Confusion and worries are common when you have to choose between root canal treatment and tooth extraction. A good amount of thought, thorough check-ups, dental X-rays and scans, and consultation with a dentist are required before you finally settle down for one of these two dental services. 


To help you further, and choose wisely, we have this blog where you will get an overview of both RCT and tooth extraction. Moreover, you can ask your dentist for the exact charges for tooth extraction and RCT of teeth price since it varies from dentist to dentist.

RCT or Root Canal Treatment 

RCT is a treatment where the inside of a tooth is cleaned and a root filling is conducted. The very objective of getting this treatment is to keep your natural tooth in its original place.



  • The tooth continues to match the rest of the teeth without looking fake.
  • The root filling gives the tooth a stronger base and is not wobbly. 
  • Chances of experiencing tooth sensitivity are scarce.
  • Helps you to get rid of blood loss and toothaches.



  • It is a long procedure and might require several consecutive visits to the dentist. 
  • RCT can cause immense pain and turn out to be a failure if the gum underneath the tooth is weak, tender or infected.
  • Blood loss is a very common symptom after the RCT is conducted.


Tooth Extraction 

On the other hand, tooth extraction is a completely different dental service where the impacted tooth is surgically removed from its root. Here, the natural tooth is not replaced and later on, if you prefer, you can get a dental implant. 



  • Tooth extraction does away with the excruciating or faint pain that you witness owing to an impacted tooth. 
  • With tooth extraction, you say goodbye to constant headaches and subsequent ear pain. 
  • Unlike RCT, you need to visit the dentist barely a couple of times.
  • The process is less time-consuming and is more effective in the long run.



  • Tooth extraction causes blood loss and you do not get to keep your natural tooth.
  • The open gum becomes a fertile zone for bacteria and infection to grow.
  • At times drilling is needed to remove the tooth.


The best dental hospital would never mislead you and so once you make up your mind to go for either of the two dental services, you should only visit a reliable and well-established dental hospital. With the assistance of this blog, you are sure to get your pick easily and can proceed further with a dental consultation. Besides, do not forget to follow the aftercare regime irrespective of tooth extraction or root canal treatment.

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