Who Qualifies for Invisalign?

When it comes to straightening teeth, Invisalign is the new way to do it. At least, two million people think so. Although it’s only been available since 1997, Invisalign has taken the orthodontic world by storm. Adults really love it, because it means they can go to a professional event or do that big presentation without showing a row of metal when they open their mouth. If you’re considering Invisalign for your treatment, but you’re still wondering if it will correct your teeth, here are some bite problems that Invisalign can correct.  More recently, Invisalign introduced Precision Cuts, which are elastic bands that can now be attached to your aligners to correct advanced cases. However, severe cases will still need to be treated with traditional braces.


This occurs when your mouth is just too small to fit all of your teeth! Ideally, our jaw needs to be able to accommodate 32 teeth. When teeth do not have enough space, they can grow on top of each other, grow in crooked, or become impacted. Overcrowding can lead to an overbite, underbite, or crossbite. Additionally, it can cause tooth decay, plaque problems, and a greater risk of gum disease. Sometimes, treatment involves tooth extractions.


An overbite is any situation where the upper teeth bite over the lower teeth. Orthodontists call this an overjet. An extreme example is buck teeth. Nearly 70 percent of bite problems in children are from overbite. Overbites are usually hereditary, but they can also be caused by tongue thrusting, prolonged pacifier use, thumb-sucking, or nail biting. Sometimes, the problem is in the way the teeth grew; sometimes, it’s because of a jaw problem.


An underbite is where the lower teeth bite over the upper teeth. This is often caused when the lower jaw grows more than the upper one or the upper one doesn’t grow enough. Sometimes, both situations occur. An underbite can cause tooth wear and painful jaw and joint problems. Sometimes, surgery will be needed.


A crossbite results when both the upper jaw and the lower jaw are misaligned. This then causes some upper teeth to bite inside the lower teeth on one side of the mouth. This misalignment can create problems bone loss, tooth wear, and gum disease. Surgery may be necessary to correct a jaw misalignment of this sort.

5.Open Bite

This is a situation where the upper and lower teeth don’t meet in the center. This also tends to stem from genetics, excessive thumb-sucking, or the tongue’s resting position. Sometimes, an open bite can be treated with elastics or habit appliances, but if the issue is caused by jaw misalignment, surgery may be necessary.

6.Gapped Teeth

Sometimes, jaws continue growing abnormally and cause gaps between teeth. Gaps like this can leave individual teeth unprotected and cause a greater risk for periodontal pockets and gum disease.

These are six of the most common malocclusions (misalignments of the teeth) that Invisalign is capable of resolving if the situation is not too severe. Fortunately, many orthodontists offer both Invisalign and braces and can recommend the best solution for you needs.

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