Once you have a kid, it's normal to want to take up all of the info, advice, and suggestions you can receive! There's a lot to learn about everything from feeding and clothing to sleep routines and feeding habits. However, not everyone is knowledgeable about these topics, and misinformation is often propagated. When it comes to your child's oral health, this is especially true.
In the dentistry industry, there are many myths and misconceptions, and some of the most significant concern infant teeth. Primary teeth, often known as milk teeth or baby teeth, are temporary teeth that will fall out someday, but it doesn’t mean they are unimportant. Here is a list of seven common myths about baby teeth that should be addressed ASAP.
1. Baby teeth aren’t important
Indeed, a permanent tooth will ultimately replace a baby tooth. But baby teeth are crucial because they retain the space for the permanent tooth until it comes in. Your child's last baby teeth will usually fall out when he or she is between the ages of ten and twelve. Too much time has passed since you haven't taken care of your teeth. Furthermore, baby teeth are equally as crucial as permanent teeth since they help your child chew and speak.
2. Cavities occur in soft baby teeth
It is not possible to have "soft teeth". Tooth enamel (the tooth's outer surface) is the strongest tissue in the human body. Tooth decay is caused by a variety of conditions, making it difficult to establish the specific reason. We do know that tooth decay is caused by three factors: bacteria, a bacterium's feed (sugar! ), and a vulnerable host (the tooth).
3. Baby teeth don't require flossing
A flossing routine for baby teeth is essential for removing plaque that a toothbrush can't reach. It can help avoid tooth decay, gum disease, and other oral issues. Baby teeth are essential, thus maintaining them healthy and strong is crucial. As soon as any two teeth contact, begin flossing your baby's teeth once a day.
4. Fluoride toothpaste is dangerous for kids
You should understand that your kid may consume everything that enters their mouth, which may cause you to be concerned about them swallowing the toothpaste. To avoid unnecessary swallowing, use the recommended amount of toothpaste for your child's age and supervise their brushing. Using fluoride toothpaste is critical in preventing cavities from forming on both baby and permanent teeth.
5. Babies don’t need to see a dentist
You may believe that you don't need to see a dentist until all of your child's teeth are in, but the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry (AAPD) advises that you do so much sooner. After the first tooth erupts, or by the age of one, a dental exam should be scheduled. For your baby's milk teeth, an oral checkup is necessary because cavities might form, and your dentist can ensure that teeth are developing appropriately.
6. It's not a huge problem if a baby tooth is knocked out
When a kid loses a baby tooth prematurely, parents are usually not concerned. But don't forget what we stated about how crucial these teeth are? That's why, when a knockdown happens, it's essential to react instantly. While baby teeth aren't usually re-implanted, you should check to see if one is still in your child's mouth, where it might cause choking. Using damp gauze or a clean washcloth, apply pressure to the affected area. Then, contact a pediatric dentistry center as soon as possible.
7. Thumbsuching is completely normal
Up until your child enters kindergarten, thumbsucking can be deemed normal. But you should understand that thumbsucking can create crowding or an overbite by causing your child's first permanent teeth to migrate due to the pressures of thumbsucking. A condition in which the upper jaw is larger than the lower jaw (so top teeth overextend the bottom teeth) is known as an overbite.