Treating a Gummy Smile: Enhance Your Smile Aesthetics

If you're worried about excessive gum tissue showing when you smile, you're not alone. Dental experts estimate that up to 10% of adults have gummy smiles, with women being more affected.

While a gummy smile is primarily a cosmetic concern, it can significantly affect your daily life. It may lead to self-consciousness and avoidance of social interactions involving laughter or smiling.

Thankfully, there are multiple treatment options available to address a gummy smile, depending on its underlying cause. Here's essential information about this condition and how Dr. Marielaina Perrone can help you achieve correction.

What Is A Gummy Smile?

A gummy smile, medically referred to as excessive gingival display, occurs when an abundant amount of gum tissue is visible around the teeth. Dental professionals typically classify a smile as gummy if more than three millimeters of gum tissue is exposed.

Several factors can contribute to this condition, including:

  1. Abnormal Dental Development: Irregularities in dental development during childhood can lead to teeth being partially covered by the gums, resulting in a gummy smile.
  2. Genetic Predisposition: Some individuals may have a genetic predisposition that causes an excessive amount of gum tissue, contributing to the appearance of a gummy smile.
  3. Hyperactive Upper Lip Muscle: An overactive muscle in the upper lip can cause it to rise higher than normal, revealing more of the gum line and creating a gummy smile.
  4. Misaligned Jaws: When the upper and lower jaws do not align correctly, it can cause the upper jaw to protrude, leading to a gummy appearance.

Understanding the specific cause of your gummy smile is crucial in determining the most suitable treatment approach. Consulting with Marielaina Perrone, DDS, will help identify the underlying factors and develop an effective treatment plan for you.


How To Fix A Gummy Smile?

To address your gummy smile and explore potential solutions, scheduling an appointment with your trusted dentist is essential. Various dental treatments can effectively correct this condition, including:

  1. Crown Lengthening: This procedure reshapes and removes excess gum tissue, revealing more of your tooth crowns. By making your teeth appear longer, crown lengthening helps reduce the gummy appearance and enhances your smile aesthetics.
  2. Botox Injections: Widely recognized for its cosmetic benefits in reducing facial lines and wrinkles, Botox also offers an effective treatment for gummy smiles. Botox injections can help alleviate excessive gum exposure by targeting hyperactive lip muscles. Repeating the procedure every six months to a year helps maintain the desired results.
  3. Orthodontic Treatment: Utilizing orthodontic appliances or considering orthodontic surgery can effectively address a gummy smile. These treatments work by shifting and aligning your teeth, pushing them upward to correct the gummy appearance.
  4. Dental Veneers or Porcelain Crowns: If an underlying oral health issue doesn't cause excessive gingival display, veneers or crowns can be suitable for enhancing your smile's aesthetics. These dental restorations can lengthen the appearance of your teeth, achieving a more harmonious proportion with your gums.

Consulting with Dr. Perrone will allow her to comprehensively evaluate your gummy smile and help determine the most appropriate treatment path tailored to your needs. Take the first step towards a confident smile by booking an appointment today at (702) 458-2929


If you're bothered by a gummy smile, don't hesitate to reach out to Marielaina Perrone, DDS, for a consultation. She possesses the expertise to identify the underlying cause of your condition and provide personalized recommendations for enhancing your smile aesthetics and boosting self-confidence. With the right treatment plan, you'll soon feel proud and eager to showcase your rejuvenated smile. Take the first step towards a happier, more confident you by contacting your dental professional today!

Author Bio

Dr. Marielaina Perrone is a passionate and highly experienced dental professional committed to delivering exceptional patient care. With more than 20 years of experience in the dental industry, Dr.11147347696?profile=RESIZE_400x Perrone is recognized as a leading authority in her field, renowned for her innovative solutions and personalized approach to patient care. Her dedication to providing outstanding dental services has earned her awards as a top dentist in Las Vegas, NV.



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