What to Expect in a Dental Crown Procedure

What to Expect in a Dental Crown Procedure

Dental crowns play a crucial role in restoring and enhancing the structure of damaged teeth. If you're considering or scheduled for a dental crown procedure, here's a detailed overview to help you understand what to expect.

1. Dentist Checkup and Assessment

Before delving into the crown procedure, a thorough examination by your dentist is the initial step. During this checkup, the dentist assesses the condition of the tooth that requires a crown. X-rays may be taken to examine the extent of damage and ensure the tooth's overall health. If a crown is deemed necessary, the dentist will discuss the procedure, address any concerns you may have, and outline the treatment plan.

2. Exploring the Need for a Dental Crown

Dental crowns serve various purposes, such as:

  1. Restoring Damaged Teeth: Crowns are often used to repair teeth with extensive decay, cracks, or fractures.

  2. Protecting Weak Teeth: Weakened teeth, perhaps due to large fillings or root canal treatments, can be strengthened and protected with crowns.

  3. Cosmetic Enhancement: Crowns improve the appearance of misshapen or discoloured teeth, enhancing your overall smile.

3. Crown Material Selection

Dental crowns come in different materials, each with its unique advantages. Common options include:

  1. Porcelain: Offers a natural appearance and is suitable for front teeth.

  2. Metal: Known for durability, especially for back teeth.

  3. Porcelain-fused-to-metal (PFM): Blends strength with aesthetics.

  4. All-ceramic or all-porcelain: Provides excellent aesthetics and is metal-free.

Your dentist will help you choose the material that best suits your specific needs and preferences.

4. Preparation for the Crown

Once the decision is made to proceed with a crown, the dentist begins the preparation process:

  1. Tooth Shaping: The tooth receiving the dental crown is shaped to create space for the crown. This may involve removing some enamel.

  2. Impressions: Detailed impressions of the prepared tooth and surrounding teeth are taken. These impressions serve as a model for crafting the custom crown.

  3. Temporary Crown: While waiting for the permanent crown to be fabricated, a temporary crown is placed to protect the prepared tooth.

5. Fabrication of the Permanent Crown

The impressions are sent to a dental laboratory where skilled technicians craft the permanent porcelain crown near you. This process typically takes a couple of weeks. Advanced technology, like CAD/CAM systems, may expedite this timeline.

6. Crown Placement

Once the permanent crown is ready, a second appointment is scheduled for placement. This involves:

  1. Removal of Temporary Crown: The temporary crown is removed, and the tooth is thoroughly cleaned.

  2. Crown Fitting: The permanent crown is carefully placed and adjusted for fit and bite.

  3. Cementing: Once satisfied with the fit, the crown is permanently cemented in place.

7. Post-Placement Care and Considerations

After the crown is placed, there are essential post-procedure considerations:

  1. Sensitivity: It's common to experience some sensitivity initially, but this typically subsides.

  2. Oral Hygiene: Maintain regular oral hygiene practices, including brushing, flossing, and regular dental checkups.

  3. Dietary Considerations: Be mindful of your diet, especially immediately after the procedure. Avoid hard or sticky foods.

8. Long-Term Crown Care

Dental crowns are durable, but proper care is crucial for longevity:

  1. Oral Hygiene: Continue regular brushing and flossing to prevent decay in the surrounding teeth.

  2. Dental Checkups: Attend routine dental checkups to ensure the crown's stability and overall oral health.

  3. Avoiding Trauma: Be cautious to avoid habits like teeth grinding and biting on hard objects that could damage the crown.


A dental crown procedure is a well-established and effective solution for various dental issues. Understanding each step of the process empowers you to make informed decisions about your oral health. If you're considering a dental crown, consult with your dentist in SW Calgary to determine the best approach tailored to your unique needs.

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