Why Choose an Endodontist

An endodontist is a dentist who has additional training in endodontic treatment. Endodontic treatment is a branch of dentistry that deals with the inner part of the tooth. A visit to the endodontist or referral to the department of conservative dentistry and endodontics is required if the inner part of the tooth is infected. In general, if the pulp is damaged, your dentist or endodontist maintains your teeth through endodontics or root canals. During root canal treatment, an endodontist who specializes in this treatment removes the damaged pulp. Then, the tooth roots are deep cleaned by the endodontist in the dental clinic. You can always find relevant info on endodontist Toronto.


To have a better understanding of endodontic, you must be familiar with dental anatomy. Beneath the enamel layer is a layer called dentin, and beneath it is soft tissue (pulp). The pulp chamber contains blood vessels, nerves, and connective tissue responsible for creating hard tissues around the tooth. Pulp covers the crown to the tip of the root, where the tooth attaches to the surrounding tissue. The importance of pulp during tooth growth and development is that it delivers nutrients to the tooth and is responsible for its growth. However, after the tooth has fully grown, it can survive without the pulp because it can receive nutrients from the surrounding tissues.

When Does an Endodontist Specialist Perform Endodontic?

An endodontist specialist performs endodontic microsurgery if the soft tissue inside the tooth and root canal is inflamed and infected. Inflammation and infection may have different causes. The most important and leading cause of infection inside the tooth is deep caries. Other reasons may include frequent dental treatments on a tooth, deep cracks, or fillings. Besides, the emergency endodontist performs root canal treatment if the pulp is damaged, inflamed, or infected as a result of trauma to the tooth, while the tooth may show no signs of cracking. If left untreated, the dental pulp's inflammation will lead to some complications such as severe pain, abscesses, bone loss, and tooth loss. So, a quick referral to the endodontic office is required.

Symptoms of the Need for Endodontic Process

The endodontic specialists perform endodontic if there are symptoms such as pain, sensitivity to cold or heat, tenderness (sensitivity to touch or pressure), tooth discoloration, swelling and discharge, and tendonitis of the lymph nodes, as well as gum and bone tissue around the tooth. However, sometimes a tooth that needs surgical endodontics or endodontics has no visible symptoms.

Is Endodontic Procedure Painful?

The endodontics specialist performs the endodontic procedure to end the toothache because the infection is often painful. With modern techniques and anesthesia, you no longer feel pain during dental treatment. After the first few days of treatment, your teeth may become sensitive, especially if you have had pain and infection before the treatment. You can visit the endodontist to use painkillers.

After the endodontic procedure in the endodontic office, your teeth may feel slightly different from others for a while. However, visit the best endodontist if you feel severe pressure or pain that has lasted more than a few days.

How to Take Care of a Root Canalled Tooth?

It would help if you did not chew or bite anything until the tooth is completely healed. The tooth is highly vulnerable to fracture until the veneer is placed on the tooth. After that, try to follow oral hygiene as usual. Brush at least twice a day and floss once. Visit the endodontic specialist at regular intervals (once or twice a year) for check-ups.

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