The best New Year’s resolutions are the ones that bring you a lasting reward, such as caring for your teeth.

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Here are five ways you can improve your dental health for the New Year.

  • Brush and Floss Daily
    You should brush your teeth at least twice a day, which is the best way to prevent tooth decay and gum disease. Flossing at least once a day will help remove plaque buildup between your teeth and gums. It’s crucial to maintain good oral health since mouth diseases can spread throughout your body. If you neglect cleaning your teeth and gums, it can lead to gingivitis and gum disease.
  • Eat Fresh Fruits and Vegetables 
    Fruits and vegetables are a high source of nutrients, antioxidants and fiber, which form the basis of a healthy diet. Not only will fresh produce like apples and carrots clean your teeth and freshen your breath, it will help your immune system fight against bacteria, inflammation and various diseases.
  • Keep Alcohol Use Limited
    The Academy of General Dentistry warns that excessive alcohol use increases the changes of gum recession. Too much alcohol can also lead to addiction and overall poor health.
  • Avoid Tobacco Products
    The dangers of smoking cigarettes are obvious, even without reading the cancer warning label. People who smoke cigarettes not only damage internal organs, they develop horrid looking stained teeth. By staying away from all tobacco products completely you will be protecting your own health as well as others in your circle.
  • Visit Your Dentist Regularly
    Seeing your dentist at least twice a year will help catch dental health issues early. Regular visits amount to record keeping that lets a professional review your dental health progress. These visits will also help prevent problems such as pain, discomfort and expensive treatment.
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  • Good article you have introduced with us. Dental health plays a significant role in how confident you feel.  I have gathered lots of information about a healthy smile. Good oral health can have so many wonderful life-changing benefits.  From greater self-confidence to better luck in careers and relationships, a healthy smile can truly transform your visual appearance, the positivity of your mind-set, as well as improving the health of not only your mouth but your body too. Nice sharing.

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