Having an impacted wisdom tooth can be extremely painful. The good part about wisdom tooth removal is that your mouth will heal rather quickly if you follow your dentist’s advice. You will be back to normal in just a few days if you follow your dentist’s recommendations properly.

Here are some wisdom tooth removal aftercare tips that will ensure a speedy and hassle-free recovery:

  • Maintain Pressure with a Gauze Pad

    When you leave the dentist’s office, you will want to make sure the socket stops bleeding. Fold a piece of gauze from the dentist in half and gently place it over the socket. Bite down and apply gentle pressure to the area. While the socket may bleed for a few hours after the procedure, it will gradually slow down and stop if pressure is maintained.

  • Apply Ice as Necessary

    The surgical technique used to extract your wisdom teeth is to hold the mouth open for long periods of time. Applying ice to the jaws as necessary will relieve much of the stiffness and soreness caused by the procedure.

  • Do Use a Salt Water Gargle

    Use a warm salt water gargle. Take a few ounces of water and dissolve one teaspoon of salt. Take a small amount into your mouth and gargle. You should also allow the mixture to swirl around your teeth. Be extremely gentle, so you don’t disrupt the clot or irritate the socket.

  • Don’t Use a Straw

    Don’t use a straw to drink liquids. The sucking action will pull the clot that has formed out of the socket. This can result in an extremely painful condition called dry socket. It can also extend your healing time and increase your risk of infection.

  • Don’t Rinse Your Mouth Excessively

    Rinsing your mouth too much can also weaken the clot and allow it to come out of the socket. Gently let liquids swirl through the mouth. Don’t swish or suck it through the teeth.

  • Don’t Overdo It after Wisdom Tooth Removal

    A wisdom tooth removal procedure is a surgical procedure. It’s important that you keep your head elevated and take it easy for the first few days after the procedure to have a sound sleep. Doing too much too soon can cause the wound to bleed or can increase your risk of infection.

If you take care of your wounds, they will heal rather quickly and won’t cause you too much discomfort. It would take a couple of weeks to recover from wisdom tooth removal. For a pain-free experience, take a few days to relax and allow yourself the opportunity to heal before you begin to overexert yourself.

In case you notice any unusual symptoms such as excessive bleeding or intense pain, visit your dentist. At Stellar Dental, we provide immediate help and expert advice on wisdom tooth removal aftercare. Contact our Silver Springs office at (301) 754-1900 , or our Hyattsville location at (301) 853-1567.

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