coauthors of the book, “Ozone, the Dental Revolution” (Quintessence 2004), say an unqualified “yes.”

Dr. Lynch has been researching ozone for decades and has been involved in almost 100 studies on ozone's effectiveness. One of cosmetic dentistry's pioneers, Dr. Ray Bertolotti, has been touting Dr. Lynch's work for years. The KaVo Company has manufactured a dental ozone delivery unit called the HealOzone, and it is being used by dentists all over the world.

Millions of patients have already been treated with the HealOzone worldwide, and not a single adverse side effect has ever been recorded. Estimates are that there are over 100 HealOzone units currently in use in the U.S.

Originally, the HealOzone unit was about to receive approval as a medical device, but then the FDA decided to treat ozone as a new drug and started the slow approval process all over again. This has stymied sales of the units in the U.S. There is a common misconception among dentists that using ozone in their practices is illegal. Actually, ozone has been grandfathered into usage in the medical and dental world because it was in use before the 1906 Pure Food and Drug Act.

There also have been rulings specifically permitting ozone use, most notoriously with the Dr. Atkins case. We can select many materials for use in our dental practices that have not had FDA approval, such as hypochlorite for endodontics. So FDA approval is not necessary and it is completely legal for dentists to use ozone.

Dentists Phil Mollica and Robert Harris have set up training here in the U.S. to teach other dentists the science of ozone, as well as its applications for their dental practices. They already have trained 150 dentists here in the U.S.

Dr. Julian Holmes from England and South Africa also regularly travels to North America to teach and train dentists in the use of ozone in modern dental care.


Uses in dentistry

Lime Technologies is a new international company with a mission to bring ozone and ozonated products not only to the dental world, but also to other types of practices including veterinary science, skin care,home, and recreation, and to help the HIV-infected community. Ozone, for instance, is ideal to treat diabetic f
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