Why Are Composite Dental Fillings The Best Choice For Your Teeth?

When cavities form due to tooth decay, dental fillings come to the rescue by repairing the damage and restoring smiles. It is likely that you have had at least one dental filling done on your teeth because they are a very common type of restorative dental treatment.

Overall well-being greatly depends on dental health, and there are numerous treatment options for cavities and tooth decay due to advancements in dental technology. Composite fillings are among the most favored and efficient options for dental fillings Houston. So, to know more about composite fillings, continue reading the article.

What are composite fillings?

Composite fillings are fillings composed of composite resin. This substance is commonly applied to fill dental cavities and can serve as an alternative to amalgam or gold alloys. The advantages of utilizing these fillings are that they are typically superior to other filling materials since they do not easily corrode or cause issues with gum tissue.

What is the process for placing composite fillings?

Your best dentist in Houston completes your composite filling treatment in just one appointment. Local anesthesia will be used to numb your teeth before removing any necessary decay. Next, the affected area will be completely cleaned and made ready for the new filling material to be inserted.

Imagine if the bacteria got close to the nerve of your tooth. Your dentist will apply a special medication to shield your tooth before adding the composite filling.

Advantages of Composite Fillings

Here are some of the major benefits of composite fillings:

Looks Natural

When you match the color of the fillings with your natural teeth color, you cannot say that you are taking composite fillings. This makes them a well-liked option for cavities filled in parts of the mouth that are visible, such as the front teeth.

Its Durability is Nearly The Same

The robustness of amalgam fillings is their primary attraction. Since fillings are composed of an alloy of various metals, it is likely that your tooth will shatter before the filling.

In the past, composite resin was significantly less durable than it is now. The enormous chewing forces would cause them to break. But over time, composite material's strength has significantly risen, matching tooth colored fillings longevity.

Greater Adhesion to the Tooth

The fact that composite fillings bind straight to the tooth is another benefit. This creates a stronger bond compared to amalgam fillings, which are held in place by the shape of the cavity. Composite fillings are bonded directly to the tooth, strengthening it and lowering the possibility of additional damage or fractures.

It Provides Less Sensitivity to Tooth Pain.

Amalgam fillings frequently end up closer to the nerves in your teeth because they require more room to be positioned properly. Temperature is well-conducted by metal.

Composite dental fillings do not have the same problems as conduction. They don't fluctuate in temperature, so you have fewer sensitivity problems overall.

Enhanced Functionality

Composite is a great material for dental restorations since it improves tooth function and is less likely than amalgam or gold alloys to develop chewing issues over time, whether you've recently had cavities filled or wish to preserve existing composite work. Furthermore, when composite is utilized in restorative treatments like crowns, there are fewer worries about it breaking or chipping because it has been demonstrated to bind effectively with enamel.

Summing it Up

This article has stated how you can get the maximum benefits from composite fillings. Your blood vessels and nerve tissue won't be able to be penetrated by microorganisms thanks to your new dental filling. Additionally, it keeps bacteria from the previous cavity from accumulating on your teeth. You avoid excruciating agony and the need for tooth extractions, thanks to it. Your tooth structure could be lost if treatment is not received. So, find a dentist Houston who is professional and can treat you properly.

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