You may be the type of person to start your day with a cup of coffee, but there are things you need to know about this habit. While the kick of coffee might help you get out of bed and head to work, it is also ruining your teeth!

Whether you drink your coffee black or with cream, it will leave stains on your teeth over time. However, if you know how to maintain good oral hygiene, you can continue to enjoy your cup of java without worrying about its implications.

The next time you start sipping on your cup of Joe, you may want to consider some of its consequences, since the future of your pearly whites depends on it.

Mentioned ahead are the effects of consuming coffee everyday on your teeth.

       1. Stubborn Stains

Coffee has a reputation for leaving behind the most stubborn of stains. Drop it on your clothes and it could take you a while to get rid of the marks resulting from it. You can rest assured that your teeth aren’t going to be spared either.

Tannins are a type of polyphenol that is found in coffee. They break down in water and cause the color compounds to attach to your teeth enamel, which is permeable. This is why tannins leave behind an ugly brownish-yellow pigment on your teeth.

       2. Bad Breath

Coffee may be tasty and might help you get about your day, but few know that it also causes bad breath. Coffee slows down the production of saliva, which means there is less of it in your mouth. This helps the bacteria to proliferate in your mouth, leading to bad breath.

It helps to chew sugar-free gum or mouth freshener after downing your cuppa as this will encourage the production of saliva.

       3. Bid Adieu to Teeth Enamel

Coffee is known to be an acidic beverage, and consumables that have high levels of acids in them can erode your tooth enamel over time. Drinking coffee regularly can lead to the complete corrosion of the enamel and make your choppers vulnerable to tooth decay and other diseases.

Without the enamel, your teeth will take on a yellowish appearance as their translucency increases. Over time, they will start looking darker and your mouth will look unhealthy.

Looking after Your Teeth

Here are a few dental hygiene tips that coffee lovers can implement every day in order to keep their choppers in the best shape possible.

       1. Follow the 30-Minute-Wait Rule

Upon consuming foods and beverages that are high in acid, like coffee, wine, and lemonade, it is always recommended to wait 30 minutes before brushing your teeth. This is because the acid softens the tooth enamel and by brushing immediately after having coffee, you can corrode not only the enamel but also the dentin which lies beneath it.

By waiting for a minimum of 30 minutes to brush your teeth, you give the enamel time to harden again to safeguard your teeth.

       2. Use Water

You can drink water or rinse your teeth with it to clean them after drinking coffee. Doing so will not only help freshen your mouth but also keep you hydrated. Water also acts as a natural barrier to the acid from the coffee which mixes with your saliva when consumed.

       3. Avoid Sipping

Did you know that sipping your java from a mug can give rise to more staining? It is, therefore, recommended to avoid sipping but drinking your coffee. The faster you drink, the less acid your teeth come into contact with. Makes perfect sense!

       4. Use Straw

Of course, you drink your cold coffee with a straw when you buy one at Starbucks, but you need to do this even when drinking hot coffee. In fact, it is advised to drink coffee with a straw regardless of the temperature it is served at as doing so helps prevent staining of teeth. The straw helps your teeth avoid direct contact with the coffee, which in turn, prevents staining and doesn’t erode the enamel.

       5. Do the Brush-Floss Routine

Nothing beats the brush-floss routine at protecting your oral health, and if you add a good mouthwash into the mix, you’ve got yourself a winning oral-care regimen! Brush your teeth twice a day with a fluoride toothpaste. Use quality dental floss and mouthwash for extra fortification against teeth, gum and mouth diseases. If you don’t know how to floss correctly, ask your dentist to show you.

       6. Choose an Electric Toothbrush

Did you know that studies suggest that a sonic electric toothbrush is more effective at removing dental stains compared to a manual one? The results also reveal that the oscillating or rotating brush is better at stain removal than a manual one.

       7. Visit Your Local Dentist

It is always a good idea to pay regular visits to your friendly neighborhood dentist. The last thing you want to do is travel far and wide with dental troubles weighing you down. If you’re a resident of Chicago, for example, identify an experienced dentist in Chicago and get your teeth checked.

In order to help you get rid of coffee stains, your dentist may suggest getting your teeth professionally whitened or cleaned. Apart from that, he/she will look for signs of gum diseases and other problems, and prescribe treatment plans. He/she will also be the best source of sound advice for looking after your oral health in entirety.


It is said that prevention is better than cure. The above information makes it clear that while teeth whitening procedures and fluoride kinds of toothpaste can help fade coffee stains on teeth, they cannot stop the erosion of the enamel. Further, you can eat all the mints you like, but that won’t help you get rid of bad breath permanently. A healthy combination of limiting your coffee intake and implementing the suggestions mentioned above can be tremendously helpful. Follow these on a daily basis for healthy teeth and mouth.


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