Why Do Gums Need Stimulation

You’ve probably heard that brushing your teeth twice a day is the best way to keep your mouth healthy and free of disease, but did you know that brushing alone isn’t enough? You also need to use an oral stimulator like the Simply Gum Stimulator to keep your gums strong and healthy. It’s easy to forget about your gums, but they play an important role in keeping the rest of your mouth healthy. This stimulator will help you keep your mouth clean and healthy between brushings, which can help you avoid gum disease and other painful dental issues in the future.


What are the reasons behind tooth sensitivity?

Although there are a few reasons, sensitivity is usually caused by an exposed nerve that is close to your tooth's surface. Most often, people experience sensitive teeth because of gum recession. When you have gingivitis or gum disease, your gums can recede away from your craze lines. The nerves underneath your gums are then left exposed to hot and cold foods and drinks. This causes discomfort when you eat or drink hot or cold items and also gives off a metallic taste in your mouth . To avoid tooth sensitivity from happening again , make sure to brush twice daily with a soft-bristled toothbrush to help prevent gingivitis from occurring. If you're already suffering from sensitive teeth, ask our dentist for advice on how to soothe them.


Are dental stimulators worth it?

Visit montrose dental stimulators are electric toothbrushes that use low-level electrical current to aid in oral care. Some dental professionals believe that using a dental stimulator with or without toothpaste and flossing every day for two minutes can reduce gum disease, remove plaque and tartar, and improve gum health. On the other hand, some people believe that they are just another unnecessary expense that won’t do much of anything—and are just an easy way for dentists to make more money. So, do dental stimulators work? Does your mouth need stimulation? And if it does, is an electric toothbrush (plus a healthy diet) all you need to help keep your teeth and gums in tip-top shape?


What are some side effects of using a dental stimulator?

You can overdo it when it comes to gum stimulation. In fact, some dentists warn that using too many stimulators can potentially damage gums, so it’s best to use them sparingly and as directed by your palmer dental. If you’re using stimulators to help alleviate soreness in your gums, for example, you should use them for 20 seconds every hour or two—not for 30 minutes straight every day. Also note that there are different types of stimulator products out there with varying levels of intensity. Always be sure to check with your dentist before trying a new product if you have sensitive gums or know you have issues with low levels of sensation in your mouth.


Gum disease

The obvious answer is that gum disease needs to be treated. Bacteria build up around your teeth and gums if you don’t brush or floss every day, and it will start breaking down your mouth’s soft tissue as a result. Gum disease is not only unattractive—it can actually be dangerous for some people. This bacteria can enter your bloodstream, where it may lead to further complications. If you have gum disease, there are two major treatment options: First, antibiotics may be prescribed for about three months to fight off harmful bacteria.


Bad breath

In between brushing, a gum stimulator helps stimulate gums to keep bad breath at bay. When you’re constantly flossing, brushing and stimulating your gums, your risk of developing periodontal disease is greatly reduced. If you have gum disease, don’t brush it under the rug—let a dentist check it out. Gum disease can lead to tooth loss if not treated properly. Some foods can also contribute to bad breath so avoid garlic and onions if you’re battling halitosis. Eat parsley, mints or cinnamon sticks instead for a fresher-breathed new year!


Swollen gums

One of the main signs of gum disease is swelling in your gums. If you’re having severe pain, bleeding or swelling in your gums it may be a sign that you have gum disease. There are many reasons for swollen gums such as pregnancy, hormonal changes and even brushing too hard. However if you want to avoid problems with your teeth, being careful about keeping healthy gums is very important to helping prevent periodontal diseases. To learn more about how to keep healthy gums read on!



Poor oral hygiene can often lead to gingivitis, which is an inflammation of your gums that causes them to become red and inflamed. Although it's considered a disease of early adulthood, people can get it at any age—even children. And if left untreated, gingivitis may progress into periodontitis, which refers to inflammation of your supporting structures: bone, ligaments and tendons. Left untreated, gum disease can also have major impacts on your oral health overall—and increase your risk for bad breath and other dental problems. However, gingivitis is easily treatable with good hygiene habits (remember brushing and flossing?). In fact, studies show that as many as 70 percent of cases resolve after only six months or so.

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