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Lots of people may consider the recovery of wisdom teeth as hard but it is not as hard ad they might think. Due to this reason people usually are afraid of wisdom teeth extraction. They encounter critical complications linked with those teeth and continue living with the complications using pain-killing medications. If they learn that extraction of the wisdom teeth and the recovery following is not a very hard matter they will be emotionally organized to undergo the surgery without any anxiety.


Impacted Wisdom Teeth Removal | Impacted Wisdom Tooth - URBN Dental


Wisdom teeth removal procedure


You may generally have stitched over the operated area after the wisdom teeth extraction process is done. This is because most often the impacted wisdom teeth are in a curved setting and require incisions and cutting of jawbones to extract them. Due to this, the area is sewn with stitches. After some days, the stitches either liquefy or are removed by the doctor after some days. If the stitches are to be taken out you will get the instructions of the doctor. To get the stitches removed you must visit her/his clinic at the stipulated time to get the stitches removed.


After the wisdom teeth removal, you will have to get enough rest and should not take up troublesome physical activities. Hemorrhage, bulging, and ache are expected parts of wisdom teeth recovery. You must think of them optimistically because they are useful in recovery. The body directs an increased amount of oxygenated blood, carrying nutrients to the wounded area, because of which the microscopic blood vessels there dilate, and in response to this action, pain, blood loss, and puffiness occur. This means that they lead to more rapid restoration. You can perform some easy activities to soften them.


Wisdom teeth removal aftercare


Consume all the medicines on time and accurately as per prescription, first of all. Seek advice from your dentist when you have over-the-counter medication. Consume only juicy foods like soups, cakes, peaches, pudding, apple sauce, ice creams, etc. for some time after the operation. After having meals, rinse your mouth with warm salt water frequently a day.


Porcelain Crowns and Bridges Dental Care | URBN Dental in Houston TX


The dentist near me places a gauze pad on the wound when the tooth is taken out. This is for pressing the wound to lessen tenderness and bulging a little. Maintain the gauze in the mouth and go on pressurizing it many times. If it is lodged with blood, replace it with another but don’t ever spit the blood. A condition called dry socket usually occurs when you start sucking with straws, spitting, and smoking. In this situation, the coagulated blood on the operated area is dissolved and results in wisdom tooth pain, infection, and bad odor.


While brushing, take extra care. To keep away from brushing the area surrounding the wound may irritate the wound.


Another thing to follow is when you lie down keep your head raised using pillows. This is necessary for reducing blood loss, soreness, and swelling during the recovery period. Avoid feeling the area with fingers or tongue. Also, stay away from using commercial mouthwashes.


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Five Natural Ways To Cure Gingivitis.


Gingivitis is a serious gum disease that affects thousands of people every year. If not treated promptly, it can lead to bleeding gums and tooth loss over time. The following are five natural ways to stop gingivitis and Gingivitis Symptoms.


How to get rid of gingivitis naturally?


Gingivitis Treatment:


  • CoQ10 Toothpaste:


Recent research has shown that toothpaste containing CoQ10 can be effective at treating gingivitis. CoQ10 is a powerful antioxidant that has been used to successfully stop gingivitis when it is mixed into toothpaste, mouth rinses, oral gels, and other treatments. This can be helpful as a part of a good overall plan for oral hygiene.


  • Myrrh:


Recent research has shown that the anti-inflammatory and anti-fungal properties of myrrh can make it an important part of a successful gingivitis treatment plan. Myrrh is also believed to enhance the body's production of white blood cells, which assist the body in fighting various diseases including gum disease. A tincture or mouth rinse containing myrrh can be combined with CoQ10 toothpaste and other herbal treatments to heal bleeding gums and stop gingivitis.


  • Tea Tree Oil:


Tea Tree Oil naturally possesses anti-fungal, antibacterial, and antiseptic properties leading to a multitude of health benefits for the gums. Using a single drop of oil with your regular toothpaste and brushing for several minutes daily can promote the healing of bleeding gums in a matter of a few weeks. Today, many oral hygiene products contain Tea Tree Oil because of all the benefits it can offer in stopping gingivitis and other diseases of the mouth.


  • Peppermint Oil:


Many people may not be aware of the natural healing abilities of peppermint oil. Using mouth rinses and toothpaste containing peppermint oil heals mouth sores and also reduces the inflammation that leads to soreness and bleeding gums. Overtime when used daily, oral hygiene products containing peppermint oil can stop gingivitis and improve overall gum health.


  • Clove Oil:


Clove oil has natural bacteria-fighting abilities which make it a great treatment for gum disease. It is best to buy clove already in oil form and rub it directly onto the gums. Whole cloves, such as those sometimes used in cooking, can also be chewed and left in contact with the affected areas for several minutes daily. Used regularly, this will reduce swelling and help the gums begin to heal.


These natural treatments can be very helpful in the treatment of gingivitis, leading to a healthy mouth for years to come. Otherwise, visit your dentist to determine how to cure gingivitis?


Home remedies work extremely well with bleeding gums and mild gingivitis, but some cases are too far gone for over-the-counter home solutions. Moreover, make regular appointments with your dentist to monitor your oral health so that the disease can be detected in time and you can get the right treatment. In addition, never take your oral problems lightly as they can end in teeth loss. 

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Tooth extraction is one of the most feared procedures in dentistry. Patients have an assumption that it's a very painful procedure that is built by the horror stories they heard around. The tooth extraction is a routine procedure for most dentists it is a fact. Whereas a simple extraction procedure can cause you nothing more than minor discomfort. 



Causes of extraction of the tooth

When there seems to be no apparent problem with the tooth, you might be wondering why the dentist wants to remove your tooth. Only when there is no hope of saving the tooth, the best dentist near me decides to remove the tooth because they are professionals who can identify dental diseases and conditions. The dental disease can progress and cause further detrimental effects in the affected region if the tooth is not removed.


The procedure of tooth extraction

Between 5-30 minutes a routine tooth removal procedure can take anywhere. The procedure for the extraction of a tooth is as follows.

-Administration of local anesthesia which desensitizes the tooth. In proximity to the tooth that is to be anesthetized, this is administered in the oral cavity. Upon subsequent tooth removal, the desensitized tooth does not pain.

- An instrument is being used by the dentist named as an elevator. This is used to severe the ligament fibers that attach the tooth to the socket. This is an instrument with a blunt tip.

-An appropriate forceps are selected to engage the tooth to be removed after the fibers are severed. By the forceps, the tooth is then removed carefully. The tooth is removed entirely from the mouth, the dentist then makes sure of this. 

-There are some risks associated with an extraction. The procedure is optimally done without any damage to the adjacent teeth or structures, a good dentist also makes sure about this. 



Tooth Extraction aftercare

The site of Tooth Extraction Near Me usually heals in a few days. With the extraction of the tooth, there may be some degree of pain and swelling associated. By applying cold packs and taking painkillers, you can usually subside it.

  • For the next 24 hours do not rinse your mouth 
  • Take your medications as prescribed.
  • To take rest and not strain yourself, this will be ideal.
  • After the extraction socket is filled up with a blood clot vigorous spitting or similar activities may dislodge the clot and which may lead to a condition known as dry socket.


Cost of tooth extraction


The Tooth extraction cost varies widely depending on whether the tooth is impacted or not. Depending on the anesthesia you need, simple extraction usually costs between $75 and $200 per tooth and maybe more.


In the case of impacted teeth removal, the cost is significantly higher and it can land anywhere between $800 and $4,000. How much you pay for the procedure depends on where you live because many services are tailored to an area’s cost of living. 

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Everyone wants to know how to keep their teeth white and shiny. Your smile is the first thing most people notice when meeting you, and your self-confidence can decrease significantly if you no longer feel like you’re able to smile openly. That cup of coffee you drink in the morning or glass of wine you have in the evening can all eventually affect the color of your teeth. Luckily, regardless of how severely your teeth are discolored, there are some ways you can whiten them. 

Continue reading to discover the five teeth-whitening options that are well-worth trying out. 

1. Professional whitening 
Professional whitening is the most effective and fast solution of them all. If you want to see results right away, make an appointment with your dentist for an in-office teeth whitening procedure. In comparison to alternative procedures, in-office treatment can make your teeth up to twelve shades whiter than before. This isn’t just due to the increased dose of hydrogen peroxide used, but also thank’s to the expert care and attention to detail provided by dentists to avoid missing any crevices or areas that you might not be able to reach home. If your teeth are sensitive, you may experience some discomfort. Over-the-counter pain relievers may be used to alleviate your symptoms.

2. Home remedies
There are numerous products that you may use at home to whiten your teeth permanently. Many of them operate in the same way. They assist in the application of the bleaching hydrogen peroxide to your teeth and use the light that can help heat up and activate the substance. When it comes to home remedies, at-home whitening products might be among the most effective ones. Make sure your teeth are as clean as possible before using them to maximize their effectiveness. If you’re sensitive to heat, it can be a major obstacle to these products. Some home whitening systems can help you overcome this by using non-heat technology to achieve the same results.

3. Whitening toothpaste
Using whitening toothpaste daily can help keep that shiny white color and guarantee that any early signs of tooth discoloration are stopped as soon as possible. The main ingredient in the whitening factor of this toothpaste type is hydrogen peroxide. Hence, make sure your toothpaste has it. Some may also have silica, which aids in the removal of stains before they have a chance to compromise your teeth. A whitening mouthwash can also help whiten your teeth. This approach won't help you get rid of serious discoloration, but it will help maintain your already-white smile.

4. Limit tooth-discoloring foods
Discoloration can be caused by a variety of foods. Wines, blueberries and blackberries, coffee, black tea, green tea, sugary snacks, soft drinks, balsamic vinegar, and numerous other foods are among them. Consider reducing your consumption of these foods to a minimum if you want to keep your teeth white for longer.

5. Practice proper dental hygiene 
Aside from eating tooth-discoloring foods in moderation, there's a lot more you can do to keep your smile white. Practicing proper dental hygiene is one of those things. Brushing at least two times a day and carefully after eating is a good idea. Also, don’t forget about rinsing your mouth with a mouthwash. Many individuals don't brush their teeth as thoroughly as they should. If you don't already have one, you can make this process a lot easier with the help of an electric toothbrush. Last but not least, floss at least two times a week.

The bottom line
To keep your smile shiny and white, consider using the aforementioned tips. Don’t forget to practice proper dental hygiene and visit your dental specialist for routine cleanings and checkups. 

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Let's face it, emergencies happen and when they do, it's nice to be as prepared as possible for them. Dental emergencies seem to happen at the worst possible times, such as the weekends or after office hours or holidays, which is why it's important to ensure you have a dentist that can respond to your emergencies.


There are a few steps you can take to help you be prepared for any dental emergency. First, you need to recognize what is an actual dental emergency and what can wait until the next day’s appointment. If waiting will cause permanent damage or if you are in pain that cannot be handled with over-the-counter pain medication, you should call your emergency dentist and schedule an emergency visit. If you have any doubts, call your dentist and explain what is going on and ask if your dental issue constitutes an emergency.


Not every dental problem is an emergency, for example, a broken tooth that can be replaced in the socket and saved is a real emergency because time is of the essence to save the tooth. A crumbling or decaying tooth that finally breaks or a dental filling falling out is a problem, but can probably wait for a next-day appointment if one is available. These issues, while they definitely need to be treated, won't become any worse with a day or two of waiting as long as you keep your mouth clean and maintain your oral health habits.


The next step is an important one and that is to have a 24 hour emergency dentist call when you need one. Establishing yourself with a dentist before you have an emergency, is what this step means. Ideally, you don't want to thumb through the yellow pages when you are having an emergency to find a dentist that can accommodate you. Being an established patient will pay for itself when you need to have emergency care. Your 24-hour dentist will already be familiar with you and you will know what to expect from them.


Finally, you should understand the emergency dental protocol your dentist uses. Ask before you need the care and are still in the early days of looking for an Emergency Dentist Near Me what the emergency protocol for the office is. Will your insurance cover the added fees for an after-hours emergency? Or will you need to be prepared to pay for it yourself?

Your emergency can fall into several categories and you may be charged differently for each type depending on your dentist. For example, you can have a dental emergency during regular office hours or you may need care after established office hours or on the weekend or holiday when the practice is closed. Maybe you need emergency tooth extraction at midnight. Does your nearest dentist charge a higher rate for emergency care regardless of the time of day it occurs and if so how much?

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People with a small infection can have a mild dental abscess if left untreated can be progressive affecting not only the mouth but also the whole body. The first stage of a tooth abscess starts on the exterior surface of the tooth on the protective coating called enamel. 

Bacteria that grow inside the mouth start to attack the enamel and slowly and eventually it becomes weakened resulting in a hole. People may experience mild pain at this time. In such a case visit the dentist near me.


When the tooth infection progresses to the second stage within the dentin, the bacteria release acids reaching deeper and deeper into the tooth. When it reaches the innermost layer of the where the root and nerves supply the tooth with life-giving blood. Once bacteria reach the nerve, you will experience severe pain in the tooth. As a result, you won’t be able to perform daily activities normally. Since bacteria multiply very fast, they can invade surrounding tissue, ligaments, and bone. Such a condition requires treatment from a dentist office near me.


In the advanced stage, the germs enter the bloodstream within the tooth and may enter the remaining body where they affect other organs. This condition may result in sepsis or an infection in the bloodstream causing death and infection, if not treated timely. 


Visit the Emergency Dentist Near Me for the consultation. 


Types of dental abscess:


Periapical- this is the most common type and usually starts in the center of the tooth. Tooth decay erodes the protective enamel of the tooth allowing bacteria to invade the pulp of the tooth causing infection.


Periodontal- usually develops as a complication from gum disease. Gum disease can cause the gum to become slightly detached from the tooth causing pockets to form which can become filled with bacteria forming the abscess.

How can an abscess be treated? 


Before you see the dentist open near me, take over-the-counter painkillers such as paracetamol or ibuprofen. Once you see a dentist, to relieve the symptoms dentists usually drain the pus either through lancing the abscess or by drilling a small hole in the tooth to allow the pus to escape. Sometimes antibiotics are prescribed for a few days to clear any infection that remains. Call the best dentist near me if the pain in a tooth is severe. 


Further treatment for a periapical abscess is root canal treatment which will save and restore the damaged inner part of the tooth. If the infection expands even after root canal treatment the dentist may have to perform a tooth extraction. Visit DDS near me for the execution of the treatment. 


Further treatment for a periodontal abscess includes, once the pus is drained, smoothing the root surfaces of the tooth, encouraging the pocket to disappear so that infection doesn't return.


Once the abscess has been treated what is the outlook? 


Generally good, usually the tooth is saved. However, if left complications can be severe, the abscess can burst onto the skin of the face creating a sinus tract (channel) that can discharge pus. Complications are very rare, but if they do occur they can be life-threatening including:


Osteomyelitis- an infection of the nearby bone

Sinusitis- infection of the sinuses

A dental cyst

Cavernous sinus thrombosis- this is a very serious infection causing blood clotting of blood vessels in the brain


Can a dental abscess be prevented? 


Yes by good oral hygiene with regular tooth brushing and flossing in addition to a good diet with low levels of sugar intake and regular dental checkups.

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If you’re considering dental implants for replacing one or more of your missing teeth, you most likely have some questions. Are they suitable treatment for you? Are dental implants costly? Are you a proper candidate? Will they provide a natural appearance? 

To help you gain more knowledge and answer these questions, there are the eight most amazing advantages of dental implants listed below. 

1. Dental implants look like real teeth
When a dental crown is attached to your dental implant, the result is perfectly natural. Because the dental crown is flush with your gums, not a single person will be able to tell which teeth are natural and which are artificial.

2. Dental implants function like real teeth
One of the most significant advantages of dental implants is that they function and feel just like real teeth, offering strength and durability unmatched by alternative restorations. Your artificial tooth is stable because the dental implant is securely anchored into your jawbone, much like the roots of your real teeth.

3. Dental implants can prevent jawbone deterioration
One of the adverse consequences of losing a tooth is that the underlying jawbone will eventually begin to deteriorate. That’s because there’s no longer a root to promote bone ossification and strengthening. A dental implant encourages new bone development in your jawbone through a process known as osseointegration. This will help in the prevention of future jawbone deterioration.

4. Dental implants preserve your face
Jawbone deterioration can give the lower part of your face a sunken, aged appearance, which can ultimately affect the shape of your entire face. Dental implants can help retain the structure of your face by keeping your jawbone robust.

5. Dental implants are cost-effective
When you compare the lifetime costs of dental implants to the costs of other restorations that may need to be regularly adjusted or replaced, you'll notice that they're surprisingly affordable. Your dentist will assists you in preventing future problems once your mouth is orally fit and your implants have been safely implanted.

6. Dental implants have no food restrictions
One of the most common complaints about tooth loss or dentures is that people have to change their diets because their bite is weak or because their dentures don't stay in place well enough to allow the consumption of foods like apples or steak. Luckily, you can eat and drink normally once your dental implants have stabilized.

7. Dental implants are easy to maintain
Dental implants are simple to care for because they require the same daily brushing and flossing as your real teeth. Also, they need routine dental checkups and hygienist sessions. Many individuals believe that because their implants aren’t manufactured from biological materials, they don’t require cleaning. However, this is not the case. Dental implants, just like real teeth, can attract plaque and tartar, gum disease, and infections if not properly cared for.

8. Dental implants offer predictable outcomes
A dental implant's success is determined by its placement in your mouth and the amount of the jawbone that supports it. Smoking, for instance, can have an impact on whether an implant works properly or fails. In general, dental implants have a success rate of 98%. This means that they provide expected results and are appropriate for different people. 

The bottom line
If you think that dental implants are the right solution for your problem, consider visiting an experienced dental specialist to determine if you’re truly a suitable candidate. Remember that tooth loss is a dangerous problem that can result in facial changes, decreased quality of life, and even complete tooth loss if left untreated. 

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Can Invisalign fix an anterior Open Bite? 

Invisalign was first introduced in 1997 by two Stanford University students that invented the first complete clear aligner system. At this point in time correcting an open bite with Invisalign was not recommended. As the years passed, a better understanding of how modified Clear Aligners can direct the necessary force in a predictable manner allowed for more orthodontic corrections such as open bite to be possible. 

Although Invisalign has made a lot of progress over the years, it is still limited when it comes to more complex cases such as posterior open bite. In this case, Invisalign may not be the best option. It is always best to consult with an experienced orthodontist in order to determine if Invisalign can fix your open bite

How can Invisalign correct an Open Bite? 

In order to correct an open bite Invisalign trays are designed and programmed by an orthodontist to fix an open bite. 

This process may include all of the following:                                                                                  

  • Extrude the anterior teeth making sure the teeth align with your smile line.                                                                                     
  • Intrude the posterior teeth with possible wisdom teeth extraction in some cases.                                                                                     
  • Mini-Implants may be required in the upper posterior area if a more posterior intrusion is needed.                                                                                     
  • Use rubber bands of rubber bands inducing a counterclockwise mandibular rotation[iii].                                                                                    
  • Interproximal reduction (IPR) may be used if the tooth varies in size and shape. 

How long does it take for Invisalign to correct an Open Bite?

The treatment time will depend on the age of the patient and also the size of the open bite. Adult patients with a moderate open bite (2-3 mm) will have a time frame of approximately 18-24 months. Younger patients with the same moderate open bite will take between 12-18 months. If an open bite is much bigger ( more than 4 mm) the use of mini-implants will be required and the length of treatment will be 24-28 months or more. 

About how many trays are needed to fix the anterior open bite?

Past research has revealed that an average of 73 clear aligners are needed to get the open bite fixed. However, this number can vary from patient to patient possibly ranging from 40 to 100 trays. 

Invisalign & Surgery For Open Bite Treatment

In very complicated open bite cases, surgery can become the only solution. Braces are required before surgery is performed to align and straightened the teeth to ensure the open bite is corrected properly. Only a specialized orthodontist with years of experience using Invisalign offers the option to use aligners instead of braces in this unique circumstance.

To recap this post, Invisalign can be used to correct open bites with advancements in Invisalign technology. A patient should always consult with an experienced orthodontist, preferably one that has many years working with Invisalign. The orthodontist will be able to determine if Invisalign can be used to correct open bites on a case-by-case basis.

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Dental Bonding comes in one of the widely spread dental procedures. It is used to repair discolored, declined, or fractured teeth. This procedure is quite simple and inexpensive. You need professional help for getting it done. If you are looking for a Dentist In Houston for a bonding procedure then read this full article before making an appointment to know more about this.


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What is teeth bonding?


For improving the condition of your damaged tooth, the bonding procedure implies the application of special plastic(composite resin). For people who want to restore chipped or broken teeth then bonding is an easy procedure. Unlike other similar procedures, bonding can be done only in one visit at Houston cosmetic dentist like veneers. In repairing your damaged teeth the plastic used does not need to be designed in a special laboratory. During the actual visit, this plastic can be matched to the teeth.


Advantages of Bonding


  1. Price -Teeth Bonding Near Me is quite an inexpensive dental procedure. Many people suffer from a damaged or chipped tooth or want to improve their smile, but most dental procedures come with a very high price tag. Tooth whitening cost more than bonding, however, the results are quite the same, for instance. In repairing damaged teeth veneers used also come with a higher price tag than bonding. Plus, some dental insurances may cover costs for dental bonding.


  1. Speed - The only advantage of bonding is not the inexpensiveness but this procedure is also very simple and quick. Veneersshould be designed in a special laboratory prior and usually take several weeks to be ready. In only one visit the bonding procedure can be completed which usually takes up to an hour.


  1. Improves Oral Health -special plastic applied during bonding procedure prevents teeth from further damages and improves their condition.


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How Bonding Is Done?


When you visit the Houston dentist, he/she will choose the color of composite resin (plastic) that matches your teeth’ color the best. After the color is chosen, the dentist will apply the special liquid to help composite resin to stick to the teeth. After several minutes from applying the liquid to the teeth, your dentist will put the composite resin to the damaged or cracked teeth. Then, your local dentist will shape the resin to fit the shape of your teeth. The whole procedure may take from 30 minutes to one hour to be completed. After that try to avoid drinking coffee and tea for 48 hours.


Why Choose Bonding?


Above, I have discussed the advantages of Dental Bonding Near Me. Personally, I choose to bond for two main reasons. Firstly, the procedure does not require any recovery time which is a big plus for people who have busy lives. I was able to return to my office directly after the procedure. Secondly, in most cases, even local anesthesia is not necessary and fastening is a pain-free procedure.


The Teeth Bonding Cost varies based on the location, the extent of the procedure, and dentist expertise.



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What are the Types of Mouthguards Available?

The device used to protect your teeth from grinding or clenching while you sleep or from injuries while you play sports is called mouth guard. They can also help to relieve obstructive sleep apnea and to reduce snoring. Not all mouthguards are the same, however. Depending on your needs there are three main types of mouthguards are available. Read this article to learn about the different types including which ones are best for certain conditions.

 Dental Mouth Guard Houston | Mouth Guard for Night-time Teeth Grinding


Different types of mouthguards


  1. Stock mouthguards- It is the most widely available and affordable type of mouth guard for teeth grinding.You can find them at most drug stores and goods stores. They fit over your teeth and usually come in small, medium, and large sizes. Most of the mouthguards only cover your top teeth. They do have some downsides, they are easy to find and inexpensive. They’re usually uncomfortable and don’t provide a tight fit due to their limited size options. While wearing one, this can also make it hard to talk.


  1. boil-and-bite mouthguards- boil-and-bite mouthguards are sold in most drugstores and are relatively inexpensive similar to stock mouthguards. Boil-and-bite mouthguards come in one size that you can customize to fit your teeth instead of coming in a few sizes. Until it softens, this involves boiling the mouthguard and then placing it over your front teeth and biting down. Make sure you follow the instructions to get the best fit that come with it.


  1. Custom-made mouthguards- By your dentist, you can also get a custom-made mouthguard. Specifically for the structure of your teeth and mouth, they’ll take a mold of your teeth and use it to create a mouthguard.


As compared to stock or boil-and-bite mouthguard, this provides a much better fit. This makes them more comfortable and harder to accidentally dislodge while you’re sleeping. A custom-made mouthguard is your best option mouth guard for sleeping, snore, or have sleep apnea. Many dental insurance plans cover some or all of the cost because they’re more expensive than over-the-counter mouthguards.


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How to care for your mouthguard?


Since it spends a lot of time in your mouth, it’s important to protect your mouthguard from damage and keep it clean. Follow these steps to get the most out of your mouthguard:


  1. Before putting in your mouthguard, floss and brush your teeth.
  2. Before putting it in and after taking it out, rinse your mouthguard with cool water or mouthwash.
  3. To clean it after each use, use a toothpaste and toothbrush.
  4. Check for holes or other signs of damage regularly, this means it needs to be replaced.
  5. To any dentist, bring the mouthguard you have.
  6. With some ventilation to protect it, store your mouthguard in a hard container and allow it to dry out between uses.
  7. Even if the guard is in a container keep your mouthguard out of reach of any pets.
  8. Mouthguards don’t last forever always keep this in mind. As soon as you start to notice any holes or signs of wear, replace your mouthguard.

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The requirement for braces can be anguishing for kids and adults the same, the dread of a mouth brimming with metal regularly conquering the longing for straight teeth. Invisalign offers an option for metal braces, giving an approach to fix teeth without the permeability and permanency of metal braces, however, would they say they are better for adults or children? A few provisions of Invisalign near me are more gainful for either.


  1. Invisalign Is Virtually Invisible


Invisalign has figured out how to beat one of the regular grumblings of metal braces: they stand out because they are so observable. One of Invisalign's selling focuses is that it is substantially less observable because Invisalign braces embrace the wearer's teeth with a reasonable plastic piece. This is formed to fit the state of the teeth consummately.




The way that Invisalign Houston tx is a reasonable plastic is a significant factor for children and adults the same, however, it is maybe generally essential to teens who face sharp scorn for their pictures from peers. Adults might act naturally cognizant about their appearance too, however, most have gone through the urgent teen stage and as of now fostered theirs before the character.


  1. Invisalign Is Removable


Another selling point of Invisalign retainer is that they can be eliminated while eating or brushing teeth, or some other time the wearer decides to. Eliminating Invisalign while eating permits the wearer to eat food varieties that are prohibited while wearing metal braces, like nuts and apples. Eliminating Invisalign while brushing teeth allows a superior opportunity for better cleanliness over customary metal braces.


Invisalign for teens should recollect that eliminating the plastic braces for any critical measure of time will stretch the time expected to accomplish fixed teeth. This can turn into a hindrance for children and teenagers, who might eliminate them before school so they will not need to do as such before peers during lunch period. Without wearing them, they go a huge piece of the day. Children may likewise be bound to lose their Invisalign teen pieces, prompting substitution costs.




The removable angle is generally valuable for adults, who are bound to replace their Invisalign Houston pieces soon after eliminating them and are more averse to lose the piece subsequently.


While Invisalign for adults is useful for both children and adults, adults are bound to profit from wearing removable braces than children and teens are. Guardians of children who are keen on wearing Invisalign ought to gauge the upsides and downsides of Invisalign and metal braces before character strategy for fixing their kids' teeth.


How much does Invisalign cost?


The Invisalign site says their treatment costs somewhere in the range of $3,000–$7,000. Also, they say that individuals might meet all requirements for up to $3,000 in help from their insurance agency. As indicated by the Consumer Guide for Dentistry, the public normal for Invisalign in Houston Tx is $3,000–$5,000.


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Earlier, cosmetic dentistry was once associated with rich and well-known people. The process has never been concerned and approved by the common man. As per the new updates and advancements coming in technology, you are now able to see and find creative and innovative ideas together with cost-effective methods that are in existence. Not only this, but Cosmetic Dentistry Houston TX has also achieved popularity among various sections of society today. Thus, in these recent days, it can be stated that cosmetic dentistry has flourished well in a very rapid manner and more and more people are now making use of these different types of treatments. Let us now have a look at some more details about this type of process and its popularity.


More information on cosmetic dentistry near me!


As you all are aware of the fact that a good smile here reflects an enormous amount of positive energy and if you really possess that smile along with you, then you will certainly have the necessary courage and self-respect. But mostly the people who are having dirty and ugly teeth feel shameful and a break in them all the time. with this type of teeth, the self-confidence of the person goes down and the relationship will also get affected as the person would also need to suffer as well. That’s why having the cosmetic dentist near me is very much essential. Also, the relevance of cosmetic dentistry comes into existence and a method of using a combination of art and science is taken into the picture to enhance the appearance, function, and health of the teeth.


Benefits of Cosmetic Dentistry

The Best Cosmetic Dentist Houston mentions the point given below-

  1. It enhances the self-confidence
  2. It will lead to improving the diet
  3. Enhance the appearance of your face.
  4. Improved financial outlook
  5. Improved dental health


Importance of Cosmetic Dentistry


The cosmetic Dentistry Near Me process is essential because when someone has a smile they can be proud to show off, they are much more likely to smile. If anyone smiles more often than they are much more likely to feel happy and confident. And when someone feels comfy and assured, they are much more likely to have a successful life. However, why live with damaged teeth or burst teeth, and a smile that is not to hide anymore. In today’s arena,  cosmetic dentistry choices can help anyone who feels uncertain about their teeth or smile, which means no more excuses.


Ready to enhance your smile!

Now, you need to know everything about dentistry, its benefits, and its importance, so now are you able to take the required steps so that you've got the smile that you always wanted?


Now also you are not sure about the cosmetic process which is going to meet your needs, then you must make a consultation appointment with the best dentist in Houston. And this turns out to be a substantial thing you can do.

Hence, this will lead you to ask questions about your dental problem, and the Cosmetic Dentist Houston will give knowledgeable and skilled answers for your problems. Furthermore, visit the official of for more information. 


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5 Reasons Why You Need Regular Dental Checkups

A recent survey has illuminated a disturbing oral hygiene trend. It found that up to one-third of Americans have not visited a dentist in the last 12 months, meaning they are at serious risk of tooth decay, gum disease or even fatal conditions such as cancer, heart attack or stroke.

Nobody likes to go the dentist, but oral health isn’t just about maintaining a pretty smile. Regular checkups can save you money and save your teeth.

1. Professional deep cleanings remove plaque and bacteria

Many people believe that brushing and flossing twice a day is all that is needed to remove germs from their teeth and gums, but it’s not enough to prevent bacteria and hardened plaque from accumulating over time in hard-to-reach places. Only a dentist or dental hygienist with proper procedures and instruments can eliminate these unwanted elements from your mouth.

2. Checkups prevent serious dental issues down the road

A filling costs a lot less than a root canal. It’s significantly less painful, too. Waiting until you’re in pain to visit the dentist is a recipe for a sticker-shock inducing bill and an unnecessarily unpleasant experience. Nipping small issues in the bud prevents serious problems from arising in the future.

3. Checkups help prevent oral cancer, diabetes and heart disease

Bi-annual dental checkups help you avoid oral cancer. Dentists are trained to recognize oral abnormalities that may be a sign of cancer. They can see the symptoms that you can’t.

Evidence linking periodontal ailments to heart disease, diabetes and stroke is mounting, too. Sore, swollen gums create an inflammation that has the potential to disrupt your entire cardiovascular system. The mouth is a breeding ground for toxins & bacteria and soft gum tissue (particularly when inflamed) is likely to rupture and introduce these poisons into your blood stream-poisons that can cause significant damage to blood vessels throughout your body including in your heart.

4. Checkups help you control bad habits

From crunching ice to biting your nails, grinding your teeth and more, there are a host of bad habits that can cause damage to your teeth and gums. Your checkup is a chance for your dentist to advise you on improving your regimes, helping you become healthier and happier in the long run.

5. It feels good!

While it’s easy to procrastinate, you’ll be glad you made an appointment once you pop out of the chair. A good cleaning not only leaves your mouth feeling fresh and your pearly whites looking, well, white, but it also feels good and helps you build confidence.

For award-winning dental care for the whole family, visit Ocean Dental at 167 Avenue at the Common, Shrewsbury, NJ 07702, or call 732–935–0905 or visit for more information.

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What is a Root Canal Procedure?

A type of treatment used to save and restore a damaged tooth is called a root canal procedure. The pulp and the nerve are taken out followed by the process of cleaning and sealing the inner part of the tooth during this procedure. Without a root canal procedure, abscesses may materialize after the surrounding tissue of the tooth becomes infected. The inner part of the tooth goes through a cleaning process and then sealed with a substance named gutta-percha. 


Signs & Symptoms


Pain may not be experienced right away if you have a pulp infection. But you will most likely experience swelling and pain if not treated immediately. Abscesses often form in worse cases. You will definitely benefit from a root canal treatment if you happen to experience any of the following:

  • Broken tooth
  • Swelling of the gums
  • Discolored tooth
  • Sensitivity to cold drinks lasts for more than 2 seconds
  • Sensitivity to heat
  • Extreme pain when the tooth bites on something pushed or touched.


Reasons for Undergoing Root Canal Procedure


The two main reasons why a root canal procedure is performed include infection and extreme damage to the pulp which could no longer be fixed. 


If a cavity is left untreated, the existing decay will gradually erode the dentin and the enamel of the tooth until the decay gets to a root canal. The bacteria will infect the pulp when this happens. Since the antibiotics do not have the capacity to reach the infection found inside the teeth so the situation will become worse. The tooth will have a decreased blood supply resulting in a very slow healing rate when inflammation occurs. 


As for pulp damage, it is often caused by tooth fracture or trauma. A root canal procedure will address the problem at hand if the damage could no longer be fixed. Unlike restorations, tooth filling, and other dental procedures, a root canal procedure can solve pulp damage problems in the long term. 


It is still best to keep the natural teeth as much as possible of course. But if no treatment will be made, tooth extraction will most likely be required. When a person has a missing tooth, the other teeth often drift out of line and chewing will cause the other teeth to become overstressed. Keeping your natural teeth can help prevent the need for other treatments like bridges or implants more importantly. After going through a root canal procedure, you will have a greater chance to keep the treated tooth for life. 


The number of treatments needed for a root canal procedure may vary depending on the severity of the condition. In some cases, only one treatment is required to fix the problem. Treatment may prove to be more difficult in other cases due to the position of the tooth in the mouth and some teeth have more roots. And the more roots there are in a particular tooth, the longer it will take to complete the treatment. And if your reason for having a root canal procedure is because of an infection, then you will need to visit the nearest dentist until the infection is gone completely.

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Pros And Cons Of Wisdom Teeth Removal:

Wisdom Tooth Extraction Near Me is a procedure in which a person's molars or molar is taken out. Usually, human beings develop four more when they reach maturity, anywhere from the age of eighteen to twenty-five years old. These additional teeth can create some problems because many people have jaws that cannot accommodate their appearance. This is the main reason why wisdom teeth removal is required.


Pros and Cons:


Many dentists urge the wisdom teeth removal near me of these pearly whites when they appear. Most of the time, these late molars come out in irregular positions that can compromise the health of the oral cavity. Wisdom tooth removal is the recommended treatment for this. Wisdom Teeth Removal Houston is beneficial especially when the individual is suffering from wisdom tooth pain, discomfort, and having impacted wisdom teeth on their appearance.


The grinding and chewing motion that the jaws go through upon eating can continually have an effect on them. Since these molars are latecomers, there is usually little or no space for them in the jaws. They still erupt, though, and come out in strange if not inconvenient positions. The extraction can ease the discomfort and the cramped space that usually occurs when they erupt. Other teeth also become crooked when these come out and the overall appearance and function of the mouth can be affected, such as the alignment and bite of the person. Extraction is also recommended, early on, in order to prevent these from happening.


In spite of these, many negative side effects also occur after wisdom tooth removal. In many cases, bleeding happens after the extraction of the molar. This may occur for a few days, around two to four days. Clotting should be expected around the third or fourth day and many dentists do not recommend persistent rinsing of the oral cavity. Persistent rinsing can dislodge the blood clots that should facilitate healing and may prolong the recovery period. Exertion is not recommended during the recovery period, about two weeks or more, due to the possibility that the clots might erupt. Infection might also set in if there is no post-extraction medication that is supposed to prevent it. Dentists Open On Saturday In Houston might also prescribe an anti-inflammatory drug.


Although there are instances when two or more teeth are extracted, many dentists at Nearest Dentist Office do not recommend doing so. Taking it out can also cause other complications especially if there are fragments or chips left in the area due to the molar breaking off due to the pressure of extraction. Many people argue that many of these molars do not actually need to be extracted especially if they do not pose any problems. This may be true because many individuals do not have theirs pulled out and they have had no issues with them at all.


These are just a few of the pros and cons which surround wisdom tooth removal. As more and more insights and developments are studied, many people try to wait out their teeth and assess the situation before having them pulled out. They may or may not have issues with them after all.

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All about dental bonding..















What is dental bonding???

Dental bonding is a procedure in which a tooth-colored resin material (a durable plastic material) is applied and hardened with a special light, which ultimately "bonds" the material to the toothto restore or improve a person's smile.


What Conditions Is Dental Bonding Considered?

Dental bonding is an option that can be considered:


  • To repair decayed teeth (composite resins are used to fill cavities)
  • To repair chipped or cracked teeth
  • To improve the appearance of discolored teeth
  • To close spaces between teeth
  • To make teeth look longer
  • To change the shape of teeth
  • As a cosmetic alternative to amalgam fillings
  • To protect a portion of the tooth's root that has been exposed when gums recede.

What's the Procedure for Having a Tooth Bonded?

  • Preparation. Little advance preparation is needed for dental bonding. Anesthesia is often not necessary unless the bonding is being used to fill a decayed tooth, the tooth needs to be drilled to change its shape, or the chip is near the nerve. Your dentist will use a shade guide to select a composite resin color that will closely match the color of your tooth.
  • The bonding process. Next, the surface of the tooth will be roughened and a conditioning liquid applied. These procedures help the bonding material adhere to the tooth. The tooth-colored, putty-like resin is then applied, molded, and smoothed to the desired shape. A bright, usually blue, light, or laser is then used to harden the material. After the material is hardened, your dentist will further trim and shape it, and polish it to match the sheen of the rest of the tooth surface.
  • Time-to-completion. Dental bonding takes about 30 to 60 minutes per tooth to complete.

Advantages of dental bonding

  • You get immediate results and need fewer visits.
  • Time efficient procedure.
  • Less tooth structure removal.
  • Gives your smile a dazzling shine.
  • Immediate shade, shape and size can be altereted according to your likings.



Our team at Dr. Krinita Motwani’s multi-specialty clinic specializes in Cosmetic and Esthetic dentistry and offer a multitude of treatments like Smile makeover, Veneers, Teeth whitening, Dental implants, One sitting root-canal and preventive dentistry.

You can find us at Call or Whatsapp us at 9820280343 to book an appointment.

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The third molars that usually come in during the late teens or early 20s are known as Wisdom teeth. Some people usually have four wisdom teeth, some have fewer or more but these teeth normally affect other teeth. Those who develop impacted wisdom teeth usually have these teeth extracted. Wisdom teeth are also pulled out if they pose potential problems if left as it is aside from being impacted. It can lead to worse medical danger because grown-in wisdom teeth can be infected easily. On the other hand, other wisdom teeth are misaligned or cause crowding which can both be painful.


wisdom tooth hole


The procedure of Wisdom tooth removal


- By a surgeon or adult orthodontics near me, wisdom tooth removal can be done. During the procedure, anesthetics are used to prevent the patient from feeling any pain. Local anesthesia applies to the area of the tooth to be pulled can do the trick in some cases. General anesthesia is being administered to the patients, in some cases, making patients sleep throughout the whole extraction process. Usually, general anesthesia is given to patients with special needs or those who will have multiple teeth removed at the same time.


- The whole procedure of wisdom tooth hole removal can seem frightening but there are no reasons for the patients to be afraid especially if they have talked to their dentist beforehand.Whether it is about your dental health condition or the uneasiness you feel while being surrounded by dentist’s equipment but having a dentist whom you can talk to can make the patient’s mind more at ease.


- To assess the state of the patient’s teeth and plan the best approach to remove the tooth, the dentist usually takes an X-ray of the patient’s teeth before the procedure. Regarding the condition of your wisdom tooth to be extracted, talking to your dentist and the estimated length of time of the process and the after-procedure wisdom tooth healing stages can give you the proper mindset for the operation.


- After the extraction, patients can experience bleeding within 24 hours. If the bleeding still persists after 24 hours a follow-up consultation with the dentist is highly recommended otherwise this is normal. The pain will eventually kick in after the effects of the anesthetics have worn out. Before the anesthesia wears out, taking a pill from the dentist’s prescription will avert the patient from feeling a lot of pain.


When do wisdom teeth holes close?


Within six weeks, the area around a wisdom tooth extraction typically closes. healing wisdom tooth socket will fill with bone in the next several months. It will take the site to close, during the six weeks it is important to keep the area clean and make sure food isn’t trapped in the socket area.




Wisdom tooth removal aftercare


  • After the doctor pulled out your wisdom tooth, do not rinse your mouth for a day.
  • You will experience some bleeding after the tooth removal which can be treated by putting clean gauze over the area in question.
  • Put ice in a clean cloth if you experience facial swelling and place it over the swollen area externally.
  • Eat something that is in a liquid state or eat light food.
  • Do not drink alcohol and drink juice as much as you can.


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Individuals frequently can't help thinking about 'for what reason would it be advisable for me to search for an orthodontist near me for adults ?' Certainly, any orthodontist will be good, isn't that so? This is not stringently evident. Orthodontic practices are frequently profoundly particular. Somebody who has been prepared as a pediatric orthodontist may not be unmistakably fit to work with grown-up teeth. Regardless of whether they have hypothetical information, they might come up short on the reasonable skill of fixing and treating grown-up jawbones and teeth. It assists with taking a gander at the prior and then afterwards photographs to see effective changes.



Orthodontists play a vital role in regular well-being and health. Normally what happens is adults ignore their dental illness until it becomes a severe issue for their health. And these problems will often lead to a high amount of money and time. That is why adults need to ask themselves-” where should I get the best orthodontist specialist near me?” Read the entire article for the most common problems which are seen in adults and with which orthodontics deal.


Is it important to find the best orthodontist for adolescents?  

 Yes, it is important to have the best orthodontist for adolescents for the orthodontics treatments. Whether the treatment is for fixing the twisted teeth or getting your lingual braces or some other orthodontic appliances. And it is superior to have the one who is expert in treating all such kinds of treatments. Further, if you are having a problem with teeth loss because of aging then it is not appropriate for you to visit the children’s orthodontics.  So you need to visit the best orthodontics near me. Ivanova in North Miami beach orthodontist professionals is the prime for adult braces near me.


4 common problems of adults in which orthodontics deals!

Even though supports and different aspects and different medicines are intended for youngsters, grown-ups additionally need them as often as possible. Indeed, even a moderately aged individual requires to see grown-up orthodontics close to me for dental consideration. We as grown-ups should eliminate the social disgrace associated with taking dental administrations in the last long periods of life.


Following are the absolute most normal issues that need the consideration of the grown-up orthodontics close to me.


  1. Overbite- It is a situation in which the upper jaws bulge over the lower jaws. If you are also having such an issue then check out the best orthodontics for overbite braces.
  2. Spacing- it is a dental case in which there are large gaps between the teeth and this is known as teeth spacing. This is a natural process in adults because of tongue flinging. Also, this often leads to a severe problem many a time therefore it is important for one to see the orthodontist before it’s too late!
  3. Deep bite-It is a problem in which lower incisors contact the gum tissue of the top curve of the jaw. This is a common problem for adults.
  4. Underbite- the case where lower jaws stick over the upper jaws. And this is a critical condition for adults.

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