Cosmetic dentistry gives an experienced cosmetic dentist the ability to transform any smile from ordinary to extraordinary.Porcelain veneers can be a major component in that transformation. Unfortunately, not every patient who wants porcelain veneers is a good candidate for them. Below you will find what is needed to be a good candidate for porcelain veneers.
Criteria For Porcelain Veneers
-Desire For A Beautiful Smile. when one desires a change, especially one requiring a financial investment, they are usually open to being diligent to maintaining it. If the porcelain veneers are not cared for they will break down overtime. Regular dental examinations, professional cleanings, and excellent homecare are an integral part of keeping your smile transformation.
-Healthy Teeth And Gums. If extensive tooth decay, fractured teeth, or periodontal disease are present, you will not be considered a good candidate for porcelain veneers. A stable platform is needed for porcelain veneers. The mouth needs to be in a healthy, stable state to allow porcelain veneers to be considered an option. You will need a full dental evaluation to assess your dental health. If your mouth is unhealthy, it is best to avoid porcelain veneers due to the high liklihood of failure.
-Alignment Of Teeth. Severely misaligned teeth will cause issues with preparation of teeth for porcelain veneers. Most dentists try to be quite conservative when removing natural tooth structure. If the teeth are too far out of alignment it means more tooth structure will need to be removed to accomodate the spacing. Removing too much tooth structure can lead to tooth sensitivityand even nerve exposure (requiring root canal therapy). For teeth that are severely misaligned, invisalign, 6 month smile, or traditional orthodontics may be needed to bring them into better alignment.
-Sufficient Tooth Enamel Present. Tooth enamel is needed for the porcelain veneers to bond to your teeth. If the tooth is severely worn down or damaged, porcelain veneers will not bond well and may not be a good option for you. In this case a full crown may be a better option.
-Tooth Color. In general, veneers look best when they are thin and translucent. If you have severely stained teeth (developmental dentin staining, tetracycline staining, root canal staining), it is usually best to whiten your teeth prior to veneers. Blockout of color is possible, but doesn’t look as natural.
-Gum Tissue Alignment. Proper gum contours are necessary to proper tooth shaping of veneers. If the gum heights are out of proportion, they will need to be recontoured with a gingivectomy procedure prior to veneer placement.
- Oral Habits: Nail Biting, Teeth Clenching/Grinding (Bruxism). Severe teeth clenchers or teeth grinders are not good candidates for porcelain veneers. Veneers are not able to handle the powerful stresses put forth by grinding and clenching. If a patient only grinds their teeth at night then it is possible to still complete porcelain veneers but only with the use of a night guard at night. Other oral habits such as, biting nails, chewing on pens, opening packages with your teeth, etc. will also cause damage to veneers and may cause them to fail.
Porcelain Veneers Conclusion
Porcelain veneers when done on the right individual can change a persons smile dramatically. It is important to remember that veneers are not right for every situation. Be sure to have a thorough evaluation by your dentist to see if your cosmetic options may include porcelain veneers.
© 2014, Marielaina Perrone DDS. All rights reserved. Henderson Cosmetic Dentist
Such a fantastic article you have given on porcelain veneers. Porcelain veneers can make a huge difference in the appearance of your smile and your entire face. I am also in the same trade since several years and our cosmetic dentists will evaluate your mouth and discuss your expectations for the treatment to ensure that porcelain veneers can help you achieve the improved smile you want while retaining your overall oral health. Our dentists will conduct a full oral exam to determine whether or not porcelain veneers are right for you. If you decide to proceed with the treatment, our team will closely monitor the results to make sure they match your smile improvement goals.