dentist in stamford (5)

Our best dentists in Stamford claim that tooth decay often begins at an early age, making young children particularly susceptible. Nearly half of 2-11-year-olds have experienced tooth decay while 32% of kids between 9 -11 years old display cavities in their permanent teeth. Major contributing factors to this public health problem include baby formula with added sugar and heavily-sugared fruit juices. Even breast milk can cause cavities in baby teeth because of the natural sugars present.

Care for baby teeth should begin as soon as the first tooth appears. At our dental center, we recommend bringing your child in for an exam no later than his or her first birthday. And regular six-month checkups with our best pediatric dentist from then on will put kids on a similar schedule to most adults. We can monitor your child for dental problems while customizing preventive coaching to fit specific conditions.

As a parent, some early steps can help guard your child against tooth decay, even before the first dental visit:

- Your baby’s teeth should always be flushed with water or wiped down with a damp cloth after feeding, especially before they fall asleep. Milk or formula residue left in the mouth can promote decay even in the youngest patients. Untreated cavities can eventually lead to pain and infection.

- Try to wean your child off breastfeeding or bottled milk by age one year. This effort helps avoid decay and minimizes the chance of jaw growth problems from excessive sucking.

- Begin brushing as soon as the first tooth appears. Even a small piece of tooth showing can develop a cavity. Start by brushing with a soft-bristled brush and water, and ask your dentist when it’s ok to begin using a small amount of toothpaste.

- Once your child is old enough to begin brushing on his or her own, continue to monitor their brushing, going back to clean any areas they may have missed.

- Don’t give bottles of sugary drinks or milk before bedtime

- Use a straw with sugary beverages to allow the teeth to have less contact with the liquid.

- Try to limit the overall sugary foods your child eats and drinks.

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Stamford Dental Arts
44 Strawberry Hill Ave, Suite 1,
Stamford, CT 06902
(203) 504-8745
Web Address

Our location on the map: Stamford

Nearby Locations:
Ridgeway | Strawberry Hill | Glenbrook | East Side Of Stamford | Downtown
06905 | 06902 | 06906 | 06901, 06905

Working Hours :
Monday: 2:00 pm - 8:00 pm
Tuesday: 8:00 am - 4:00 pm
Wednesday: 8:00 am - 4:00 pm
Thursday: 8:00 am - 8:00 pm
Friday: 8:00 am - 4:00 pm
Saturday:  CLOSED
Sunday:  CLOSED

Payment: cash, check, credit cards.

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Dr. Modiri and Dr. Moghadam carefully select technologies proven to deliver the finest experience to their patients. This means comfortable procedures and predictable results. A winning formula, you’ll find that contemporary dental care with Stamford dental CT leaves you smiling.

Intra-oral camera

Intra-oral imaging gives you a detailed view of your mouth. Words come to life when you can see what we see.

Visually transferring specific conditions in your mouth to a computer screen brings clarity simply not possible with a traditional mouth mirror. Specialized hand-held wands quickly capture the details of your teeth and gums. In fact, even small cracks that often lead to broken teeth appear vividly, just with the click of a button.

As an added benefit, dental insurance benefits frequently pay easier with the visual proof of a captured image in our records.

Digital X-ray

Digital sensors capture detailed x-ray images with a fraction of the traditional exposure.
Technological advancements in x-ray technology provide multiple benefits, from safety to improved treatment outcomes.

  • Safety – Although traditional dental films require minimal radiation for image development, our digital x-ray system provides unsurpassed safety: up to 90% reduction compared to most older film-based systems.
  • Time Savings – Images captured instantly with a digital sensor lessen the time you spend in the dental chair.
  • Better Outcomes – Improved image clarity increases Dr. Modiri and Dr. Moghadam’s ability to diagnose and treat conditions. Software tools bring detailed magnification and detection tools into focus.

Soft Tissue Laser

Laser technology continues to transform many procedures in healthcare. Once the subject of sci-fi movies, lasers now clearly provide benefits for mainstream treatment in medicine and dentistry. Shorter procedures, less discomfort, and rapid healing comprise just a few of the benefits offered by modern lasers.

The soft tissues of the mouth cover about 30 square inches of surface area, and sometimes require treatment. Annoying lumps or bumps may need removal with unusual patches of tissues submitted for further microscopic analysis. Traditionally, a surgical procedure involving incisions and sutures would be required to produce an acceptable remedy for these situations. Today, a pen-shaped wand allows Dr. Modiri and Dr. Moghadam to remove gently suspicious or bothersome bumps within a couple of minutes. The healing stimulated by laser energy leads to rapid resolution and little to no discomfort, without the need for stitches.

Similarly, gums can be quickly reshaped without bleeding for ultimate appearance and health, and some gum infections treated with rapid resolution afterwards. Even cold sores or mouth ulcers can undergo faster healing when laser energy passes over the surface. Better yet, the days of pain associated with these recurring ulcers can be dramatically decreased immediately. Lasers may also be used with children to help growth and development issues or help wisdom teeth move into place.

A soft tissue laser offers a valuable benefit to many commonly treated conditions in the mouth. Dr. Modiri and Dr. Moghadam’s specific training in laser protocols opens up numerous possibilities using one of modern dentistry’s most versatile tools.

iTero Digital Scanner

The restorations and appliances used to restore and protect your mouth involve high levels of customization.  Traditionally, hours of hand labor in a dental laboratory are invested in these precise products.  With the adoption of more technology into dentistry, digital imaging continues to grow in importance.

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Stamford Dental Arts
44 Strawberry Hill Ave, Suite 1,
Stamford, CT 06902
(203) 504-8745
Web Address

Our location on the map: Stamford

Nearby Locations:
Ridgeway | Strawberry Hill | Glenbrook | East Side Of Stamford | Downtown
06905 | 06902 | 06906 | 06901, 06905

Working Hours :
Monday: 2:00 pm - 8:00 pm
Tuesday: 8:00 am - 4:00 pm
Wednesday: 8:00 am - 4:00 pm
Thursday: 8:00 am - 8:00 pm
Friday: 8:00 am - 4:00 pm
Saturday:  CLOSED
Sunday:  CLOSED

Payment: cash, check, credit cards.

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Treating Broken Tooth
Both children and adults can break, chip or crack a tooth. You may have a collision while playing a sport. You may be involved in a car accident. Maybe you just bit into something too hard. Whatever the cause, you can find relief at our Stamford dentistry center. An expert dentist is ready to give you a thorough examination and then offer a solution to repair your broken tooth and stop your pain. Call today for an examination.

Broken, cracked or chipped teeth are unsightly and sometimes even painful. If you’ve recently broken a tooth, visit your nearby Stamford dentist as soon as possible. The staff at Stamford Dental Arts handle dental emergencies as well as regular checkups. If you wait to have your broken tooth examined, you risk the tooth continuing to crack or worse: causing an infection.

A cracked or broken tooth doesn’t have to be a cause for alarm. Dentists are experts in tooth repair. They can recommend treatment options to get you looking and feeling your best in no time.

Causes and Symptoms of a Broken or Cracked Tooth
You can break or crack a tooth in a variety of ways, including:

- Poor dental health habits
- Untreated cavities
- Blunt force trauma to your mouth
- Teeth grinding
- A misaligned bite

Cracks in your teeth aren’t always visible. They may be too far back in your mouth for you to see, for example. The most common symptoms associated with broken teeth include:

- Sensitivity to hot or cold foods and drinks
- A toothache
- Pain when chewing, especially when eating hard or crunchy foods
- Gums swelling around the tooth
- Swelling in your face

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Stamford Dental Arts
44 Strawberry Hill Ave, Suite 1,
Stamford, CT 06902
(203) 504-8745
Web Address

Our location on the map: Stamford

Nearby Locations:
Ridgeway | Strawberry Hill | Glenbrook | East Side Of Stamford | Downtown
06905 | 06902 | 06906 | 06901, 06905

Working Hours :
Monday: 2:00 pm - 8:00 pm
Tuesday: 8:00 am - 4:00 pm
Wednesday: 8:00 am - 4:00 pm
Thursday: 8:00 am - 8:00 pm
Friday: 8:00 am - 4:00 pm
Saturday:  CLOSED
Sunday:  CLOSED

Payment: cash, check, credit cards.

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Zoom Teeth Whitening in Stamford, CT

What is Zoom Whitening?
After you’ve spent hundreds of dollars on over-the-counter teeth whitening products and are left with little more than a hole in your wallet and a mess in your bathroom, consider professional teeth whitening for safe, guaranteed results.

Your dentists at Stamford Dental Arts treat every kind of dental concern and offer exclusive cosmetic treatments, such as Zoom teeth whitening. The effective system provides you with teeth as white as your sunglasses can bear. Call to schedule your single-office visit.

Zoom whitening is a laser teeth whitening system from Philips that effectively removes all visible stains, leaving you with teeth that are up to 10 shades whiter in about an hour. Having a beautiful smile is the ultimate goal for 80 percent of Americans within the age group of 18 to 49. With Zoom teeth whitening, you get faster results all in the comfortable office of your nearby family dentists at a dental health center, in Stamford, Connecticut.

For most people, the treatment is safe, relatively pain-free, and works to remove stains and discolorations. It’s not advisable, however, for women who are pregnant or breastfeeding to do the Zoom teeth whitening procedure. And while your children may want to experience whiter teeth, it’s best to wait until all their permanent teeth are in place.

Causes of Tooth Discoloration
Certain dental issues like tooth decay attack the enamel of your teeth, revealing the layer underneath, called dentin. This can cause your teeth to look yellow. Periodontal disease and certain medications, such as antibiotics, can also cause yellowing. Trauma that caused a broken tooth may lead to discoloration, as well.

Lifestyle choices and certain food and beverages are major culprits of teeth staining and discoloration. These include:

- Caffeinated beverages such as coffee, tea, and soda
- Red wine
- Certain spices, especially turmeric
- Smoking cigarettes
- Chewing tobacco
- Sauces, like pasta sauce or soy sauce, that contain food coloring
- Pastries that have berries on or in them
- Dark chocolate

As you age, your teeth tend to become more yellow. A final reason for discolored teeth comes from grinding your teeth. This habit can cause pits to form on the teeth where bacteria can survive. The bacteria darken your teeth.

The Teeth Whitening Process
The Zoom teeth whitening process begins following a thorough exam to ensure your teeth are healthy and that no other issues affect the whitening. For example, artificial teeth, such as crowns and those in bridges, do not respond to whitening. Our top-rated dentist, Ali Modiri, DDS, recommends that other dental problems first be addressed before you undergo tooth whitening, which should be the final piece in your smile makeover.

Your dentist cares about your health as well as your appearance. In fact, the most attractive smiles are usually the healthiest, as well. Common dental issues that should be corrected before you undergo successful teeth whitening may include:
- Getting cavities filled
- Treating gum disease
- Straightening crooked teeth
- Eliminating any tooth infections

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Stamford Dental Arts
44 Strawberry Hill Ave, Suite 1,
Stamford, CT 06902
(203) 504-8745
Web Address

Our location on the map: Stamford

Nearby Locations:
Ridgeway | Strawberry Hill | Glenbrook | East Side Of Stamford | Downtown
06905 | 06902 | 06906 | 06901, 06905

Working Hours :
Monday: 2:00 pm - 8:00 pm
Tuesday: 8:00 am - 4:00 pm
Wednesday: 8:00 am - 4:00 pm
Thursday: 8:00 am - 8:00 pm
Friday: 8:00 am - 4:00 pm
Saturday:  CLOSED
Sunday:  CLOSED

Payment: cash, check, credit cards.

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Teeth Cleaning in Stamford, CT

Regular dental visits are an essential part of maintaining good oral health and overall wellness. Keeping your teeth white and clean requires a regular cleaning routine both at home and via a professional dental care provider. We here at Stamford Dental Arts are specialists at dental cleanings in Stamford work with all of our patients to make dental cleanings and exams as convenient, affordable, and painless as possible.

What Is Teeth Cleaning and How It Should Be Performed?
While daily brushing and flossing are vital to maintaining a healthy smile and prevent tooth decay, there’s just no way that you can completely remove all the build-up on your teeth by yourself. Visit your dental care team at Stamford at least twice a year to ensure all the plaque and tartar that build up over the course of time and with normal eating are removed professionally.
Stains also are more easily removed when they haven’t penetrated the top layer of enamel on your teeth. Teeth cleaning is painless, and it offers your dentist a chance to check your teeth and gums for any potential issues so they can be treated before they get worse.

Taking good care of your teeth and gums helps you look your best while preventing potential dental problems. Dental hygiene starts at home with brushing twice a day and flossing daily. This care is reinforced by professional preventative care from your family dentist at Stamford Dental Arts.

Teeth cleaning should be done twice a year by the experts at your nearby dental practice. Good oral hygiene combined with regular dental exams ensures that you maintain a healthy smile and avoid serious issues that lead to more extensive dental treatments.

The Importance of Professional Teeth Cleaning
Even if you’re careful to brush and floss daily, you still need to have your teeth professionally cleaned every six months. Thorough removal of all the substances that may be on your teeth by a trained dental professional is your best defense against tooth decay and gum disease.

Using special scraping tools and advanced cleaning systems, our dental specialists in Stamford carefully and effectively gives your teeth the thorough cleaning and attention they require to remain healthy. The culprits that must be removed professionally and that cause the most damage are:
- Plaque. This is a sticky substance that forms on your teeth and contains a combination of food particles and bacteria.
- Tartar. Also called calculus, this is a hard deposit that develops when plaque isn’t completely removed from teeth.

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Stamford Dental Arts
44 Strawberry Hill Ave, Suite 1,
Stamford, CT 06902
(203) 504-8745
Web Address

Our location on the map: Stamford

Nearby Locations:
Ridgeway | Strawberry Hill | Glenbrook | East Side Of Stamford | Downtown
06905 | 06902 | 06906 | 06901, 06905

Working Hours :
Monday: 2:00 pm - 8:00 pm
Tuesday: 8:00 am - 4:00 pm
Wednesday: 8:00 am - 4:00 pm
Thursday: 8:00 am - 8:00 pm
Friday: 8:00 am - 4:00 pm
Saturday:  CLOSED
Sunday:  CLOSED

Payment: cash, check, credit cards.

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