4 Simple Tips on How to Maintain Oral Health

4 Simple Tips on How to Maintain Oral Health

Many people forget that routine tooth brushing is not enough for a perfect smile. Oral health depends on many factors like lifestyle, dental hygiene, heredity, attentiveness to your teeth condition, etc. Paying attention to these factors can help you keep a beautiful smile for many years. In this article, we gathered four simple tips on how to maintain oral health.

1. Brush your teeth twice a day

It seems to be an elementary fact, but many people still forget to brush their teeth before going to bed. In this case, plaque and food particles stay in the mouth overnight which increases the risk to get tooth decay. You should know that food debris and plaque become a perfect home for a great number of bacteria. These bacteria multiply and produce acids that eat away your tooth enamel. That’s why it is important not only to brush your teeth in the evening but also avoid foods and sugary drinks wright before going to sleep.

Some people, on the contrary, tend to brush their teeth more often and harder than needed. Such excessive tooth brushing can also have negative effects on the teeth and gums condition. It is important to know that you shouldn’t brush your teeth at least 30 minutes after consuming acidic foods or drinks. The reality is that you can easily scratch your tooth enamel because acids tend to weaken it. Moreover, you shouldn’t brush your teeth with force because you can rub your gums and wear a teeth surface.

2. Use a dental floss every day

Even if you thoroughly brush your teeth twice a day and use mouthwash, it doesn’t guarantee that you removed all plaque and food particles. Despite the fact that only a dentist can completely eliminate debris with the help of professional teeth cleaning, you still need to use dental floss to reduce their amount. 

It is recommended to floss your teeth in the evening, after tooth brushing. Take a piece of floss and thoroughly clean of every space between your teeth. If you have noticed that after flossing your gums start to bleed, it is better to visit your dentist.

3. Regularly visit your dentist

Regular dental checkups are essential for proper oral hygiene. Many people report that they don’t feel when and where tooth decay starts to develop. Moreover, all cavities should be treated as soon as possible in order to prevent serious tooth damage. A dentist can also clear of the tartar that accumulates bacteria.

In addition to this, only a dentist can notice signs of gum disease. This condition can start from minor redness and swelling that will progress into early gingivitis and then into periodontitis. Periodontitis is extremely dangerous because, if left untreated, it can lead to jaw bone destruction and tooth loss. That’s why regular visits to the dentist’s office shouldn’t be skipped.

4. Get rid of harmful habits

Many of us know that smoking and alcohol abuse has negative effects on our health. However, there are a lot of seemingly harmless habits that can also lead to unpleasant consequences. For example, teeth grinding (bruxism) can cause tooth sensitivity and jaw pain. Moreover, in advanced cases, it leads to teeth wear.

Some habits like chewing ice and nibling pencils can lead to tooth fractures and gum injuries due to the hard texture of these objects. Nail-biting is considered one of the most harmful habits because the person transfers bacteria from fingers to his or her mouth. Moreover, by biting your nails, you can damage the gums and this will open access to the bloodstream for bacteria. That’s why you should break all these habits as soon as possible.

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