Plaque is one of the most common dental problems, affecting thousands of people across the UK, here are three great tips to reduce and remove all plaque at home. In studies carried out in the 1990s, it was revealed that 7 in 10 adults had plaque on their teeth. In the vast majority of cases, it's not a serious condition, but if left untreated for an extended period of time, it can result in bad breath, discolouration of the teeth and even gum disease.

It's likely that you'll be familiar with the term 'gum disease', but perhaps not quite so familiar with the effects of the condition. If you don't address the problem, you could find yourself experiencing a wide variety of dental problems; including painful, inflamed gums, smelly breath, pus coming from the gum and in severe cases, you may even lose the affected tooth.

Getting rid of plaque At Home Is Easy

It's fairly easy to see if you've got plaque; as you'll be able to quite literally scrape it away from your tooth, using either your fingernail or a specialist dental scraper. However, as any dentist will tell you, a simple scrape is not good enough, especially with those hard-to-reach back teeth!

Conventional advice dictates that a visit to the dentist is what you need in order to address the problem successfully. However, you may be able to treat the condition yourself at home, using one of three 'secret' plaque-removal methods; which helps save time and money in the long run.

Secret Natural Methods of Getting Rid of Plaque

Of course, if you're more comfortable going to the dentist, then that is the course of action you should take. However, if like many others, you're slightly dentist-phobic, you may want to try one of these excellent DIY treatments at home. Best of all, they only include natural ingredients, making them completely safe to use.

Treatment 1: Walnuts

Walnuts not only taste great, but they're also incredibly good for your teeth. Even when eaten they offer great benefits; as they're rich in folic acid, iron, thiamine, vitamin E, vitamin B6, potassium, zinc and magnesium.

However, this treatment doesn't require you to eat them, but to wash your teeth with them! Here's how to do it.

You will need:

Approximately 30g walnuts


How to prepare:

Put the walnut husks into a saucepan. Add water, and then cook the mixture for about 15 minutes or so on the hob. Allow it to cool for a few minutes, then soak your toothbrush in the mixture and clean your teeth thoroughly for five minutes. The result? Your plaque will be greatly reduced.

Treatment 2: Sunflower Seeds and Linden Flower

Sunflower seeds and linden flower are wonderful for your teeth. Here's how you use them.

You will need:

4 tablespoons of sunflower seeds

4 tablespoons of linden flower

1 litre of water

How to prepare:

To make your plaque-busting mix, simply add all the ingredients into a saucepan, and cook on the hob (on a gentle heat) for around 30 minutes. Then wash your teeth in the mixture, preferably after eating.

Treatment 3: Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is incredibly good for removing plaque, but be warned, it is potent! As a result, we recommend only using once a week.

You will need:

Apple cider vinegar

How to prepare:

This one requires no preparation. Simply soak your toothbrush in the vinegar, then brush your teeth as normal. Afterwards, rinse thoroughly; to ensure that no vinegar remains on your teeth, as it can damage your enamel.

Keeping Your Teeth Healthy

As part of a balanced and healthy lifestyle it is essential to maintain healthy teeth and gums, the only sure way to do this is to visit a dentist regularly. But we help these three ideas help keep the bills to a minimum.


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