Advice For Preventing Tooth Decay

Tooth decay occurs when bacteria that are present in the mouth act on the food that you eat producing acid that eats away at the outer layer of the teeth. This gradual erosion of the outer layer starts to produce a cavity, which if not treated can get larger and deeper, affecting the gums too.

When you start getting cavities, it means that tooth decay has already set in and you will have to go to the dentist to get it treated. Instead, it is best to take measures that can help prevent tooth decay.

Two Best ways to prevent tooth decay

1. Oral Hygiene: Brushing and flossing are the two main aspects of dental hygiene. Brushing your teeth at least twice a day will help get rid of food particles in the mouth, reducing the amount of nutrition available for the bacteria to feed on and produce more acid. However toothbrushes have their limitations in that the bristles cannot always reach all of the places in between the teeth, especially so for the back teeth. This is where flossing works well to do a thorough job of cleaning in the gaps between teeth and drastically reducing the likelihood of cavities forming in these gaps.

2. Regular Dental Checkups: Dentists recommend that every person should get their teeth checked up at least once a year by a qualified dentist. This is because it is difficult for anyone to check their own teeth so we never know whether or not there are any cavities. We only know that we have a cavity when it has reached an advanced stage and starts to pain. At a dental checkup, the dentist will do a thorough checkup of the whole mouth area, including the gums and teeth. This way, any cavities can be identified right in the early stages itself and they can be treated to stop any further damage.

What are the factors that cause tooth decay?

Being aware of the main causes of tooth decay can help you be more careful about what you should and shouldn't do in order to keep teeth decay at bay.

Neglecting to maintain oral hygiene

Weak enamel or crevices that give bacteria easy access to thrive and grow

Eating too much sugary foods, which provide the bacteria with plenty of nutrients to grow

Acidic foods and drinks which tend to erode the outer layer of the teeth, weakening the layer and making it easier for the bacteria to attack it.

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  •  Great advice you have given for preventing tooth decay. Many factors can cause tooth enamel erosion. Factors like drinking excessive soft drinks, dry mouth problem, alcoholism, acid reflux disease, drugs after effects etc. Tooth enamel erosion may leads to cavities, tooth decay, tooth pain, sensitive teeth, and yellowed teeth. . It’s very important that we take care of our teeth and your points have been very helpfully. Tooth decay is best treated by your dentist. Decay can be prevented by brushing twice a day with fluoride toothpaste, flossing teeth once a day, eating a healthy diet and limiting snacking. Drinking fluoridated water also helps prevent tooth decay. Visit your dentist regularly for professional cleanings and an oral examination.

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