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How To Combat Dental Anxiety

Dental anxiety can affect people of all ages. Here are several coping mechanisms to help ease your fears and get you back in the dental chair.

Communicate your concerns to your dentist

Don’t hesitate to communicate your concerns to your dentist. They can take steps to make the process easier. They can explain each step from start to finish, so you know what to expect. They can also recommend techniques to help you relax and feel more comfortable at the appointment.


Don’t be afraid to ask questions. If you understand the procedure, you may feel less anxiety.


Breathing exercises


Deep breathing exercises can relax your mind and help you feel calmer. These exercises can reduce stress during dental appointments.


Close your eyes and slowly inhale through your nose. Hold it for a few seconds, and then slowly exhale through your mouth. Repeat this several times.


Meditation and muscle relaxation


Anxiety can worsen while sitting in the waiting room or once you climb into the dental chair. In this situation, meditation is a simple practice to reduce stress and promote calmness. It involves a state of heightened awareness, focus, and muscle


relaxation that you can achieve anywhere — even at your dentist office. Once you’re seated, close your eyes or fix your eyes on an object, and then allow your body to completely relax. Pay attention to different parts of your body and make a conscious effort to release tension, relaxing your entire body starting with your head down to your feet. You can meditate before and during your appointment to remain calm and focused.


Guided imagery


Another technique involves visualizing happy thoughts while sitting in the dentist chair. Go to your “happy place” and think about funny or positive past memories. Being nostalgic can help you feel happier, which can calm and relax your mind.




Hypnotherapy involves quieting the conscious mind and creating a state of calmness. This guided relaxation practice helps you achieve a trance state, at which point a hypnotherapist uses the power of suggestion to curb your anxiety. It’s important to note that a hypnotherapist cannot make you do anything that you yourself would not want to do.




Having a distraction in the dental office can also relieve anxiety. Talk with your dentist beforehand. See if you can watch TV or a movie during your appointment, or perhaps wear headphones and listen to music.


Bring a friend


The support of a relative or friend might calm your mind. Ask your dentist if someone may accompany you in the exam room. Even if you can’t talk to this person during your appointment, their presence can help you feel safe, comfortable, and relaxed.




This is a type of medication used to relieve pain. You can find these drugs over-the-counter, but they’re also used during dental appointments to provide pain relief and reduce moderate anxiety.


Dentists typically use nitrous oxide, commonly known as laughing gas, which is a colorless and odorless gas you breathe in before or during your procedure. Check with your dental insurance provider to see if they offer coverage for nitrous oxide. Some plans may not cover this benefit.


Anxiety-relieving medication


For moderate anxiety, some dentists may prescribe a short-acting anti-anxiety medication to help lessen anxiety before an appointment. You’ll take the medication at least one hour before your visit.


Conscious sedation


An option for moderate to severe anxiety is conscious sedation. This involves taking an oral sedative a few hours before your dental appointment. This isn’t general anesthesia, so you won’t be asleep during the appointment. You’ll remain conscience and responsive, but in a very relaxed state.


General anesthesia


This involves being fully asleep or unconscious during a dental procedure, and it’s an option for severe dental anxiety.


Keep in mind that dental anesthesia is sometimes administered in a hospital setting by an anesthesiologist. Some dental offices can provide general anesthesia, but only when a dentist has received specialized training.


If you have dental insurance, check with your provider to see if they offer coverage for general anesthesia. Some plans may not cover this benefit.


Symptoms of dental anxiety


How do you know if you have dental anxiety? Some people experience some level of uneasiness before a dental appointment, yet the anxiety doesn’t stop them from keeping appointments.


People living with dental anxiety, on the other hand, can experience distressing symptoms before appointments. For example:


How can dental anxiety affect your oral health?


If you’re anxious about sitting in a dentist’s chair, you might avoid appointments, or allow too much time between scheduled appointments. This can lead to oral health issues.


During regular dental appointments, a dentist can detect cavities and other oral health concerns early. Lack of professional cleanings raises the risk for gum disease and other issues like bleeding gums, loose teeth, and bad breath.


Causes of dental anxiety


Common causes of dental anxiety include:




Dental anxiety can affect children and adults, but you can cope with this anxiety and should keep regular appointments. Speak with your dentist and discuss possible techniques to help you feel relaxed. Watching TV, bringing a friend, and even alternative therapies like hypnosis might calm your nerves, allowing you to get through appointments with less fear.

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Dental emergencies come in many forms, and some situations are more urgent than others. People are often hesitant to call their dentist when they’re experiencing a dental emergency, wondering if the situation truly warrants emergency dental care and if a treatment will be covered by their insurance plan. 

If you’re in severe pain, have a fever, or are experiencing swelling or bleeding that cannot be controlled, don’t delay contacting your dentist or visiting the hospital emergency room. Some problems can be life-threatening. Other problems may be less urgent, but avoiding immediate dental care can cause greater problems down the road. Play it safe and get a proper consultation.


What is a dental emergency?


Dental emergencies as anything “potentially life-threatening and requiring immediate treatment to stop ongoing tissue bleeding or to alleviate severe pain or infection.”


Life-threatening dental emergencies can include:

  • Uncontrolled bleeding – may be from trauma, accident, health condition, or other cause

  • Soft-tissue infections with intraoral or extraoral swelling that potentially compromises the patient’s airway. Be aware that tooth infections can spread into the soft tissues causing swelling without causing pain.

  • Trauma involving facial bones potentially compromises the patient’s airway.

Other dental emergencies may not be life-threatening but will require urgent care. Some of these include:

  • Severe tooth pain from decay and/or dying pulp

  • Third molar/wisdom tooth pain

  • Pain from post-extraction surgery or dry sockets

  • Abscesses or other infections causing pain and localized swelling

  • Objects caught under the gums or between teeth causing pain and/or swelling

  • Tooth chips, fractures, or lost fillings causing pain or trauma to the teeth, soft tissues, or both

  • Trauma to the teeth causing one or more teeth to become loose, displaced, or even lost

  • Orthodontic wires or other dental appliances becoming loose and cutting into the cheeks, gums, or both



What are the causes of dental emergencies?


Oral conditions such as tooth decay, gum disease, TMJ disorders, and large and older fillings contribute to the bulk of dental emergencies. However, multiple situations in daily life may accidentally lead to a dental emergency. Some examples include:

  • Playing contact sports

  • Work-related accidents

  • Car accidents

  • Falls during normal activities or recreational play

  • Eating something hard

  • Improper use of your teeth (e.g. ice chewing; opening bottles, packages, tough nuts; cutting tape; chewing pencils/pens; biting nails

  • Jaw joint pain or locking

The longer that dental issues go untreated, the more likely that they may result in permanent damage to your teeth, or that they may warrant serious and expensive treatments.



How to handle common dental emergencies


Here are some tips on how to handle common dental emergencies:


1. Toothache


A toothache may not necessarily require emergency care. However, toothaches should be taken seriously since they could be an indicator of a bigger issue or lead to greater dental problems if ignored. There can be many sources of tooth pain including dental decay, a cracked tooth, an infected tooth pulp, objects stuck between the teeth, gum disease, sinus infections, and more.

 If you have a toothache, always contact your dentist – they’ll be able to help determine if you need to be seen immediately.
 To deal with the pain of a toothache, try these tips:
  • Floss carefully to remove any trapped food particles wedged between teeth that may be causing pain.

  • Rinse your mouth with warm saltwater. Add 1/2 tsp of salt to 8 oz. of warm water.

  • Take an over-the-counter pain reliever, such as acetaminophen.

  • Do not put aspirin on the sore area, it can burn the tissue.

  • If your face is swollen place a cold compress on your cheek to help reduce pain and swelling. Swelling can mean infection and abscess.

  • If pain persists, make an appointment with Evershine dentist as soon as possible.



2. Tooth trauma


Tooth trauma can happen in multiple ways and can result in chipped teeth, cracked teeth, or teeth that are knocked out of place or even entirely out of the socket. Here are some tips to consider:


Knocked-out tooth


If a child’s primary (baby) tooth gets knocked out, apply pressure to the area if there is bleeding. Then, you should call your child’s dental professional as soon as possible. Don’t try to place a baby tooth back into the socket, as this may damage the permanent tooth growing under the gum.


Here are steps to follow should you have a permanent tooth knocked out:

  1. Locate the tooth immediately, if possible. If you can locate the tooth, you need to hold it by the crown and not the root.

  2. Do not scrub or remove any tissue pieces from the root. Also, do not use soap or chemicals on the tooth or dry the tooth.

  3. Place the tooth back into the socket and hold it in place. The tooth must stay moist at all times. If you can’t place it in the tooth socket, keep it in your mouth next to your cheek. However, if this cannot be done, place the tooth in a clean holder with milk, saliva, or in an emergency tooth preservation solution.

  4. Do not place the tooth in tap water.

  5. See your dentist right away. Within 30 minutes is best, but there is a chance the tooth may be saved even up to an hour after being out of the mouth.



Chipped or broken teeth


Chipped, broken, or cracked teeth are the most common dental injury and most are usually minor. However, it’s important to note that immediate treatment can help prevent infection and may help save the tooth. Here are some tips to follow should you have chipped or cracked teeth:

  • Rinse your mouth with warm water and assess for any rough edges, pain, or temperature sensitivity.

  • If you received a blow to the face, put cold compresses on the area to help reduce swelling.

  • You will need to go to your dental professional’s office as soon as possible. If you can locate the piece of tooth, bring it with you.



3. Bitten or cut tongue, cheek, or lip


If you bite or cut your tongue, cheek, or lip, first, stay calm. There are a lot of blood vessels in the mouth tissues, so even minor wounds may look worse than they are. Wash the area gently and control any bleeding by placing moist gauze or a towel on the injured area and keep firm pressure until the bleeding stops. Then place a cold compress on the area to reduce any swelling. Most injuries in the mouth aren’t serious and heal properly on their own. Keep the area clean to avoid infections. Rinse with salt water or a 1:1 mix of hydrogen peroxide and water several times a day to help things heal quickly.


If the area is bleeding and won’t stop, then contact your doctor or head to the nearest hospital emergency room. Make sure to contact Evershine Dentist or physician if the cut is deep, extends onto the face, or if there is a puncture through the lip or cheek. Also, contact if you see signs of infection, like swelling, redness growing wider around the wound, fever, pus, or the wound remains tender and painful.


If you or your child have orthodontic braces and a loose wire or bracket that is poking or cutting into cheeks or gums, then talk with your orthodontist about how to handle such a situation. We can provide you with some wax and some ways to take care of the problem at home or if you are away on vacation until you can get back into the dental clinic.


 How to prevent dental injuries


Regardless of whether it was eating something hard, playing contact sports, or a fall, engaging in certain activities can increase the chances of harming your pearly smile. Follow these suggestions to help prevent dental injuries:

  • Wear a mouthguard when playing sports or participating in recreational activities (like biking or skating).

  • Always use a seatbelt while driving or riding in a car. Place young children in a car seat.

  • Childproof your home to help prevent falls and other injuries.

  • Schedule regular dental visits for everyone in your family.

  • Avoid chewing on items or hard foods that can crack your teeth like ice, popcorn kernels, and hard candies.

  • Do not use your teeth as tools to rip, tear, or cut things.


What if I have a dental emergency and am not sure what to do?


The first thing you should do is contact Evershine Dental Clinic: we will be able to advise you on what to do. Since you never know when an accident will occur, we recommend reviewing and being familiar with your insurance plan, which will have information about how dental emergencies are covered.


Final thoughts


The most important thing to remember in the case of a dental emergency is that it’s better to take action sooner rather than later to avoid greater problems later on. If it is a severe condition, then you can go to the nearest hospital emergency department. For dental emergencies that are not life-threatening, contact Evershine Dental Clinic as soon as possible so that we will be able to help you resolve the situation on your own or let you know that you should make an appointment.

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