Your Toothpaste Is Probably The Problem

Ever notice that your toothpaste can scratch the shiny part off aluminum foil? Its because of the
size of the hydrated silica in the toothpaste. It acts like an abrasive to remove plaque and stains
 but ends up scratching and damaging the enamel attributing to cavities, tooth sensitivity etc.
 JUST TRY IT. Use your toothbrush or just your finger and rub it on the foil 50 times and WALA! SUPER DAMAGE! SUPER DAMAGE SUPER DAMAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGE!!!!!

E9530 - GLISTER® Multi-action Fluoride ToothpasteSo Check Out This Toothpaste

Let me put it to you this way: if you had a stainless steel counter top or grill you wouldn't use iron wool to clean it would you? OF COURSE NOT! It would scratch the hell out of it. Instead you would use a towel or sponge with some kind of cleaning detergent. You would let the cleaning detergent do the cleaning RIGHT? Same goes for your teeth. Try the Scratch Test described above, if you don't like the results check out the link and buy the toothpaste and begin a NEW AGE OF AWESOMENESS!

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