What Is Tooth Oil and Oil Pulling?

Each and every day we wake up and begin a morning ritual which invariably includes a glob of toothpaste, a quick run of the tap and two minutes of furiously working a toothbrush around our mouths. It's an essential part of the day, but more and more people are starting to talk about tooth oil and its links to better oral health and hygiene. Whilst its resurgence might be recent, it's actually an ancient tradition that's fighting its way back into the public consciousness through word of mouth and positive results. So, what is tooth oil, and how can it make your mouth a healthier place?

Tooth oil, or oil pulling, as it's sometimes known, is a tradition which can be traced back to ancient Ayurvedic medicines, dating back 3,000 years. Perhaps the most basic explanation of oil pulling is that with around a tablespoon of specialist dental oil in your mouth, you begin the procedure of pushing and pulling the oil around your mouth, between your teeth and underneath your tongue. It's through this action that the tooth oil can get to work.

Tooth oils work because most microorganisms that live in your mouth consist of just a single cell, which are covered in a fatty membrane which keeps them protected. When these fatty cells come in contact with oil, they naturally adhere to one another, and with the pushing and pulling motion of your mouth, gently rids your mouth of the harmful bacteria and collects them in the oil. After you've done, simply spit out the oil and rinse your mouth. It's an idea so simple you wonder how it ever fell out of popular usage.

Those that have tried dental oil report whiter teeth, reduced gingivitis, decreased sensitivity and the alleviation of halitosis (bad breath). Whilst not enough studies have been carried out to back up all of these claims, there's no doubt amongst dentists that tooth oil and oil pulling lessens bacterial load in the mouth and helps to promote a healthier mouth.

Indeed, because of the natural, common sense nature of tooth pulling, there are no downsides to the procedure. Not only that, it's backed by 3,000 years of wisdom and some very basic modern science. These days, companies produce specialist tooth oil, which combine oils to provide you with an unparalleled cleaning experience. However, it should be noted that tooth oil and oil pulling is not a direct replacement for brushing your teeth, and should be used in conjunction with a regular brushing routine.

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