




April 20

Dental Specialty

General Dentist

Years in Dental Industry

20+ years

About Me

Retired Dentist after 45years in practice.Curently lecturing about implants which i practiced for 45 years.Pionered dental implatology in P.R, after been trained by Dr. Roy Bodine who was a pioneer in subperiosteal impants. Trained et University of Puerto Rico in 1965.Trained at N.Y. Polyclinic Hospital unde r Dr. Isaih Lew and at M.I.T. summer program of Prosthetics.Married for 45 years to Mrs. Teresita Jimenez and father of two sons: the oldest is a lawyer who graduated Stone Scholar from Columbia University and practiced law in the law firm of Devebois and Plimtom an died from lymphoma in 2002 and my youngest son graduated from Emory U. and became a neuroradiologyst from Jaksonville Hospital. Fla.

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