24hrdental.net's Posts (143)

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Three Signs of a Bad Tooth

Having cavities in your teeth is a wholly tiresome ordeal. It is painful enough and having to make multiple trips to the dentist to have the thing fixed puts a cherry on top of the whole deal. However, as it is with any sort of ailment, the sooner a cavity or 'bad tooth' is caught, the easier it is to handle, treat and endure. So if you suspect that one or more of your teeth are going bad due to any reason but are unsure, here are three tell-tale signs to look out for:

The Color:

Ideally, you need to brush your teeth twice a day. This prevents all sorts of dental issues. So whilst brushing, take a look at the troublesome tooth if you can. Look at its color and compare it with the surrounding teeth. Your teeth might not be stark white because everyone has different colored teeth but they will be more or less uniformly colored. Look for any brown or unusual coloring, either in the form of a stain or small dots. These could be the beginnings of a cavity and need to be checked out immediately.

You Feel Pain:

Chew carefully and try to exert pressure on that tooth. If you feel a twinge or pain or any inflammation in the gums near that tooth, chances are, the roots are rotting or at least getting attacked by bacteria. If you feel such pain or irritation, contact a dentist immediately.

There's a bad odor in your mouth:

If you've been brushing regularly and haven't changed your routine, there's no reason for your mouth and gums to smell bad. If, especially whilst eating, you feel your mouth fill with a bad odor or taste for no reason, there might be a pus pocket damaging your tooth. These release pus when put pressure upon whilst eating or chewing. Sometimes, these damage your tooth silently while you might not notice a discoloration on the tooth itself or even pain in the initial stages because these silently attack and rot away your roots. If you feel such an odor or taste in your mouth, get your tooth checked immediately.

Apart from the aforementioned points, if you feel for any reasons whatsoever that your tooth is being damaged, be sure to get it checked by your dentist. Remember that what isn't visible to the eye might be revealed in an x-ray or to a dentist so never leave anything to chance.

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A Complete Dental Care Guide For Elderly People

As you get older, life becomes hard and one becomes more prone to diseases. There could be many health conditions that can arise by time such as dental problems. These issues are faced by almost everyone in the old age. There is nothing scary, however, in this phase of life, you will need to put extra efforts to maintain your charming smile. If you have recently added workout or dietary changes in your schedule, why not add dental care to your priority list? A visit to a dental clinic is never a fun, however, it is worth an effort to keep your teeth in good condition for years.

Take Care of Your Teeth As Your Retirement Approaches

The best thing you can do to keep your teeth healthy is to show care for them. If you are into the habit of skipping brushing schedules, it could lead to plaque building and could eventually, mar the health conditions of your teeth. If you pamper them well it would really pay you in your twilight years. In this age, it is easy to become a victim of root decay, gum diseases, dry mouth and darkened teeth. Here, you can show care towards your gums by consulting an experienced orthodontist.

Pay a Visit to Your Dental Clinic

After every 6 months, one should pay a visit to the dentist to evaluate teeth conditions. Moreover, you can schedule your teeth cleanup session with this professional for your ease. Periodic checkups will also help you in detecting any outstanding dental issues that could cost you thousands of dollars later in the future. Follow the expert advice if your teeth have started loosening. The oral expert will check for any signs of cancer which generally starts developing due to the bumps or lumps. Diminished taste is another alarming sign indicating oral troubles.

The Must To Follow Oral Techniques For Elderly People

1. Flossing

Flossing cleans the hidden areas of teeth, which are otherwise, not reachable by brushing. This lucrative advantage makes it one of the most sought oral cleaning techniques nowadays. It is usually done by wrapping floss around the index finger. If you are suffering from arthritis, you can consider using dental tape which would be more convenient for you to use.

2. Brushing For Cleaner Teeth

A soft bristle brush is gentle on the gums. It is good to the people of all ages, especially matured persons. Enamel tends to wear away as you age which arises the need for brushing, at least twice a day after meals. Electric brush can be much more convenient than the traditional brush for the individuals suffering from arthritis. Avoid brushing too hard due to the risk of gum receding. In case you are in doubt, ask a reliable orthodontist around you.

3. Dental Implants

You may also choose dental implants as it is a permanent solution to some of your oral problems. It becomes a necessity if you are missing your teeth and looking for an alternative to fill up the gap. Once set into the place, dental implants act like regular teeth.

If you are progressing towards old age, there is nothing to worry but to act for extra gum care, so that, you enjoy good oral health as your age advances. If you are experiencing any difficulty in your teeth, consider a trusted dental clinic which can help you maintain good teeth health round the year.

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Should I Use Mouthwash Every Day?

Should I Use Mouthwash Every Day?

Most people know they should brush their teeth at least two times a day. Its also known that flossing controls plaque and tartar buildup in between teeth where your toothbrush can not reach. But using mouthwash is more commonly known to be used right before going out on dates or to easily help with bad breath.

However, mouthwash is more than just a tool to eliminate foul breath. It can also help reduce cavities. Everyone wants to have fresh breath, simply because bad breath turns people off. If you think you might have bad breath, ask a trusted friend or family member. They will be sure to give you a honest answer.

Mouthwash is an effective tool in the fight against tooth decay, gingivitis, as well as the promotion of healthy teeth and gums. Use an antiseptic mouthwash after you brush not only will promote dental health, but helps kill those bad breath germs as well. Mouthwashes should not be used as a substitute for brushing your teeth. It should be the final step in the oral hygiene process both in the morning and in the evening.

Mouthwash is a great tool, but be careful to follow directions on the bottle. Use the proper amount, and do not swallow it. Some rinses containing alcohol ranging from 18 to 26 percent can dry the soft tissues of the mouth and may contribute to mouth sores. Switching to a non-alcohol mouthwash might alleviate these side effects. Alcohol free mouthwash is particularly beneficial for people who have a history of alcohol abuse as well.

In conclusion, set a timer or count in your head. One essential key to using mouthwash properly is to swish it in your mouth for the ideal amount of time. Read the product label carefully. Most mouthwashes recommend that you swish the product around in your mouth for 30 seconds to one minute, then spit it out. If you believe to have a case of chronic bad breath, make an appointment to see your local dentist.

From the editors at http://24hrdental.net

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Causes of a Root Canal

Root canals are one of the most common procedures performed in dentist offices, however they are one of the most preventable dental conditions with regular checkups. Still there are many reasons that a person might need this procedure. The following are some of the most common causes of a root canal. If you have experienced, or are experiencing any of these symptoms, you may need to contact a dental professional.

We inherit our teeth from our parents. Some people have soft teeth that decay easier than hard teeth, and require more maintenance than the average person. If soft teeth are ignored, then decay can happen rapidly and lead to the need for a root canal.

Decay is the main instigator of root canals. If the decay finds its way into the pulp chamber, it may cause sensitivity while drinking hot or cold beverages. If the decay has progressed too far, it can cause an infection or abscesses. If abscesses become too large, the only way to fix it will be to extract the tooth or to have this procedure.

Tooth Fracture 
Tooth fractures may also lead to this procedure. Fractures can happen because of excessive grinding or clenching of the teeth. Or from chewing ice or hard foods. Sometimes teeth can develop hairline type fractures that let bacteria into the tooth's pulp chamber which leads to infections. A root canal can be performed and a post is stationed at the canal of the tooth to maintain its integrity.

This procedure may be necessary if a tooth is hit with great force. Car accidents, injuries that occur during sporting events, slips or falls can all cause trauma to the tooth. When significant trauma occurs, the nerve can be severed and may eventually die. This may happen immediately or over time.

Extensive Dental Work 
Sometimes having extensive or repetitive dental work completed can lead to the need for this procedure. When deep fillings are done and the old fillings are replaced with new composite fillings, this can be traumatic to some nerves in the teeth and cause inflammation.

Deep Cavity 
Deep cavities allow infected bacteria to thrive within the pulp chambers of the tooth. If this happens the tooth can become inflamed or can die. It is possible that a tooth can have a cavity and not be in pain, but can still be infected. If individuals do not have regular dental checkups, then small cavities can become deep over time and require extensive dental work.

A toothache is perhaps the most obvious symptom of a root canal. If the tooth is still alive, it will be sensitive to cold or hot foods and beverages. The tooth will hurt at random, even without the presence of a stimulus like food or drink. The pain can get so severe that it may cause perpetual headaches and earaches. If the tooth is dead and contains an abscess, it can lead to severe swelling of the jaw, cheek, or throat. If these symptoms occur, an emergency root canal will be necessary.

Genetics, decay, tooth fractures, trauma, too much dental work, deep cavities, and pain are circumstances that can lead to the need for a root canal. Contact a dental office for routine check-ups to prevent the need for a root canal.

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Restore Your Smile

You only get one set of adult teeth in your lifetime. Do you feel like you are "stuck" with the set that you have? There are many adults to feel that they could benefit from whiter, straighter teeth or even just MORE teeth. When it comes to finding a new job, meeting new people, or just going about your day, whether or not you have a smile to show off can make the difference between a good day and a bad one. More than half of adults would say that if they just had another set of teeth, that their lives would be drastically changed.

A lack of self-confidence can be discouraging. Starting with the restoration of your smile can really be a self-esteem and confidence booster! Teeth that are decaying, broken or left untreated can account for chronic tooth pain, and difficulty speaking and eating. Missing teeth that haven't been replaced with implants cause bone loss and an aging appearance. Restoring your smile with a simple whitening, crowns, fillings, or filling in gaps can take 10 years off your age!

Most dental offices thrive at the opportunity to help those suffering tooth problems to restore their confidence and get their life back. Often a smile makeover is in store and will bring the desired results from someone seeking out a confidence boost. A smile makeover is a detailed process with many factors that must be taken into consideration. The goal is to make the new smile look natural and beautifully blended in with the patient's mouth and face shape. Some of the aspects dental professionals consider are:

  • Tooth shape - the shape and length of teeth play a big part in making a smile seem more masculine or feminine or older or younger. The dentist may look at old photographs to try to match the natural appearance of the patient's youth as much as possible.
  • Tooth color - of course we all want white teeth, but it is possible to go too white. The dentist may choose a slightly less brilliant white for an older patient to make the smile look more natural. A good rule of thumb is to choose a color that is not whiter than the whites of your eyes.
  • Tooth proportions - the dentist will examine the teeth to correctly proportion each one against the other teeth so the two central front teeth are dominant and the smile line appears natural.

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While it is possible to keep them healthy for life, odds are your teeth will require treatment at some point. In fact, most us of experience our first oral health issues while we are still in grade school. We are speaking, of course, about tooth decay. Often caused by excessive sugar intake, tooth decay can lead to a hole in a tooth called a cavity. And as we all know, cavities must be filled to prevent further damage to teeth.

In the past, amalgam fillings made of metals such as silver or gold were used to stop the spread of a cavity and to improve the damaged tooth's structural integrity. Generally speaking, they performed quite well because amalgams were durable and easy to work with. They did not, however, maintain their alluring luster for long.

What Happens?

No matter which metals are used, most amalgams corrode over time and turn a dark gray, even black color. They also begin to wear out after about a decade, which increases the risk of future decay to an already compromised tooth. It is for this reason that many people with old metal filings choose to replace them with a new, non-metallic option.

What Are Resin Fillings?

Most of us know resin as a kind of plastic that is used to make everything from furniture to jewelry. But putting it in our mouths? Actually, resin is much safer than most dental amalgams, since it does not contain mercury -- a metal that is linked to a laundry list of health risks. Resin is also durable and strong and will not change shades over time. Made of tooth-colored plastic, composite fillings are virtually undetectable by the untrained eye, and they've become the preferred choice in most cosmetic dentist offices.

Who Needs Them?

Anyone who has a cavity that must be filled is a candidate for composite resin fillings. But because they are more expensive than traditional metal amalgams, they are more popular with adults than with kids. After all, a child may lose his deciduous teeth before they have a chance to change colors and become unsightly.

How Expensive Are They?

The good news is that many dental insurance plans cover the cost of composite filings. That said, they generally only pay 50% to 80% of the total bill. The remainder must be paid by the patient. And since resin composites are pricier than metal amalgams, you will pay more out of your own pocket to the cosmetic dentist.

Are They Worth It?

If you ask the average cosmetic dentist, odds are she will say that composite resin is clearly superior to metal amalgam. Not only is it more attractive and more versatile, it should also last longer with proper care.

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Modern Dentistry Is Painless

Lots of people avoid visiting a dentist fearing that they might have to undergo a painful dental treatment. Due to ignorance, many people are unaware of the fact that dental science has made a tremendous progress in the last few years and now, most of the dental treatment procedures are simple, quick and painless. Another point that has to be understood is that even if a certain dental treatment involves some pain, it is still necessary to get it done because ignoring it might have severe consequences on your overall health. In this article, we will try to educate you more about the developments that have been made in modern dentistry so that you feel encouraged to visit a dentist.

In early days, there was no anaesthesia and whenever people went to a dentist to get his tooth filled or removed, they did not had any option but to bear the pain. But as the time passed, anaesthesia came into play and it was able to reduce the amount of pain involved in a dental treatment in a big way. Still, some people are too afraid of the needles or the sound of drilling machine. They need to know that there is a medical gel, which can be applied to the gums before giving anaesthetic treatment. The gel makes gums numb and then the person will not feel any pain while being treated with anaesthesia. Apart from it, there are many dental treatments that can be done without anaesthesia.

So now that you know that most of the dental treatments are quick and painless, you should visit the dentist at your earliest. It is essential that the oral health is taken care of at all the time to avoid any major treatment in future. If you want to ensure that your teeth remain healthy and serve you for a long time, then you have to take care of them as well. It is not hard to maintain oral health; all that you would require is to brush your teeth after having meals and floss them at least once in a day. This might not seem like a big ask but one has to be consistent with it. It is also advised that you visit a dentist once in every six months. If that is not possible then try to visit the dentist at least twice a year. This will minimize chances of any major oral issue occurring to you as the dentist would be able to detect the problem at an early stage and fix it before it harms you in a serious way.

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Finding the Root Cause of Bad Breath

Bad breath or halitosis, periodontal disease and gingivitis and general dental decay are all caused by anaerobic bacteria that live in between the teeth and around the gums in our mouths. This type of bacteria does not need oxygen to survive and is pathological in nature. In fact, bad breath is most likely a strong indicator of anaerobic bacteria present, but can also suggest other health issue that needs treatment.

Generally speaking, bad breath is most often caused by the odor given off by bacteria which is living off particles of food, dying tissue and even each other in the mouth. The anaerobic bacteria which cause bad breath can also live and reproduce on the tongue.

The bacteria produce the plaque that is found along the gum line. The plaque is gummy and sticky and attracts more germs and bacteria which in turn attack the teeth and gums, creating additional issues such as an inflammation and periodontal disease that may eventually cause the loss of the teeth.

Some common causes of halitosis:

Gingivitis: This is the inflammation of the gums which is created by your own immune system trying to fight off the bacterial infection. If left unchecked, it could cause an inflammation epidemic that can ravage the teeth and gums.

Dental Decay: This is caused by the acidic excrement from the bacteria as it consumes the teeth. The acid given off by the bacteria is actually dissolving the tooth in the mouth itself.

Periodontal Disease: This is the loss of bone and the tissue attachment around the tooth. This condition is caused by a microbial invasion by anaerobic bacteria around the tooth itself.

However, there are other causes for bad breath as well:

Diabetes: This disease can cause acidosis which in turn creates bad breath. There are usually other health indicators of diabetes which can be identified.

Other conditions than those listed above, that may cause halitosis are smoking, some medications, mouthwashes (that are alcohol-based) and even excessive mouth breathing (which can cause the mouth to dry out and not allow the saliva to remove the bacteria causing the odor). In rare situations, medical conditions, such as certain types of cancer and malfunctioning kidneys may also be the source of the bad breath.

Keeping bad breath caused by anaerobic bacteria under control starts with good oral hygiene. This means a strict home regimen of cleaning the teeth at least twice daily is necessary. The use of chlorhexidine gluconate, chlorine dioxide, or hydrogen peroxide as mouthwash can also assist in killing the germs and bacteria while washing them away. In addition to diligent home care, it is important to get professional dental cleanings at least twice yearly, and as often as every three months.

If the bad breath continues even after consistent proper oral hygiene, then other causes should be investigated to determine if the bad breath is from another source.

Consult with your dentist so that together you can learn the root cause of the bad breath and engage in proper oral hygiene that will reduce the amount of bacteria in the mouth.

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What You Need To Know About Modern Dentures

In addition to death and taxes, another universal truth that applies to all of us is that our bodies wear out as we age: bones become more brittle, muscles flabbier, and hair harder to come by. But the structures that often endure the most abuse and wear out sooner than any other are our teeth. According to a recent report from the Centers for Diseases Control & Prevention (CDC), a quarter of American adults age 60 years and older are entirely edentulous, or toothless.

Although there is no official statistic, it is reliably estimated that between 30 and 40 million U.S. seniors wear dentures. Those numbers are only expected to rise as the largest generation in the history of the nation - the baby boomers - enters their golden years in the next decade. Will all of them wear false teeth? Not with dental implants as an available, quite possibly superior, option.

What Are They?

Stronger and more stain-resistant than real choppers, dental implants are a permanent solution to tooth loss for people of all ages. The only problem is that they're expensive. Most general and cosmetic dentists charge between $1,000 and $3,000 for a single implant! We should also mention that dental insurance will not cover these costs. As a result, implants are not a viable option for folks who need dozens of teeth replaced and don't have deep pockets.

Why Dentures?

At the end of the day, cost is the main, determinative factor. A good pair of false teeth only costs about $1,000, compared with the tens of thousands of bucks it would cost for a full set of implants. The fact is, most elderly Americans simply cannot afford the latter, making fake choppers an attractive alternative.

The Numbers

Once again, there are no official statistics, but it is estimated that nearly 60 percent of seniors in the 65- to 74-year-old age group wear fake choppers. Some wear full sets of artificial teeth, while others have partial pairs. In fact, about half of the over-55 age group has at least one false tooth.

The Pros

False teeth have been around for thousands of years, but they haven't always had a natural appearance. Because their primary purpose was to improve functionality, dentures were made from materials that looked nothing like real teeth, such as ivory and gold. Modern models, on the other hand, are made of high-tech ceramics and acrylics - materials that are much harder, more stain-resistant, and more natural- looking than their predecessors.

In addition to the aesthetic improvement having a set of pearly whites provides, artificial models also help their wearers speak clearly again. Not to mention the fact that they enhance chewing ability and make eating more enjoyable. But as effective as they may be, fake choppers are far from perfect.

The Cons

Unlike implants, dentures are not designed to last forever. It's not that the prosthetics themselves wear out, but that the gum line shifts and changes shape as we age. In time, you may notice that your fake choppers are beginning to slip because they no longer fit. At that point, you must purchase another pair. On average, a new pair of replacement teeth will last for five to seven years.

You will also need to clean them on a regular basis, and you must use adhesives to keep them in place. Most wearers don't mind these daily rituals, but some complain that the cost of maintenance and cleaning can really add up. Of course, it is often less expensive than even a single dental implant!

In spite of their shortcomings, dentures are an affordable, reliable tooth replacement option for people of all ages.

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When asked to rate the most attractive physical feature, both men and women consistently agree that the smile outranks the eyes, hair, and even the body! A nice smile has an immediate, often subconscious impact on everyone you meet. It can convey more about you in an instant than your words ever could. Are you a nice, warm, approachable person, or maybe a bit standoffish? Yes, a genuine smile is arguably the most powerful expression in human history. But sometimes things get in the way of what we're trying to say with our smiles.

Even if we take good care of our teeth, brush and floss and gargle as instructed, they often lose their luster as we age. The primary cause of tooth discoloration is the loss of dental enamel, which makes our teeth more absorbent and prone to stain. There are a few things we can do to slow the process, but teeth will eventually become duller and yellower when enamel loss occurs. That is the main reason why tooth whitening is the most popular cosmetic dentistry procedure on the planet!

Does It Work?

No matter how faded or discolored your not-so pearly whites may be, they can almost always be lightened several shades with a simple in-office dental treatment. Because this professional procedure is far more effective than home teeth whitening products and kits, they have become increasingly popular with patients of all ages. In fact, a recent report from the American Dental Association (ADA) estimated that it is a multi-billion-dollar industry in the U.S.

Whitening Systems

As we mentioned, over-the-counter brightening products are widely available in America. According to a study from the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry, we spend more than $1.4 billion on them each year! Why do we love them? The main reasons are that they're cheap, easy to find, and easy to use. You can pick them up at nearly any supermarket or drugstore in America. They are also fairly effective at brightening choppers a couple of shades in the short term. With that said, no do-it-yourself system can compare with the average results of a professional teeth whitening procedure at the dentist. Why is this?

To begin with, the commercial solutions that are available for sale are not nearly as powerful as the ones a professional will use. Secondly, these kits do not include the expensive tools and dental equipment that is needed to professionally complete the procedure. And thirdly, you aren't a dentist! It is also important to note that whitening strips and gels can cause irritation, even numbness of teeth and gums if they are overused or improperly applied.

Professional Whitening

Much safer, more effective, and longer lasting than anything you might use at home, the only reason professional whitening isn't always used when someone wants to brighten their smile is that it can be expensive. Prices range from around $300 to $800, depending on the dentist and the number of treatments needed.

The Bottom Line

Even if that price seems steep, the truth is that you'll probably end up paying nearly as much if you use high-quality commercial products, since you'll have to use more of them for a much longer period of time. So, if you really want that movie-star smile, it's best to invest in yourself and get what you pay for.

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Orthodontics: Do You Need Treatment?

Teeth that are crooked or ones that do not correctly fit together are more challenging when it comes to cleaning. They are also vulnerable to tooth decay as well as other types of periodontal diseases. Such teeth cause extra stress on your chewing muscles leading to periodic headaches, shoulder, neck and back pains, and even the TMJ syndrome. Crooked teeth impact negatively on your physical appearance, and they dent personal confidence and self esteem.

Orthodontics is a branch of dentistry that deals with issues of correcting jaws and teeth that are improperly positioned. A specialist in this specific dental field is referred to as an orthodontist. Qualified and certified orthodontists must have gone through the required number of years at a dental school under the watch of the Australian Dental Council (ADC).

Do You Need The Treatment?

Your dentist can identify the need and refer you to a specialist. However, it is only an orthodontist that can establish if you stand to profit from treatment. An orthodontist is best fit to establish whether this mode of treatment is recommended and then generate a customized treatment plan for you. A treatment plan will be based on a variety of diagnostic tools such as a clinical exam, full dental and medical health history, photographs and X-rays, and plaster models of your teeth.

You would be a right a candidate for orthodontic treatment in case you got any of the following:

- Overbite (buck-teeth): where your upper front teeth are lying too far forward and are sticking out over your lower teeth.

- Underbite (bulldog bite): where your lower teeth appear to protrude forward. The upper teeth could also be placed too far back.

- Open bite: when you're having a space between your biting surfaces.

- Crossbite: when your upper teeth don't come slightly in front of your lower ones when you bite down.

- Spacing: when you got gaps between your teeth due to loss or teeth that are not filling up your mouth.

- Crowding: when you seem to have excess teeth than your jaw or dental ridge would accommodate.

- Misplaced midline: when the center of your upper front teeth center is not lining up with your lower front teeth center.

In addition to correcting the above abnormities, the other benefits include a more pleasant look, a healthier mouth, and teeth likely to last you an entire lifetime.

How Does It Work?

There are several types of orthodontic tools, both removable and fixed that an orthodontist would use in moving your teeth, retraining muscles and in affecting the growth of your jaws. They operate by exerting some gentle, but constant pressure on your jaws and teeth. An orthodontic approach that realizes the best outcomes depends on the severity of your dental problem.

Removable orthodontic appliances are generally more widely employed by most orthodontists. These appliances include:

- Dental aligners 
- Appliances for jaw repositioning 
- Removable space maintainers 
- Palatal expander 
- Lip and cheek bumpers 
- Removable retainers 
- Headgear

Fixed Appliances Include:

1. Braces 
2. Fixed space maintainers 
3. Special fixed appliances

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Useful Information on Root Canal Treatment

Teeth are important for us in many ways and to ensure that they serve us better, we should try to take care of them in very possible way. However, this is easier said than done. It will be hard to find someone in this world, who has never faced any kind of oral issues ever in his life. In our lifetime, we have to visit a dentist several times in our life due to oral issue or the other. In this article, we will provide you some useful information about root canal treatment so that you can learn more about it and take preventive measures against the same. So let us get started with this subject.

The best thing that can be done about root canal treatment is to try to avoid it in every possible way! This may not be possible if you are careless with your oral health care and ignore the pain that occurs frequently in your teeth. This may well be a sign of some serious oral issue that needs to be addresses and fixed as early as possible or else you might have to get root canal treatment done later on. So, the best thing to do here would be to take your oral health issues seriously and get yourself thoroughly checked by a dentist until it's too late. In the latter case when the oral issue has gone way too far, you will have no other option abut to opt for root canal treatment.

You might get a bit worried when you learn that you have to undergo such a treatment but it is not as dangerous as it sounds! It simply means that one of the teeth of your mouth has decayed to such an extent that it has affected the inner nerves in the mouth, due to which you have to bear pain frequently. In order to fix this issue, the dentist will need to treat you with the method of root canal, in which he will first clean the portion that is been badly affected due the decay of the tooth and then fill it. In most of the cases, the decay of the tooth is partial and the dentist removes the decayed portion of the tooth, performs the treatment and then fills the remaining portion of the tooth so that it can be prevented from further decay. The only sad part here is that had you been a little more careful in this matter and had you reported this issue to the dentist on time, then you could have saved yourself from this treatment at the first place!

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Why People Avoid Dental Care Treatments

Dental Health is important.

Although, most of us enjoy a healthy oral condition that's because we have been taught by parents and school teachers that we should keep our teeth clean. The School might have arranged dental health seminars and taught how to brush, what to do with your teeth, and how to keep them healthy.

That's how we are going to teach our generation. It's a process.

What Dentists Need to Do?

Dentists are experts in oral health care and management. Not only they treat the dental patients, but also make people aware how to avoid the dental issues. Dentist's responsibilities include:

· Diagnosing the oral diseases and problems.

· Spreading the awareness on oral health.

· Providing the solutions for dental health issues.

· Making and implementing the dental health plans for patients.

· Make necessary assessment arrangements such as dental x-ray to start treatment.

· Guiding the patients during and after the treatment.

· Showing case studies of past experiences to aware patients and other people.

5 Reasons Why People Avoid Dental Treatment

Following are the reasons why people normally avoid their dental treatments in the first place:

1. They have busy Schedules

People have busy schedules. We all have jobs to do. That's one of the reasons most people delay or avoid their dental treatments because they think they don't have time after their job hours. Keeping that in mind, we shouldn't avoid our dental treatment.

2. They don't want lengthy Procedures

Admit it. Dental procedures are lengthy and time-consuming. It might take 3 to 4 months if you have a major oral disease or dental treatment. Haven't you heard from people that they have kept the braces on for next six months as per dentist's advice?

3. They Feel no Pain

If there is no pain, there is no problem. Some people think that way!

It's fair. You might be noticing the symptoms of a dental problem while having ice cream or drinking coffee. If you feel something is wrong with your teeth, you better consult with a dentist before something goes really bad and gets worse.

4. They don't want dental treatment pain

Pain is one of the treatment avoiding factors. Especially women and children don't want to have dental treatment pain. Delaying or avoiding the dental checkup or surgery due to the fear of pain isn't the right thing to do.

5. They don't consider it as Important

People who think it's not really important to get dental treatments should read the American Dental Association's views on Dental Care. Once they read that, they will find out that scientific studies have shown the association of dental issues with other diseases including diabetes and heart problems.

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How Tobacco Adversely Affects Oral Health

Lung cancer is the first thing that comes to mind for most people when they think of the adverse effects of tobacco on the human body. However, all of the common ways that people use tobacco begin with the mouth, and the damage tobacco does to oral health can range from subtle to severe. Cigars, cigarettes, pipes, snuff, dip and chewing tobacco can all contribute to oral disfigurement, damage, and disease. Family dentists can be instrumental in the education of children and youth in the dangers of tobacco use, and cosmetic dentists can provide treatments for and repair damage already present in adults.

Nicotine stains and other discolorations on teeth and dentures, lips, and tongue are obvious but relatively harmless effects of every kind of tobacco use, as is halitosis, or bad breath. Less objectively obvious but more harmful effects of tobacco use are the loss or diminishing of the senses of taste and smell, smoker's palate (a reaction of the mucosal lining of the palate to elevated temperatures), contribution to the formation and advancement of cavities, sinusitis (which can cause pain similar to that of a toothache), and damage to dental implants. Tobacco use can also reduce the success of dental procedures, and contribute to delays in the healing of oral wounds.

The gums suffer more severe direct damage than the teeth in tobacco users. Periodontitis, a group of diseases that affect the tissues that support the teeth, is more prevalent and more severe among tobacco users than among those that have never used tobacco, and the majority of periodontitis patients that do not respond well to common treatment are users, particularly smokers. Smokers experience significantly greater bone loss; Also tooth loss is two to three times higher in smokers than in non-smokers. Users of smokeless tobacco will often experience gingival recession (receding gums), and mucosal lesions.

All tobacco users are at elevated risk of developing oral cancers and pre-cancers. The lungs are considered to be the highest risk site for cancer in smokers, with the larynx and mouth being the next-highest risk site. Oral cancer is the eighth-most common cancer type in men, and can rise as high as the third-most common cancer in some parts of the world.

Nicotine use can suppress the immune and cardiovascular systems, and along with other compounds in tobacco, can lead to chronic inflammation, which can contribute to the risk of cancer. Tobacco use negatively affects the efficacy of drugs and other treatments, and can delay and complicate recovery.

The only effects of tobacco use on oral health are negative. Even diligent dental care and treatment can only delay, and not prevent, potential disfigurement and disease. For chronic tobacco users it becomes a question of not if, but when, treatment becomes necessary.

Family dentists and their staffs have a unique opportunity to educate young people on the dangers of tobacco use to oral and overall health. Cosmetic dentists have a wide range of treatments and techniques available to them for treatment after the fact, but the best treatment will always be prevention.

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The Truth And The Lies About Teeth Whitening

Teeth Whitening

Pollution and weird eating habits are going to get to your teeth and they are going to leave it unhealthy and yellow. Healthy teeth are just a brush away, you can acquire the best of healthy teeth and remove plague with the use of medicated toothpaste, but white teeth are something that requires special attention and special care.

Your smile is your USP, you are going to meet a lot of people for meetings and you will have to smile a lot in order to enamor them and grab a deal; yellow teeth are going to leave embarrassing impression and you will end up losing your deal.

It is the right time you either see a dentist or do something on your own. Home made remedies used to work but in the contemporary world the contaminations have destroyed the properties of the natural items.

Enamel is responsible for the color of our teeth. It follows the concept of reflection and the dentin available in the enamel decides the color of our teeth. If more light is able to pass through the dentin then the color of the teeth is going to appear yellow otherwise white.

People need to work on their enamel and on their dentin, smoothing enamel and strengthening dentin is going to be a healthy decision. It is important for people from around the world to ensure that they are acquiring the best of toothpaste and other whitening materials for improving the conditions of their teeth.

Some people are going to defy the idea of undergoing medical procedures for the whitening of teeth, for all such people identifying the reason of yellowing and eliminating it from the cause is going to be work.

Some of the common reasons why a tooth goes yellow in color can be listed as follows:

  • Excess consumption of soft drinks
  • Incessant consumption of tobacco products
  • Paying no attention to the tooth
  • Consumption of too many antibiotics is also going to impact the health of your teeth and it is going to leave your tooth yellow and decayed.

Root canal happens to be one of the most common procedures. Teeth whitening is a necessity in the contemporary world and people are looking forward to a lot of products for the same.

The industry of tooth care has spread a lot of lies about the teeth whitening and also about tooth care. You need to research and find out the truth in order to have the best of the idea about the methods. You are going to find a lot about it at online dentist websites.

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Home Remedies for Combating Wisdom Teeth Pain

How to Soothe Wisdom Teeth Pain

Wisdom teeth are your third set of molars. They emerge in your late teens or your early twenties. When they come in, though, it often hurts, just like it did when you got your first set of teeth as a baby. You may even have headaches, your gums might swell, or have pain in nearby teeth.

Unless your dentist decides that your wisdom teeth need to be extracted, you'll need a way to cope with your second round of teething pain.

Of course, if your pain is severe, call your dentist right away. Often severe pain is a sign that you are having trouble. The teeth may be impacted or they may be coming in at the wrong angle. In that case, your dentist may need to extract them. For less-severe pain, though, there are a variety of options you can choose for relief.

Ice Packs: When you overdo it at the gym and develop a strain, you apply an ice pack to ease the pain and swelling. You may not have known, though, that you can also use an ice pack to relieve wisdom tooth pain.

Salt Water: This tried and true remedy has another benefit: it kills germs that may cause infection. Dissolve some salt in hot water, and then rinse, just like you do with your mouthwash. You'll feel immediate relief from the swelling and pain.

OTC Pain Relievers: You can also get quick relief by taking over-the-counter pain relievers, such as Advil, Motrin, or Tylenol. Advil and Motrin also relieve the swelling, although they may cause gastrointestinal irritation in sensitive individuals.

Onion Juice: Cut an onion in half. Place it on the inner cheek of your sore tooth. Whenever you feel a twinge of pain, bite into the onion to extract the juice. The juice not only relieves the pain, but it also kills harmful germs.

Whiskey: If you're over 21, try this: Sip a shot of whiskey, but don't swallow it. Just swirl it around in your mouth for a minute or so. You'll feel instant relief. If you drink alcohol, you can swallow it for more pain relief. Just don't overdo it. Overuse of alcohol can cause serious health problems.

Cloves: Another proven home remedy, clove oil also has pain-relieving properties. Either dab your sore gums with the oil, or place a whole clove on the sore tooth. Squeeze the clove to release the oils onto your gums.

If you need more information about how to deal with wisdom tooth pain, call your dentist today.

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In today's society teeth whitening plays an important role when it comes to physical appearance. Just looking at the front covers of magazines you almost never see a person with ugly teeth. This makes or breaks the selling of the magazine. Being exposed to the world of the perfect male and female object people are more aware that healthy teeth play an important role when it comes to physical beauty.

Fortunately we live in an age where there are many safe methods available to whiten our teeth and also retaining them for many years to come. Natural teeth whitening has become one of the popular methods people use to whiten their teeth at home. Let me explain why people choose natural teeth whitening as a whitening method. First we need to take a close look at the other methods people use and what their negative effects are.

Whitening strips are widely used as a teeth whitening method. The ease of use makes this method a popular way for whitening teeth. While whitening strips are harmless to the teeth, they can cause considerable irritation to the gums if used too often. Gums that are exposed to whitening strips for a lengthy period can become very sore and sensitive. When used reasonably, it can greatly improve your appearance.

Another method people use is a bleaching pen. The ingredients in a bleaching pen is actually simple, and is very much the same as with other teeth-whitening products on the market. You will find a combination of sodium hydroxide and hydrogen peroxide makes up the basis of bleaching pens. This will be placed in a glycerine base that makes it easy to flow when applied to your teeth. This method is good for minor yellowish stains caused by drinking coffee and tea.

Another method is using a bleaching gel or better known as a whitening gel. A dentist will match the color of your teeth with the work he does on your teeth. You might find that by using a bleaching gel the colour will start to differ from the colour you originally had before you used the gel. Be aware that bleaching gel can form a reaction with silver fillings and cause the enamel around the fillings turn slightly green.

Laser whitening is another way to whiten teeth. The dentist uses a whitening gel which gets activated by a laser to speed up the colouring process. The advantage of this method is, you will start seeing results within the first session or two. The disadvantage is the high cost to undergo such treatment and the fact that there is no guarantee that it will last for long. Make sure you first determine the cause of discoloring of your teeth before you spend unnecessary amounts of money on this procedure.

From the above discussions we can make our consumption that neither methods can guarantee us whiter teeth without the potential side effects or the high cost involve. The good news is there is a perfect natural way of whitening your teeth by using inexpensive ingredients that can be obtained from your local convenience store. This method isn't just inexpensive but is completely safe to use without causing harm to your teeth. This is why more people choose natural teeth whitening as a method to whiten their teeth at home.

Just to give you an idea of what natural teeth whitening is all about. If you know how the following ingredients can be used to whiten your teeth. Would you be interested in a complete weekly plan that you can follow to achieve the shining smile that you deserve?

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Orthodontist Tips: Different Options For Braces

Working to get a set of perfectly straight teeth? Improving dental health is like committing to a strict beauty regimen. Aside from maintaining dental hygiene, your dentist may offer you some dental solutions that can help you achieve straight teeth and a beautiful smile.

When it comes to addressing crooked or overcrowded teeth, most dentists recommend braces. Dental technology has quite improved in providing better solutions. People can now choose from metal to modern invisible options.

Your Options For Braces

Depending on your lifestyle choices, here are a couple of different options for braces:

Traditional Metal Braces

These are the old style metal type that most people are probably aware of. These days however are much smaller and flatter. Here, teeth and jaw are straightened with metal brackets that are made from quality stainless steel. Length of wear could be up to 2 years and would require regular check-ups during wear. Among the choices, metal type is still the most reliable and the cheapest.

Ceramic Braces

These white braces have similar style to the traditional option. Except that they are made of ceramic materials which are white, making these braces less visible. People can now hide their braces with this less obvious option. Because of the color however, this type needs more attention when it comes to oral hygiene and maintenance.

Lingual Braces

If you do not want people to know that you are wearing braces, orthodontists recommend lingual braces. Made of either ceramic or metal, this teeth correction device is custom-made and is fitted on the tongue side of the teeth. Because this type is harder to install, it requires higher cost. Expect additional discomfort inside your mouth or speech difficulty when wearing lingual braces. But the final outcome would be completely worth it.

Invisalign or Clear Braces

This type is an emerging choice for most people aiming to have straighter teeth. Invisalign offers flexibility and it is virtually invisible. The treatment involves clear plastic aligners which are replaced with a new set every 2 weeks. The pressure from the shape would move your teeth little by little. Over a specific period of time, you will notice improved alignment of your teeth. For minor correction, treatment can last as short as 6 months.

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How Fluoride Keeps Your Teeth Healthy

Fluoride is a common mineral found in several foods, such as milk and eggs. It is essential to oral health. It is so essential that many municipalities pump small amounts of the mineral into their communities' water supply.

Fluoride strengthens tooth enamel, which helps to prevent tooth decay. When acids from sugary or acidic foods attack the enamel, fluoride creates a wall of defense against erosion.

It is especially important for adolescents to have an ample amount of fluoride in their diet. Adolescents' teeth are still developing and need the extra protection to grow stronger enamel. Adolescents also tend to favor sugary snacks and drinks such as candy and soda. Fluoride in their diet helps protect adolescents against such overindulgence. To help provide enough fluoride for their children, parents need to know some important facts about the mineral.

Where Do I Find Fluoride?

Since eggs and milk contain fluoride, you should include plenty of those foods in your teens' meals. If you live in an area served by a public water supply, check to see if your municipality adds fluoride to its water.

You can also purchase fluoride-containing mouthwash and toothpaste for your kids to use. Even if they don't remember to brush as often as they should, the fluoride in their mouthwash and toothpaste can help stave off tooth decay.

If your kids need a little extra help fighting tooth decay, your children's dentist may prescribe extra-strength fluoride products for them to use. Be sure to take them for a regular teeth cleaning twice a year. Most dentists include a topical fluoride application as part of the procedure for patients from six to sixteen.

How Do I Keep My Kids From Getting Too Much Fluoride?

Although the right amount of fluoride is essential to oral health, too much fluoride can cause adverse effects. Keep a close eye on your kids' teeth. If you notice staining, pitting, or a lacy appearance, your child may be getting too much fluoride. Make an appointment with your dentist to have them checked for a condition called "fluorosis."

If children ingest large amounts of fluoride, they may develop diarrhea, nausea, abdominal pain, and vomiting. For this reason, keep fluoride products out of the reach of young children. Teach your older children the importance of not swallowing their toothpaste or mouthwash, regardless of how good it tastes.

For more information about the best ways to use fluoride to maximize oral health for you and your children, contact your child's dentist. If it's been a while since your children had a teeth cleaning and dental checkup, make an appointment with their dentist today.

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