The Health Benefits of Straight Teeth

Straight teeth are not only desirable for good looks - the benefits extend far beyond vanity. Whole-body health is improved when you correct a severely misaligned bite. The following are additional reasons to invest in straight teeth and revitalize your overall wellness.

Efficient Digestion

Teeth play a crucial role in the first step of the digestive process. When the mouth suffers from extreme misalignment, it can take significant additional energy to properly chew food before swallowing. When food is inefficiently broken down, the body must work harder to process waste and absorb nutrients, potentially leading to gastrointestinal issues and general indigestion.

Easier to Clean

Properly aligned teeth are simply easier to keep clean. Straight teeth will have less debris stuck in between them, and without the awkward angles involved in brushing and flossing with a crooked smile, you can quickly and efficiently rid your teeth of plaque and bacteria each morning and night. Plaque that is not removed within 24 hours starts to turn into tartar, which must then be removed at a dentists' office. Removing plaque immediately can prevent gum inflammation, serious periodontal disease, tooth decay and tooth loss.

The occurrence of periodontal disease has been linked to an increased risk of other, more serious health problems such as heart disease, stroke and high cholesterol. One of the fastest and most rewarding immediate paybacks from undergoing orthodontic work is a cleaner bill of tooth and gum health after a regular dental checkup.

Reduced Risk of Abnormal Wear

Accelerated tooth wear is common among people with teeth out of alignment. Teeth that scrape or jut against others may experience premature enamel degradation. This leaves the tooth at a higher risk of developing decay. Also, a misaligned bite can create stress points in the jaw. This can lead to the development of temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorder, which results in jaw, neck and shoulder pain.

Mental and Emotional Confidence

Whether or not you are consciously affected by misaligned teeth, a straight smile encourages confidence in your physical appearance, releasing mental stress and stabilizing emotions surrounding your impression on others. Straight teeth can also help cure speech impediments that may have been worsened by a tight jaw or teeth out of position. The ability to clearly communicate while showcasing your newly straightened smile can transform your personal and professional life.

Pain Relief

A severely misaligned tooth or jawbone could result in frequent injury to the tissues in the mouth. People who continually bite their tongue, inside of their cheek or lips due to misaligned teeth may find orthodontic work to straighten their bite worth the pain relief it provides. In addition, a smile that is out of alignment can cause you to unconsciously clench your jaw, directing stress to the neck and shoulders and contributing to chronic headaches. Those who elect to relieve the anxiety and the pain they feel through tooth position correction will gradually see an improvement when orthodontic services are complete.

The health benefits of straight teeth can facilitate digestion, improve psychological outlook, reduce or eliminate pain, prevent future dental disease and assist you in properly caring for your teeth on a daily basis.

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