How does diabetes affect on your teeth and gums?

There are many health problems which contribute majorly towards the severity of the other complicated problems that one might face in life. Diabetes is one such illness in which the blood sugar level is said to be unstable. It is a well known fact that this illness if left unattended can affect one’s cardiovascular health and also the nervous system. This itself makes the problem sound so complicated. But, there is much more to it.

Diabetes or the improper level of sugar in the blood can also affect ones dental health. According to expert dentists who have been practicing in Little Rock, diabetes had been found to be a major cause of incurable infections in the gums. It is held responsible for most of the patients suffering with Gingivitis or Periodontitis. The unstable levels of blood glucose, reduce the capacity to fight bacteria and hence allows them to attack the gums, causing infection that lead to the loss of teeth.

It is a well known that a a person suffering with diabetes has to bear with infections for a longer time. They do not get cured soon. Hence, it is the responsibility of the individual to make sure that he takes enough care of his dental health keeping in mind the different risks and the infections that may occur. But, infections do not occur suddenly. There are some minor symptoms which, when looked into at the right time, will help avoid the severity of the disease. These symptoms are:

  1. Bleeding of gums when a patient is flossing or brushing.
  2. Swollen Gums that have turned red, or tender.
  3. Pus oozing from the gums or from between the teeth.
  4. Bad breath.
  5. Loosening of teeth.

When one finds the occurrence of these symptoms frequently, it is time to take care and walk into a dental clinic to avail the required treatment. But, one thing that a diabetic patient needs to keep in mind is that his blood sugar levels should be in control to make sure that the infections in the gums are cured sooner. The dentist and the physician, both should be informed about the two treatments going parallel. They can then work out together and see that none of the medication or treatment affects the other.

Mangan Dental Group - Dr. Steve Mangan
2011 North Van Buren Street, Little Rock, AR 72207
(501) 666-1188

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  • Certainly nice ideas you have highlighted here. One more point adds on this topic. If your blood glucose levels are poorly controlled, you are more likely to develop serious gum disease and lose more teeth than non-diabetics. Like all infections, serious gum disease may be a factor in causing blood sugar to rise and may make diabetes harder to control. First and foremost, control your blood glucose level. Then, take good care of your teeth and gums, along with regular checkups every six months. To control thrush, a fungal infection, maintain good diabetic control, avoid smoking and, if you wear them, remove and clean dentures daily. Good blood glucose control can also help prevent or relieve dry mouth caused by diabetes.
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