Dental bonding is a cosmetic dental procedure that can fix many cosmetic problems that occur throughout life. The procedure is done in a dental office and doesn’t require painful shots and hours of discomfort.
What Kind of Things Can Dental Bonding Fix?
Bonding for teeth can cover up a multitude of imperfections easily. Some of these include, but are not limited to:
*Chipped or cracked teeth
*Yellow or gray teeth
*Gaps between teeth
*Exposed roots
*Shape of teeth
The Procedure
The dentist will choose a compound that most closely matches the natural color of your other teeth. Once he or she does that, the surface of your tooth is coated with a solution of mild acid. This acid roughens the surface slightly, making it possible for the composite to bond better with your original tooth.
After applying the acid, the dentist will apply the bonding compound. He or she will then shape it so that it matches your other teeth. Once satisfied with the appearance of the composite, the dentist applies UV rays to harden the coating. The dentist then polishes the coating so that it is as close to the shine of your other teeth as possible.
This bonding can last fifteen years or longer if treated appropriately. The great thing about it is that you are not required to invest in any special products or perform any special care routines. Simply brushing and flossing your teeth properly will keep your dental bond looking natural.